India, Sri Aurobindo and Narendra Modi

Shreepal Singh, Advocate, Supreme Court

What India is doing today is the laying down of foundation for a further work of the momentus nature. What India is trying to do today is to learn to stand on its own feet. India, being pushed down to its knees by countless punches of hostile forces over the centuries, has been crawling for long. It has unlearnt to stand and speak.

India of today has been hitherto a shadow of its true self. It has the potential in its spirit to bloom to its true self once again but its body is frail. It has to learn to stand on its feet and speak. It is a foundation laying work that is going on in India today.

This work is being done in India by the complex nitty-gritty of private capital, that is, through the road of capitalism and the politics associated with this capitalism. It is not a pleasant way and there is bound to be mass resentment against the well known ills of capitalism – the exploitation by capital of the weak and the dominance of money in politics to make it corrupt.

The fact is that Indian democracy is being run by the people who are by and large uneducated, divided by sentiments of religions and castes, ignorant of their history, ignorant of their spiritual treasure, and its potential for glittering future of humanity.

There is no other way available under this Indian democracy that is run by ignorant masses and oiled by corruppt money. And still India has to awake to its potential and learn to stand on her feet and say to the world what it knows for thousands of years to be true – the truth of everything, the truth of this universe.

Vedas light in prehistoric times, Upanishads’ wisdom for the vigilent seekers, Buddha’s enlightenment for the curious humanity, Mahavira’s Kaivalya for the thristy kings and folk alike, Shankaracharya’s radiant spiritual energy, Kabir’s Divine work for common masses, Nanak’s Divine uttrances, Mira’s devotion to Divine are just some of the parts of its glorious past but India is not yet done in that. India’s future is more glorious than her past. More incredible miracles are yet to come her way from her inexhaustible spiritual treasure and the hostile forces in India and out side India are aware of its danger coming to them. They are mortally afraid of that coming future being unfolded now before their very eyes. It is terrible for them.

The work that is in store for this new India to do is not for India alone. It is not bound by the narrow confines of nationalism and religions. It is for humans as a race and of the unparalleled importance in human history. It is the work of taking a giant step in the human evolutionary course. This human evolutionary course is not to be confused with their biological changes, a la Charles Darwin. It has a different domain. It is not bound to one biological life of a human being. It is beyond one cycle of birth and death. It is in the fashion of below mind, with mind and above mind.

It is about the immortal life and the acquisition of its awareness by humans. It is about myriad planes of consciousness – above and beyond our mental consciousness. Almost all humanity, except a tiny minority of human beings scattered all around the world, is ignorant of them. It is much like monkeys not knowing the existence of electromeganetic radio waves – but they exist. We do not know there are planes of consciousness above and beyond our mental consciousness – but they exist.

This all has been taught by Sri Aurobindo. It is making every human being on earth like a Buddha. It is like transforming the race of ignorant human beings into the race of enlightened humans as Buddha was. All this looks bizzare to mind but Sri Aurobindo says, “The assertion of a higher than the mental life is the whole foundation of Indian philosophy and its acquisition and organization is the veritable object served by the methods of Yoga. Mind is not the last term of evolution, not an ultimate aim, but, like body, an instrument.”

It is a science – no less than the science of Quantum Mechanics. But the history of our ignorance has pushed this science to an obscure corner of much maligned mysticism.

The time has come for the enlightened humanity to take this subject out of that mysticism and put it at the revered place of the science of life. This branch of knowledge is more important in its utility to humans than all the sciences put togather.

Sri Aurobindo says, “The average human being even now is in his inward existence as crude and undeveloped as was the bygone primitive man in his outward life. … The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us – intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire-self, the heart, the body – has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and natural formation independent of the rest … We find that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. … But as soon as we go deep within ourselves …. we find ourselves subjectively … surrounded by a whole complex world which we have to know and to conquer. … We find that inwardly too, no less than outwardly, we are not alone in the world.”

There is need to make the study of this knowledge mainstream. It will bring a change in the consciousness of humanity at the global level. It needs to be made a global movement. Its significance for humanity is unthinkable!

How can it be done? It has to pass through two phases. The first phase is to acomplish reasonable prosperity for people in general in a country – but this prosperity is not a life of luxary; it is providing for their material needs in a reasonable manner and for all. This providing for material needs can be achieved by a country by walking through the economic road either of socialism or capitalism or a mixure of the two, or any better economic amalgam.

Many countries in the world are still struggling to achieve this requirement and many have already achieved it. This is the first phase. The second phase is to make people realize that it is good for them to tame and control their desires for material objects and that it is better for them to be aware of consciousness of their mind and vital cravings, and raise its level from lower to higher. It is promoting the better individual values and training the society; it is the education work.

The countries that have already completed the first phase now need to commence this work. Otherwise too, this work is urgently needed by our world to avoid the probability of man-made planetory catestrophe brought by low level of human cravings and desires.

To make the world aware of this work of momentus significance, what India needs to do is to make the study of Sri Aurobindo a part of its educational cariculam. It is necessary for bringing a sense for international community into the work that India is doing today.

Without having that sense, the present work of India in the eyes of the world community is nothing but an absurd and egoistic Hindu nationalism. India, as proved by its long history, is not meant to glue herself to petty sentiments anchored to geographical limits or religious prejudices.

Her destiny lies beyond the pulls of such human ignorance. Her field is mastery over the science of human consciousness. Her path is to ascend to higher domains of that consciousness that are today beyond the reach of ordinary humans, and to help world community to rise togather as one race towards those higher realms that are a great mystery today, and make them a part of our daily life.

It is beyond belief. It is incredible. It is beyond the pale of our mind and its logic. But incredible things do happen in our world and our mind is not the sole repository of truth. The universe doesn’t move by logic but we search logic in its movement, and when we find one we change our judgment. We go on changing our judgments; it is our history.

The humanity is at a cross-roads of their destiny. They are governed by mental faculty and with the advent of Artificial Intelligence they have been outsmart by the technology that is fabricated by their mind.

They are confused, awed and bewildered lot today. They have no inkling of coming soon their future at the hands of Artificial Intelligence, genetic engineering and a host of such things, the very technologies that they have created. In the face of such awkward situation, their mind has concluded for them to enjoy and be happy, and they chase happiness in every item available in this material world, being unaware of the fact that the happiness is not in a material item but it exists in a particular state of consciousness.

This mind and its logic chase a goose in wilderness but do not show a path forward. It all is our civilization. This civilization is pervert and it has made our life depraved. But fortunately, nothing in this world is static – everything moves on forward and humans too would move forward. Humans need to move on on their evolutionary course and to change for the better.

The work of new India is more glorious than its past. It is the work of new India, for which the foundation is being laid now under the leadership of Narendra Modi.

And the hostile forces are well aware of the consequences of this work. That is why the tribe of George Soros and his companians within India and outside India are mortally afraid of this coming catastrophe to them. And, that is why Narendra Modi needs to be helped by all right thinking people of India in his work and elected to the power in India in 2024.

Indian Races and Castes: Nepalese, Nagas & Hazaras

  1. Indian Races and Castes: Their Origin
  2. Indian Races & Castes: A Great Mixing-up !
  3. Indian Races & Castes: Nandas of Magadha
  4. Indian Races and Castes: Jats – Around the World
  5. Indian Races and Castes: Nepalese, Nagas & Hazaras

We have pointed out enough in earlier articles that humans had migrated millions of years ago from the place of their origin in Africa’s modern day Botswana to different regions of the world and settled there. These different peoples – or races – expended through invasions from the regions where they had settled down to their nearby people and their territories and then to far away places and peoples. These invading and native peoples had sexual interbreeding gaving birth to their offspings of mixed secondary races. No matter to which “caste” we belong, we all are of the blend of races, who descended from different parents. No one in the world is of a “pure” race or blood and it is not a matter of shame for us because we all homo Sapiens belong to only one branch of the tree of life on earth.

In the field of identifying the people of these races, subraces and their further divisions down the line, a great work has been done by Chandra Chakraberty in his book “The Racial History of India” published in 1922 and let us quote him in this article about the primary race of Mongoloid.

Mongoloid: Says Chakraberty (vide Racial History of India p. 34 -38):

“The Mongoloid is of short stature (1m.1) with sub-brachycephalic head (cephalic index on the Iiving subject 83), thin straight flattened nose, flat face, prominent check bones, epicanthic oblique eyes, a pale yellowish skin, black straight hair and little developad pilous system. The Mongoloid babies have large bluish patches on their sacro lumbar region but they disappear at the age of two or three.

“The Mongoloid developed in Mongolian plateau.
From Mongolia the Mongoloids spread over China, and Japan where the base of the populations is Mongoioid. Mxed with the Australoids, Caspians and Palae-Alpines they have migrated into Americas. They form an important element of the Buriats, dominant factors of Khalkhas and Kalmuks. In the Puranas Mongoloid was known as Hiranya Kasipu, that is yellow man. In the formation of the Nepalese and Assamese Nagas the Mongoloid plays an important role. In the kitchen mittens of Denmark, Mongoloid crania have been found.

“Mongols by the pressure of the Caspians, Alpines and Palae-Alpines have been driven to Northern Scandinavia and they are known as Lapps. In Neotithic period in Valais and Tirol of Switzerland and Morvan in France Mongoloid crania have been observed and they form a minor element in the Swiss population. In Canary Islands, Mongoloid crania are known. In Southern Africa mixed with Negroids, the Mongoloids have formed the Negrito. Though the Mongols number today about three millions and are peace-loving pastoral people due possibly to the pacifist Buddhistic influence, they have not been always so. In thirteenth century they dared to dominate the world and got a good slice of it.

“Mongolia is a rolling arid plateau averaging three and four thousand feet in altitude, ribbed and flanked by mountain ranges. The Mongols longed for a good fertile plain as a grazing ground for their horses and to inherit that good piece of tbe earth. And the earth trembled as the conquering Mongoloid horsemen galloped. The Mongols are a small, sturdy squat men, thickset and strong. The rigorous climate, hot in summer, bitterly cold in winter, creates a hardy people, able to withstand privations and discomforts, but quickly succumb to the enervating influences of sedentary easy life. Owners of vast herds of horses they had unlimited transport at their desposal; breeders of best Bactrian camels they had inexhaustible supplies of building materials, for apart from a few sticks their tents – yourt – are composed of felt made from camel and sheep wool. They had no food supply and clothing problem. For their sheep, horses and camels supplied them not only good transports, but their meat; skin and wool gave them ample food and clothing; and they moved with the army. For their protective equipment the Mongols had an armour of tanned hide in four pieces, composed of overlapping plates which were lacquered to prevent humidity. The shield was only used when on sentry duty. Their weapons comprised a lance, a curved sabre with sharpened point, suitable either for cutting or thirsting, and two kinds of bows, one for shooting from horseback and other for greater precision when on foot. The organization of the army was on a decimal basis. Each Tauman, a division of 10,000 troops, was composed of 10 regiments of 1000 men, and each regiment of 10 squadrons and that again was divided of 10 troops of 10 men.

Jenghis Khan (1162 –1227), the great Mongol, after he had established his overlordship over the nomads of the Mongolian steppes, made his army victorious from the China Sea to the banks of the Dnieper. He led his expedition in China in 1208 and by 1227 he was practically the master of the whole of China where Sung Emperors had held their sway. Leaving his general Mukhuli in control in China, Jenghiz Khan himself returned to Karakorum land and set his plan for an advance towards the west. Here lay the rich and powerful empire of the Shaha of Kkwarizm (Karismian empire) which embraced what is today Turkestan, Iran and northern India.

“Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent, Nur rapidly fell into Mongol hands. Merv, once queen of the world, a centre of learning and a vast agricultural wealth, based on a network of irrigational system, Balkh – on the silk route, the great prosperous Mother of cities, Nishapur, an art centre, Herat – the abode of luxury – fell in rapid succession to the Mongol invaders. In brief space of five months Jenghis had overthrown the mighty Karismian empire. At Bamian, a great Buddhist caravan centre, Jenghis lost his grandson, and he razed the great city to the ground.

“But Shaha’s son Jelaladdin still held out in the south for a time and made a stand on the Indus. But being defeated he jumped into the Indus 20 feet below and crossed to the other side with a number of his followers. The Mongols followed the fugitive, but failing to capture him returned to Ghazni after having ravaged the provinces of Lahore, Peshwar and Malikpur.

“Still Hazara, a Mongol people, live between Ghazni and Kandahar and extend towards Herat. But Jelaladdin returned with the support of Sultan Altamash of Delhi and advanced westward to Tifiis. Ogdai, the son and successor of Jenghis, sent an army of 800,000 men into Khwarizrn and at the sudden approach of the hostIle army Jelaladdin flew into Khurdish mountains where he was murdered by a peasant. The Mongol army then unopposed overran Mesopotamia and destroyed its marvellous system of age long irrigation.

“In the following year (1186) the Mongols invaded Gerogia and Armenia and captured Tiflis. In the spring of 1221 the Mongols had pressed on into South Russia as far as the basin of Donetz.
Everywhere they established a stable military and civil administration. They had an elaborate system of espionage. In 1223 the Mongol generals Sabutai and Chepe were recalled by Jenghiz Khan and they returned by the northern end of the Caspian Sea.

“Schemes of European conquest were suspended owing to the death of Jenghis in 1227. Disputes over the succession retarded further expansion in the west. But in 1239 due to Sabutai’s initiative Central Russia was subdued as far as Moscow. Mongols advanced against Vladimir which at length succumbed. The Mongols then stormed Kiev – the mother of cities. In Jan. 1241 Sahutai camped in the region of Lemberg – Prezemysl. In March 1241 the Mongol army crossed the Vistula at Sandomir and defeated the Polish army and took Cracow and then Breslau.

“In less than a month the Mongols had covered some 400 miles, fought two decisive battles, taken 4 great cities, conquered Poland and and Silesia from the Vistula to the borders of Saxony. Victorious and always advancing the Mongols marched towards Budapest. The whole Hungarian force was arranged on the Danube to resist the Mongols. But in vain. The Mongols crossed the frozen Sajo, at night struck the sleeping Hungarian army; at day break and at midday the Hungarian army ceased to exist, leaving on the battle field 70,000 dead. Budapest was captured on the Christmas day 1241, having crossed the Danube on the ice and Esztergom was taken by storm. While the Mongol generals were conquering countries, one by one, Ogdai had been living a life of ignoble ease and Iicentiousness which ended in his death on December 11-1241, and in the succession contest Mongol generals were summoned to Mongolia.

“On July 1, 1251 Mangu, the eldest son of Tule and nephew of Ogdai was elected Khagan. With impartiality Mongol showed tolerance to the Christians, Mohamedans and Buddhists although Shamanism was recognized as the state religion. Complaints reached Mangu that dessention had broken out in Persia. Mangu sent his brother Hulago to punish the Ismailites or Assassins who were held to be the cause of the disorder. Hulago marched across the snowy mountains against Bagdad to attack the last Abbasid Caliph and his Seljuk protetors.

“On February 15th 1258 Mongols entered into Bagdad and Hulago gave permission to his astronomer Nasiraddin to build an observatory which splendidly furnished with armillary spheres and astrolabes was erected at Maragha. Aleppo was sacked and Damascus surrendered in 1260. Hulago was planning the capture of Jerusalem to restore it to the Christians when the news of Mangu’s death reached him and he returned to Mongolia, leaving Kitboaga in command of the Syrian forces.

“At the assembly of notables (Kuriltai) which was held at Shangtu after the death of Mangu, his brother Kublai Khan was elected Khagan. Wide conquests of the Hung-nu (Huns) and the Mongols made them a mixed people. They not only took wives from the Chinese (Palae-Alpines), but also from the Persians who were mixed Aryans, Mediterraneans and Alpines; they even intermarried with European royal families. Hulagu married a daughter of Michael Palaeologus; Toktu Khan took as his wife Maria, the daughter of Andronicus II and to Nogai Michael betrothed his daughter Irene. The Mongol power established in India by Tamir Leng and Baber is known as Moghul dynasty which lasted for centuries.

Akbar had scanty beard and slightly epicanthic eyes. The Mongol power established in China by Tungus is known as Manchu dynasty. Kipchak Mongol, perhaps a variation of Puranic Hiranya Kasipu was known as the Golden Horde (Hiranya = golden; Kasipu = man). Dait was another important Mongoloid tribe, from which Puranic Daitya has been derived. In Avesta Araxes was called Daitya, for the Dait Mongoloid tribe had settled there (Vendidad: 1.3 )”.

Indian Races and Castes: Their Origin

  1. Indian Races and Castes: Their Origin
  2. Indian Races & Castes: A Great Mixing-up !
  3. Indian Races & Castes: Nandas of Magadha
  4. Indian Races and Castes: Jats – Around the World
  5. Indian Races and Castes: Nepalese, Nagas & Hazaras

In our global community of homo sapiens, which is fully dominated today by ‘Nation States’, the political expediency of a nation state is always pressed upon to claim that its people are of one race. Such claim provides a solid foundation for the unity of a nation and gives the strength to its state. But there is no truth in this claim.

There are races – primary and secondary ones – and all people of any nation are not of one race. They are almost always a hybrid of races, with a different preponderence of this or that race. Though science tells us that all human beings – without exception – belong to only one branch (homo Sapiens) on the tree of life, but over the long period of millions of years this one branch has divided into different races – the primary races and secondary races.

In India many people feel proud in telling that they owe their origin from some great Rishi (Brahmins), or some great warrier (Kshatriya), or some great Vaishya pregenitor, or some Arabic tribe (Muslims), or something like that. They may be right. But the story of this originalty or diversity does not stop here. India is not the only country in the world that makes such claims. There are other peoples also in other countries that make the similar claims. And India is not the “original place” of the origin of mankind. Science tells us that this “original place” is located near a gigantic lake somewhere near the Zambezi river in modern day Botswana in Africa. So, how certain people – the ancestors of today’s “Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vashyas and Shudras” – have come to India? And, what is the identity of their origin? Is it ever possible to trace back the “origin” of these modern people of India?

We all know that African people (Negroid) are not similar to Chinese people (Mongoloid) or Chinese / Africans are not similar to Indians etc. These terms are not used in derogatory terms – all humans are equal in every respect. But they are not similar in their physical appearance and that betrays their difference.

Can we trace back the origin of this difference? It is difficult but not impossible. To proceed in this inquiry, we have to admit a few things first. The first thing is that science does not tell a lie and anthropology is a science. Secondly, in remote past (as even today) human beings have been wandering from one place to another – obviously for many reasons. Thirdly, over this long period of migration and wandering, there has been sexual interbreeding among these wandering people – and the result of this interbreeding has resulted in a “hybrid” of races around the world, including in India.

The entire period of human beings from the time they came down from living on trees to the life of terrestrial walking mammals may be put into five divisions. The first one is the time when they climbed down from trees and started making tools. This happened in the remost past, millions of years ago. The second one is when they migrated from the common place of their orgin to different places on earth and settled there. The third one is when they spread from these inhabiting places into their neighbouring territories and interbred with the other competing groups already living in those nearby areas. The fourth period is when these hybrid people as groups spread outside their dominent areas and raided far away places and settled in those new places. And the last fifth one is the time when the different groups of these hybrid people became civilized, started peaceful commercial and adventurous intercource with each other and became a globalised community; this last phase is continuing in our own times.

The primary activities of humans – in fact of all forms of living beings – are feeding and breeding and all other activities are ancilliary to them, and secondary in nature. The evolutionary journey of humans is nothing but the story of the interaction of their DNA with the environment around them and mixing up together of their different genes through sexual interbreeding resulting into many races, sub-races, hybrid races and sub-hybrid races, which we find around the world today.

Let us talk about the first part of our evolutionary journey.

Wandering humans: We humans are arboreal mammals who have left their arboreal life. Our
ancestors in remote antiquity, while still continuing to live in forests, have been able on the life’s mammalian branch to preserve our jaws, teeth and limbs. In the interglacial period around the world, in different places, there happened an excessive destruction of forests, on which those anthropoids had been living. This forced our those remote ancestors – anthropoids – to come down from trees on the ground and live as apes and change their mode of feeding, and develop the ways to make provision for this feed.

Gradually these anthropoids adapted to the needs of terrestrial life, started making tools and became men. Coming down from trees forced them to develop an erect gait to run on land, and to balance the head, because of which development their brain-case (skull) was enlarged. This gave man his greatest asset – his big brain. And for the development of the brain gestation period was increased. The gestation period of the gibbon is 7 months; of gorilla, chimpanzee and orangtan is about 9 months. The anthropoids menstruate at from 25 to 23 day periods and give suck to their offspings for eight or nine months. They begin to produce young at from 11 to 12 years.

The animal diet would have increased the size of these ground apes’ canine teeth and finally it must resulted in the reduction of their jaw and size of the teeth. As a result of the erect posture, the brain increased in volume. And the ground apes began to use sticks and stones to kill the animals for their food and to break their bones for their marrows.
Thus gradually they began to lose their sharp pointed canines. The Austrics (aboriginals of Australia) have slightly larger canine than the civilized people. Grass appeared at first in ‘Late Eocene’ geological period and spread rapidly. The use of grass and its seeds which are closely allied to modern grains by ground apes which were accustomed to fruit diet caused finally the change of their teeth. A mixed diet gave man his chin.

The identifying details of the second and third periods of this evolutionary journey of mankind may be found in (fossils of) groups of peoples living in specific places, who share their peculiar common physical characterstics. These groups of people are generally labled as races and further sub-divisions of those races. It requires a great amount of labour on one’s part to research for the evidence enabling us to identify these groups of peoples, their peculiar common physical characterstics and the places where they commonly lived. Let us proceed further in this inquiry to find out the descendents of races and sub-races or “Indian Castes” living around the world, which would be covered in the next write-up in this series of articles.

In re: Chandra Shekhar Azad, Yaspal and a Comment by Harsh Vardhan Tripathy

On this website there is a series of articles under the category “Indian revolutionaries”. These articles give the available and authentic information about their revolutionary activities and life stories. This effort is made to fill the gap in the Indian history of struggle for her freedom from the British. This gap is intentionally left blank by the “official” history, which space has been fully occupied by Mahatma Gandhi and his followers who have been ruling this country since 1947.

Every care has been taken in these articles that the information given there is authentic and truthful. After all, all these revolutionaries had decided to give their life for this country and had willingly chosen to suffer pain and death at the hands of the enemy (British) of their country. But the truth about them, whatever it was then, has to be brought fully in the public domain for the posterity.

In this series, there is an article titled “Unsung Hero: Bimal Prasad Jain“. It gives some information about another revolutionary Yashpal. This information is that Yashpal had committed an improper act of sexual relationship with a woman – another revolutionary member of the party “Hindustan Socialist Republican Association”. It was also stated that it was against the party rules to sexually misbehave and that for that reason it was decided by the party to kill Yashpal.

The meeting to kill Yashpal was not held in “Qudsia Bagh, Delhi” as was wrongly written in that article but was held in Cawnpore. Likewise, the name of the woman is “Prakasho” and not the wife of Bhagwati Charan Vohra, which was wrongly given. But both these informations – that is, sexual misconduct by Yashpal with a woman, another revolutionary member of the party, and the decision by the party to kill Yashpal – are substantially correct.

This information was based on the statement of one of the prosecution witnesses (Kailashpati) given before the “Delhi Conspiracy Commission“. It is well-known that the British had constituted this Commission, which was manned by L. S. White (President), Kunwar Sain (Member) and Amir Ali (Member), to try and punish revolutionaries. The proceedings of this Commission are in possession of the author of this piece of writing.

One reader Shri Harsh Vardhan Tripathy (his email is withheld for privacy reason) has made a comment to this “Unsung Hero: Bimal Peasad Jain”, which in view of its public importance needs to be properly replied by us so that the correct record is passed on to the posterity. This comment reads as follows:

“This is so wrong. The wife of Bhagwati Charan Vohra was Durga Bhabi. Yahspal was having an affair with a girl named Prakashwati. They both got married latter. Of this mistake you should do proper research before writing about these personalities.”

We are reproducing below the relevant part of the statement given by PW Kailashpati before the Delhi Conspiracy Commission.

Statement is given at pages 10-12 of the Proceedings of Delhi Conspiracy Commission.

“Statement of PW Kailashpati Asthana son of Hirday Narain aged 24 years caste Kayasth resident of village Muftiganj District Jaunpore on 21 May 1931:

“My real home is in the Azamgarh District. I was arrested in Delhi about the 28th or 29th of October 1930. ….

“I have been connected with the revolutionary movement. My connection began in 1923 or 1924. I was then at Allahabad where I was being educated at Daryaganj high school. …….

“In the first week of August I went to Cawnpore to attend a party meeting which was to be held , I think, on August 3rd. I was unable to go to Cawnpore on the 3rd August so I sent a telegram to postpone the meeting and I went to Cawnpore 2 or 3 days later. The telegram was addressed to the Manager, Cawnpore Watch Company, Chowk Cawnpore . This was the post box address by which letters were sent to Bir Bhadar Tiwari. I do not remember in whose name the telegram was sent. This (Ex. P/28) is the telegram I sent. It is in my writing.

“It was on the 6th or 7th August that I went to Cawnpore to attend the meeting. When I went to Cawnpore I stayed at Daya Shankar Shukla’s house, The meeting was held at the house of Satgur Dayal Awasthi and was attended by B. B. Tiwari, Satgur Dayal Awasthi, Azad (Note: Azad is Chandra Shekhar Azad), Dhanwantri and myself. Dhanwantri went to Cawnpore with me.

“Azad in opening the meeting said that both in the Viceregal train outrage and in the the Lahore rescue plan Yashpal had wasted great deal of the party’s money.

“Azad also said that Bhagwati Charan’s death had been due to Yashpal’s negligence. He also said that Yashpal had abducted Prakasho, which was quite contrary to party’s rules.

“Taking all these things into consideration the meeting decided that Yashpal should be killed. It was also decided at the meeting that a terroristic campaign should be vigourously begun throughout India. By “terroristic campaign” was meant the killing of very high officials, approvers and traitors. At the meeting …….

“It was decided that I should go back to Delhi and send Yashpal to Cawnpore where Azad and B. B. Tiwari would take him to a jungle and kill him. …….

“When we were all in Bhawani Singh’s house it was decided that Chhail Bihari should be sent to the Station in case Yashpal was leaving Delhi by some train and he was to stop him. Chhail Bihari went to the Station but after that I did not meet him again…

“Next day Azad brought Didi to the factory. Afterwards I learnt from Azad that she had been adopted as a sister by Bhagwati Charan and was a member of the party in the Punjab. ……

“Dhanwantri told me that he had met Yashpal but they had not killed him because Yashpal had gone there and spread it about among his friends that the decision of the Central Committee had been arrived at in his absence which was contrary to justice and consequently many members of the party in the Punjab were opposed to the decision of the Central Committee.”

देश भक्तों बनाम देश गद्दारों की कहानी – भारत की जुबानी

श्यामवीर सिंह राठी

शहीद भगत सिंह और बटुकेश्वर दत्त ने अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ बगावत करते हुए दिल्ली की केन्द्रिय असेम्बली मे बम फेंका और पर्चे गिराये, जिनमे लिखा था कि यह “अंग्रेजों के बहरे कानों को सुनाने के लिये” एक आवाज की गई है। भगत सिंह और बटुकेश्वर दत्त पर मुकद्दमा चला। भगत सिंह को फांसी की सजा हुई और वह फांसी चढ गये और बटुकेश्वर दत्त को आजीवन कारावास हुआ और वह सजा काट कर बाहर आ गये। भारत देश आजाद हुआ और खुशियां मनाई गई। ऐसे ही राजगुरू और सुखदेव को फांसी हुई। चन्द्रशेखर आजाद और अनेको देश भक्तों ने गोलिया खाई और दैश पर मर मिटे और तब जाकर भारत आजाद हुआ।

आजादी के बाद भगत सिंह, राजगुरू, सुखदेव, चन्द्रशेखर आजाद और वतन पर मर मिटने वाले ऐसे अनेकों देश भक्तों के परिवार वालो को आजाद भारत की सरकार मे क्या स्थान मिला और जिन्दा बच गये बटुकेश्वर दत्त जैसे लोगो के साथ कैसा सलूक हुआ ? किसी को कुछ नही मिला – बटुकेश्वर दत्त बिहार के अपने गांव मे गरीबी मे रह रहे थे; वे एक बार भगत सिंह की मां से मिलने गये और उनकी गोद मे सिर रख कर बहुत रोये कि क्या ऐसे भारत के लिये ही उन्होने कुर्बानी दी थी। वह बीमार हो कर ऐडियां रगडते हुए बिहार के अपने गांव मे मर गये। यह सिला दिया है भारत के लोगो ने देश भक्तों को!

और देश के गद्दारो को क्या मिला? उन्होने राज किया, मजा किया और आज भी कर रहे हैं। इन गद्दारो की लिस्ट बहुत लम्बी है। एक छोटी सी झलक यह भी देखें।

जनता को नहीं पता है कि भगत सिंह के खिलाफ विरुद्ध गवाही देने वाले दो व्यक्ति कौन थे । जब दिल्ली में भगत सिंह पर अंग्रेजों की अदालत में असेंबली में बम फेंकने का मुकद्दमा चला तो भगत सिंह और उनके साथी बटुकेश्वर दत्त के खिलाफ शोभा सिंह ने गवाही दी थी और दूसरा गवाह था शादी लाल !

दोनों को वतन से की गई इस गद्दारी का अंग्रेजो से इनाम भी मिला। दोनों को न सिर्फ सर की उपाधि दी गई बल्कि और भी कई दूसरे फायदे भी दिये गये थे। शोभा सिंह को दिल्ली में बेशुमार दौलत और करोड़ों के सरकारी निर्माण कार्यों के ठेके दिये गये। आज कनौट प्लेस में सर शोभा सिंह के स्कूल में (जिसे आज माडर्न स्कूल कहा जाता है) दाखिले के लिये कतार लगती है, पर बच्चो को प्रवेश नहीं मिलता है और शादी लाल को बागपत के नजदीक अपार संपत्ति मिली। आज भी श्यामली में शादी लाल के वंशजों के पास चीनी मिल और शराब का कारखाना है।

अपने देश के खिलाफ की गई इस गद्दारी के कारण सर शादीलाल और सर शोभा सिंह भारतीय जनता कि नजरों मे सदा घृणा के पात्र थे और जिन लोगो को इस बात की जानकारी हे उनकी नजरो मे अब तक हैं।

सरकार ने चाहे उन्हे सिर आंखो पर बिठाया हो लेकिन शादी लाल को गांव वालों का ऐसा तिरस्कार झेलना पड़ा था कि उसके मरने पर गांव मे किसी भी दुकानदार ने अपनी दुकान से उन्हे कफन का कपड़ा तक नहीं दिया था। शादी लाल के लड़के उसका कफ़न दिल्ली से खरीद कर लाए थे तब जाकर उसका अंतिम संस्कार हो पाया था।

शोभा सिंह बहुत खुशनसीब रहा। उसे और उसके पिता सुजान सिंह (जिसके नाम पर पंजाब में कोट सुजान सिंह गांव और दिल्ली में सुजान सिंह पार्क है) को राजधानी दिल्ली समेत देश के कई हिस्सों में हजारों एकड़ जमीन मिली और उसने खूब पैसा कमाया।

इसी रास्ते पर आगे बढ कर शोभा सिंह के बेटे खुशवंत सिंह ने शौकिया तौर पर पत्रकारिता शुरु कर दी और बड़ी-बड़ी राजनैतिक और धनी हस्तियों से संबंध बनाना शुरु कर दिया। सर शोभा सिंह के नाम से एक चैरिटबल ट्रस्ट भी बनाया गया जो अस्पतालों और दूसरी जगहों पर धर्मशालाएं आदि बनवाता तथा मैनेज करता है।

आज दिल्ली के कनॉट प्लेस के पास बाराखंबा रोड पर जिस स्कूल को मॉडर्न स्कूल कहते हैं वह शोभा सिंह की जमीन पर ही है और उसे पहले सर शोभा सिंह स्कूल के नाम से जाना जाता था।

खुशवंत सिंह ने अपने संपर्कों का इस्तेमाल कर अपने पिता को एक देशभक्त, दूरद्रष्टा और निर्माता साबित करने की भरसक कोशिश की। खुशवंत सिंह ने खुद को इतिहासकार भी साबित करने की भी कोशिश की और कई ऐतिहासिक घटनाओं की तौड-मरोड कर अपने ढंग से व्याख्या भी की।

खुशवंत सिंह ने भी माना है कि उसका पिता शोभा सिंह 8 अप्रैल 1929 को उस वक्त सेंट्रल असेंबली मे मौजूद था जहां भगत सिंह और उनके साथियों ने धुएं वाला बम फेंका था। बकौल खुशवंत सिह, बाद में शोभा सिंह ने यह गवाही दी, शोभा सिंह 1978 तक जिंदा रहा और दिल्ली की हर छोटे बड़े आयोजन में वह बाकायदा आमंत्रित माननीय अतिथि की हैसियत से जाता रहा था। हालांकि उसे कई जगह अपमानित भी होना पड़ा था, लेकिन उसने या उसके परिवार ने कभी इसकी फिक्र नहीं की।

खुशवंत सिंह का ट्रस्ट हर साल सर शोभा सिंह मेमोरियल लेक्चर भी आयोजित करवाता है जिसमे बड़े-बड़े नेता और लेखक अपने विचार रखने आते हैं और बिना शोभा सिंह की असलियत जाने (य़ा फिर जानबूझ कर अनजान बने हुए) उसकी तस्वीर पर फूल माला चढ़ा आते हैं।

आज़ादी के दीवानो भगत सिंह और अन्य अभियुक्तो के विरुद्ध जिन लोगों ने गवाही दी थी, उनकी कुल संख्या 457 थी। उनमे से शोभा राम गवाह नम्बर 363 थे ; शादी लाल लाहोर हाई कोर्ट के जज थे जिन्होने भगत सिंह को राहत देने से मना कर दिया था; दीवान चन्द फोगाट गवाह नम्बर 200 थे ; और गवाह थे जीवन लाल; नवीन जिंदल की बहन के पति का दादा; और भूपेंद्र सिंह हुड्डा का दादा।

दीवान लालचन्द फोगाट DLF कम्पनी का Founder था और इसने अपनी पहली कालोनी रोहतक में काटी थी। इसकी इकलौती बेटी थी जो कि K.P. Singh को ब्याही और वह मालिक बन गया DLF का । अब K.P. Singh की भी इकलौती बेटी है जो कि कांग्रेस के गुलाम नबी आज़ाद के बेटे सज्जाद नबी आज़ाद के साथ ब्याही गई है । अब वह DLF का मालिक बनेगा।

जीवन लाल मशहूर एटलस साईकल कम्पनी का मालिक था। नवीन जिंदल की बहन के पति के दादा के परिवार वाले आज जिन्दल स्टील मिल चलाते हैं।

हुड्डा को तो आज किसी परिचय की जरुरत नहीं है। हरियाणा के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री रहे हैं और आज कुर्सी जाने से वह इतना तिलमिला रहे हैं। कुछ वर्ष पूर्व की उनसे सम्बन्धित एक घटना का उल्लेख करना जरुरी है। चन्द्रशेखर आजाद के प्रसंशक लोगो ने चन्द्रशेखर आजाद की एक मूर्ती हरियाणा के एक शहर मे लगवाई और उसके अनावरण के लिये भूपेन्द्र सिंह हुडा से अनुरोध किया। हुडा ने यह कहते हुए अनावरण करने से मना कर दिया कि मेरी नजर मे चन्द्रशेखर आजाद एक आतंकवादी था!

क्या यह आजाद भारत के लोगो के लिये जानना जरुरो नही है कि कौन क्या है?

Global Terrorism: The Disease & Cure -1

  1. Gobal Terrorism: The Disease & Cure – 1
  2. Global Terrorism: The Disease & Cure – 2
  3. Global Terrorism: The Disease & Cure – 3

We are in 2021 today. We are walking from this reference point towards our future. How do we visualize our future in 2040? How can we make an inference about this future? How can we be objective in making this inference?

We can infer objectively about our future by making deduction from facts that exist today. On doing so we get a chilling picture of India of 2040 – the picture of a country that on casual look appears to be healthy in 2021 but doomed in 2040. Facts are facts – the objective reality. They are sacred. They demand that they be not tempered with falsehood just to make them look convenient or to cover up our inconvenient position.

Glossing over the objective realities is a sacriledge of truth. With all the honesty at our disposal, we wish to state the reality. We are mindful that often times truth is bitter.

Before we proceed there is a caveat. All humans are equally good or bad but what makes them different from each other is their thoughts. A person may love to kill a human – for whatever reason – and another may love to protect him. It is all because of their different thoughts. It is the ideas and thoughts – whether they be of religious or non-religious kind – that make a person good or bad. The reality is that it is the good or bad thoughts and ideas that grip a human’s mind and make him good or bad; It is not the humans that are good or bad!

Now let’s set out the facts, the facts of which veracity anyone can verify with a little honesty and make deduction about future that awaits this country.

  1. In India Constitution is supreme law – above all religions – and this law rules the country. Nothing that is against the spirit and ethos of this Constitution can be permitted to have a place in India. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution says, “No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law”. In India every citizen has to follow this constitutional injunction in letters and spirit. If a person in his personal conduct violates this injunction, it is a crime against Constitution, which is punishable under the appropriate provisions of Indian Penal Code. It is a crime at the individual level. But if it is done by people as a group, it becomes a more serious crime. No person or a group of persons organized on the basis of religion or ideology has got a right in India under its Constitution to preach, profess, promote or practice that Kafirs – that is, nonbelievers in Islam – are to be converted to Islam and failing which they are to be killed, and their women, children and property are to be looted as “Mal-e-Ganimat”. If any religion, including Islam, preaches so – to convert or kill Kafir humans – then such religion and any person who adheres to that religion has no place in India, unless he renounces that religion. And, Islam and Muslims are doing this since the day Constitution came into force. Article 25 (1) of the Indian Constitution does not entitle a person to the freedom of his such a conscience and the right to profess, practice and propagate of such a religion that calls him to kill “Kafirs”. Article 25 provides this right to have one’s conscience and entitlement to profess etc. one’s religion to all and equally but not to those who seek to violate its clear injunctions by making a call to kill “Kafirs” who are human beings, which call results in its destruction.
  2. We have a nice constitution, which aims to further the universally recognized ideals of humanity and mandates all organs of state to uphold them in action. Laws are enacted by elected Parliament and they are enforced by govt. under the judicial scrutiny of courts, which pass appropriate orders binding on all. The courts are entrusted with the work of ensuring that rule of law works in action on the ground. There are intelligent judges to man  these courts of law and they know very well what the constitution mandates and laws say.
  3. The religion of Islam in its holy book teaches that converting of Kafirs (non-believers in Islam) to Islam and, failing in such conversion, killing them and looting their women, children and property as “Mal-e-Ganimat” is the word of God, and that it is the religious duty of every Muslim to follow this word of God.
  4. This holy book and its such teachings are against the mandates of Constitution. If the rule of law is to prevail, reading of this holy book, its propagation and promotion in India can not be permitted under law. Such teaching is an incitement to commit crimes and and acting on that teaching is a crime, and punishable under more than a dozen of sections of Indian Penal Code. Incidently, it is worth noticing that in the United States of America the political ideology of communism is outlawed. One may compare the teachings of this holy book with the communist teachings and find out which one of the two is grave threat to humanity and deserves to be outlawed by the global community. While communists call for making a drastic economic change in society, and if necessary by force, but never for killing of human beings – in contrast, this holy book calls for killing of “Kafir” human beings, if they are not willing to get converted to Islam “as the command of God.”
  5. The judges of Indian courts are highly intelligent and are well aware that the holy book and its teaching and practice are against the Constitution and laws. But when faced with this question they indulge in legal technicalities – like it is a policy matter within the Parliamentary jurisdiction to decide. They avoid passing a plain order holding such teaching, professing, promoting or acting on it is against the Indian law. One can just go through the well-known Order of a Delhi Metropolitan Magistrate Z. S. Lohat in 1986 and the history of the writ petition in 1985 in the Calcutta High Court challenging the legality of this holy book. Just look at the counter (reply) affidavit filed by the State govt to sense its timidity and the frantic efforts made by the govt at the State as well as at the Central levels to avoid a just and fair judicial decision on this important legal issue. One can very well realize how embarrassed the govt and the courts of law in India feel in dealing with this question.
  6. Similarly Parliament has no will and intention to enact laws declaring such preaching illegal and prohibiting its practice, propagation or promotion by Indian citizens. Govt does not dare to use its organs of power to prohibit such preaching or to close down places where such book is read and such teaching is promoted.
  7. Everywhere in India the count of madrasas is increasing rapidly. These madrasas are educating young Muslim children aged 6-7 years this religious holy book and teaching them that converting or killing Hindu Kafirs and looting of their women, children and property is the command of God. There are colleges and universities in this country that provide specialization in this command of their God. The techniques that are taught in this specialization include telling intentional lies to deceive Kafirs (known in their religious language as Taqia); remaining committed in personal life to this religious command to convert or kill Kafirs but in public life to advocate secularism, democracy, human rights etc.; replacing their national loyalty with the loyalty to foreign Muslim “Ummah” or brotherhood; devising new ways to silently and unsuspectingly work for the day when they will fulfil their God’s command to convert or kill Kafirs.
  8. Muslims are highly religious people. An overwhelming majority of them go to mosques to pray and listen to the preaching by Mulla of this holy book, without any protest from them to the exhortation by Mulla to convert or kill Kafirs. They send their children of very young age to madrasas where converting or killing of Kafirs is openly taught as the word of God. If they ever come to power in India, they will without doubt enforce the teaching of their holy book in this country.
  9. As per the Pew Research Center projected estimates, in India in 2040 there would be Muslims 66.9% and Hindus 30.5%. Muslims would be in the position to make their govt. It is a fact that in whichever country in the world, Muslims are in majority they either have Islamic kingdom or Islamic republic or there is civil war where Muslims are fighting for Sharia law. As of now India is a democracy ruled by the will of the majority people. But as and when Muslims become majority community in this country, India cannot be and will not be an exception to this world-wide political tendency of Islam of making their holy book the supreme law of the land.
  10. Muslims, being in majority in 2040 and being highly religious people, would then want their holy book to be the supreme law of India and an exclusive supremacy of Islam over Hinduism. They would have the right and power under the Indian democracy to abrogate – and would abrogate – the present constitution and make the laws denying this equality to all. There is no reason to doubt that they then would establish in India an exclusive supremacy of Islam over all other religious communities. Then their govt would dictate Hindus to behave and not to object to their religious conversion to Islam and to their religious obligation to so convert them to Islam.
  11. Naturally Hindus would object to such an improper demand of Muslims. Muslims would retaliate back with violence supported by their own govt. It would triger a civil war in India. Military and police being under the Islamic govt would be unable to do anything and many of the soldiers and policemen would find no way but to leave the country in droves to neibouring countries to seek refuge. Powerful people and ministers would fly out of India with their families to safer places. Mayhem of ordinary Hindus would start. A large number of them would be killed and many of them would be converted to Islam. Some of them may manage to get out of the country as refugees to save their life.
  12. It would the death of Indian democracy and Hindu India. India would be declared a Sharia following country. Indian Islam may even fan out of India to threaten the neibouring countries. No Hindu would be left in India and Hinduism in India would be a past history. This is the fate awaiting Hindus of India in 2040.
  13. Can democratic India of 2021 side-step this impending catastrophe? It is possible. But it would need a number of drastic steps. a) Put a full stop to demographic change by taking effective measures to control population; b) Make law allowing citizens to form self defence committees at local levels duly trained by police and equipped with modern weapons of self defence; d) Make law prohibiting in India preaching or teaching of converting or killing Kafirs; making such preaching or teaching a crime punishable by law; e) Sanitize and secure Indian judiciary to be fair but bold to protect Constitution not only against today’s threats but against the future ones also; f) Prohibit religious education of any kind to children below the age of their voting right; g) Change madrasas from a religious teaching place to the place of giving modern education. h) Take tough measures to ensure 100% compliance of these steps without any loopholes.
  14. If India does not have courage to take these steps today, it can never do it in future. These steps must have precedence over all other developmental concerns of the govt. It is difficult to take these steps today but it will be many times more difficult to take them in future. It was easiest to resolve this incompatibility between Indian Constitution and some of its people in November 1949 when article 21 of the Constitution was adopted by India – because at that time those who were not willing to renounce their religious commitment to convert or kill Kafirs had a place to go and fulfil their commitment there. Today it is difficult – because now there is no way for them except to renounce this commitment and become ex-Muslims. There may be some rational people among them who would be happy to bid a goodbye to such an insane call to kill humans but there would be many who would prefer to wage a religious civil war and kill Kafirs in India.
  15. The future of democracy in India hangs only on these steps. If these steps are not taken, then India can see its future written of the wall – and its fate as sealed.

Story of Afghanistan: Resistance to Islamic Invasion

Shreepal Singh, Advocate, Supreme Court

1/2: Story of Afghanistan: Origin of People

2/2: Story of Afghanistan: Resistence to Islamic Invasion

Most of Indians are not aware of the particulars of the Hindu past of modern Afghanistan and how it was converted to Islam by the invading religious Jihad – except having a vague idea that the last Hindu king of Afghanistan was Jaipal. We have Greek sources that inform us in 326 BCE this area was dwelling place of “Assakanoi” – a warlike tribe – who gave Alexander a great headache in his campaign to conquer the world.

But these sources give but scanty information of the culture and way of life of these people. Moreover, most of these Greek authors borrowed their information from those who were part of this campaign of Alexander and for that reason were sympathetic to the Alexandrian view of India and its people that considered them inferior to Alexander in bravery and wisdom. Unfortunately, to the western mind only these Greek sources provide some kind of authenticity about what they say of India and its people. Fortunately, in Panini we find a treasure trove of information about these people who were living in the region that we now call Afghanistan.

Panini had lived about a hundred years earlier than Alexander. At the Panini’s time India was consisted of two parts – one eastern part called “Prachya” and another northern part called “Udichya”. Afghanistan fell in Udichya part of India and was called “Asvakayana”. Even during the Alexander times it continued to be so called. Alexander’s historians transliterated it this Asvakayana as “Assakanoi”. After that period whatever little information we have about this Afghanistan is only through the Buddhist sources – Buddhist kings and emperors ruling that area and foreign Buddhist travelers visiting that area. During Ashoka and Kanishka times it was a flourishing part of their Indian empire. This position of Afghanistan continued until the Islamic Jihad assaulted it.

The story of Islamic invasion of Afghanistan is recorded by those who admired the victory of this Jihad and for that reason it is only a one sided and biased story. Still, one can piece together from these biased chroniclers some information about the Hindu kings who ruled Afghanistan at the time of Islamic invasion and about their brave fight against the invading Islam. Today Afghanistan is an Islamic country and its ex-Hindu inhabitants, forgetful of their glorious past full of unparalleled wisdom of persons like Panini, vainly find misplaced pride in a history and their alleged origin that are entirely concocted story by the victorious Islam.

In India or elsewhere so far no serious effort has been made by anybody to research the history of Hindu rule in Afghanistan. In this direction a valuable contribution was made by Dr. Hemchandra Ray in his ‘The Dynastic History of Northern India’ and by Dr. Ashirbadilal Shrivastava in his ‘The Delhi Sultanate’. Let us have a glimpse of this real history of Afghanistan.

At the time around 628 AD (Mohammad was born in 570 AD and Islam was started by him at the age of 45 in about 615 AD), we find that there were three Hindu kingdoms on the north-western border-land of India. At the birth of Islam, its adherent Arabs were inspired by the teachings of Muhammad and conscious of their new founded unity and strength. Full of religious missionary zeal and in the knowledge of their strength of unity under a Caliph, they were embarking on a career of world conquest. The geopolitical constitution of this area at that time was not divided into separate nations like Pakistan and Afghanistan, as we find it today. These three Hindu kingdoms were the kingdom of Kabul or Kia-pi-shi (Kapisha), kingdom of Zabul (Jabala) or Zabulistan and the kingdom of Sindh.

These three Hindu kingdoms of Udichya or northern part of India were geographically so located that they, among all the Indian powers, were destined to face the first brunt of the Arab aggression and onslaught. The kingdom of Kabul was situated in and comprised the valley of the river Kabul (Sanskrit name Kubha) and extended as far North as the Hindukush (Upari-syena or Paraponissus, as called by Greeks) mountains.

Here a Hindu dynasty, which was known as Shahi (or Turki-Shahi), held sovereignty over the region from about the middle of the fifth century A.D. We find from the travelogue of famous Chinese pilgrim Yuan Chwang (Hiuen Tsiang) that at that time in 630 AD there was an able and wise king of Kshatriya caste who was ruling over this extensive kingdom and this area was more than 4000 li in circuit (Vide On Yuwan Chwang’s Travels in India Tr. by Thomas Watters V. 1 P. 122).

It had included in the East, Laghman (Lamghan), Jalalabad district (Nagarhara), Peshawar, Charsadda and Und on the Indus (Gandhara region); and in the South the territory on both the banks of the river Gomal or ancient Gomati (Varana), the district of Bannu and probably the principality of Ghazna (Hosi-na) also. In the north-east it touched the boundary of Kashmir and in the west that of Iran.

This Kshatriya king belonged to a dynasty founded by Barhatakin (Vide Kitab-ul-Hind of Al Beruni Tr. by Sachau V. II P. 10-15). He had established his authority in the Kabul valley about 630 A.D. (which is at the time of the Yuan Chwang’s visit) on the throne of Kabul. He was powerful enough to bring under his control ten independent principalities, prominent among which were Lagh-man, Jalalabad and Peshawar. The king was a Buddhist and the people were Hindus, Jains and Buddhists. The country was full of Buddhist monasteries. (Vide Thomas Watters V. P. 122-23).

The second Hindu kingdom of Zabul (Jabala) lay south of that of Kabul and just north of modern Baluchistan (Pardayane or Gedrosia, as called by Greeks) and comprised the upper valley of the Baluchistan and comprised of the upper valley of the Helmand (Setumant or Haetumanet) river, which included an extensive territory to the east and west of that valley. Most probably Seistan (Sijistan = Sakasthan), with its capital Zarang, which lay on the lake Zarah, formed part of this kingdom. Its king was a Hindu and borne the title of Shah or Sahay. “In the seventh century A.D. these two kingdoms formed parts of India both politically and culturally being Indian in language, literature and religion, and ruled over by kings who bore Indian names.” (The Classical Age by R. C. Majumdar p. 165)

Then on the authorities of Muslim historians itself we find that Arabs had made several assaults on Afghanistan to conquer and convert it but in their every attempt Arabs had failed in their Islamic Jihadi mission.

We know that by 643 AD the Arabs had conquered and occupied Iran and they had pushed the frontier of their Caliphate to the western boarder of the Hindu kingdoms of Kabul and Zabul. (Vide “The Arabs”, 1948 edition, by Philip K. Hitti at p. 50). They were fired by a resolute ambition to conquer the world and uproot idolatry everywhere they got victory and in the lands neighboring to them. It is very much likely that with their winning spree entering into Iran, which country was bordering Afghanistan, they must have launched an attack on the Kabul territory as early as 643 AD.

It is certain that in 650 AD the Arabs had made a determined attempt to conquer the Kabul valley. In that year Ar-Rabi ibn Ziyad was directed by the Arab general Abdulla bin Amir, governor of Basra, to subdue Seistan, which was then a province of the Hindu kingdom. Seistan or Sijistan which lay to the south-west of the country, now known as Afghanistan, was a province either of Kabul or of Zabul and was administered by an officer of the Indian ruler. Under the direction of the governor of Basra Ar-Rabi appeared before Zarang, the capital of Seistan, which lay on lake Zarah. He met with a fierce resistance from the Hindu force and many Arabs were badly wounded. But he managed to inflict a defeat on the governor of Seistan and to proceed as far as Bust.

However, he could not consolidate his victory and was soon driven out from there by the Hindu forces, and he lost everything he had gained (Vide Kitab Futuh-al-Buldan of Biladuri Tr. by Hitti and Murgotten Part II pp. 141-43). Still, in 653 AD Ibn Amir appointed Abdar Rahmna as the governor of Seistan, though it had yet to be conquered. This Muslim officer occupied a part of Seistan, though not without resistance, and forced a contribution of twenty lakhs of dirhams from the Satrap – the Hindu governor of Seistan. “He went into the temple of the Zur, having an idol of gold with two rubies for eyes, and cut off a hand and took out the rubies. Then he said to the Satrap, “Keep the gold and gems. I only wanted to show you that it had no power to harm or help.”(Vide Biladuri p. 143-50).

After this success Abdar Rahman obtained control over Bust in the Helmand, and proceeded further to Kabul. He was succeeded by Umair. This Umair was driven out by the Hindu king and the country as far as Zarang reverted back to the Hindu rule. In the reign of Muawiya (66I-680 A.D.) Abdar Rahman was again appointed governor of Seistan, and he revived his religious Jihad against Hindu “Kafir” and defeated the king of Kabul and captured the city. He also wrested control of Bust and Rukhkhaj from Zabul.

But he was recalled back from there and after his recall the rulers of Kabul and Zabul again drove away the Arabs from their countries and established the Hindu rule again. Now a new governor was appointed by the Arab Caliph and this new governor again embarked on the Jihad against these Hindu “idolaters”. But he could not succeed in his enterprise and had to conclude a treaty by which a sum of money was paid to him probably in return for a promise not to invade the Indian territories again. In 683 A.D. the people of Kabul broke that agreement and imprisoned Abu Ubaida ibn Ziyad.

Yazid ibn Ziyad, the new substitute governor of Seistan, attempted a retribution against that breach. However in the fight he was defeated and killed in the battle of Junzah and his army was completely routed and put to flight with great slaughter by the Hindu king. The result of this misadventure was that the Arabs once again lost Seistan, and had to pay to the Hindus five lakhs of dirhams as ransom for the release of Abu Ubaida.

But there was no abatement in the Arab zeal for the Jihadi conquest of this northern or Udichya region, and soon after they recovered ground in Seistan. The Hindu ruler of Zabul who offered a valiant resistance to the Arab expansion was killed in a battle. Nevertheless the war continued, for his son refused to give up his struggle against the persistent Islamic invasion.

In 692 A.D. Abdullah, the new governor of Seistan, penetrated into the interior of the country. But there was a fierce resistance to his attempt and this Hindu resistance forced him to bind himself in writing not to raid, burn or lay waste the Ratbil’s country as long as he was the governor. The Caliph Abdal Malik (685 -705 A.D.) did not approve of this treaty and dismissed Abdullah. (Vide Biladuri p. 143-50).

During al-Hajjaj’s governorship of Iraq (696-713 AD) Ubaidullah, who was sent to Seistan, advanced to a mountainous path in the neighborhood of Kabul, but his passage was blocked by the Hindus of the land, and he had to retreat back, leaving his three sons at hostages in the hands of the Hindu king of Kabul. This humiliating treaty caused a split among the Arabs and one of their commanders, named Shuraih, renewed the war.

But he too was badly defeated and killed and his troops had to beat a retreat to Bust, many perishing of thirst and hunger. As a result of this defeat Ubaidullah died of grief. To wipe off this disgrace a very powerful force was raised by Arabs and a special war-cess was levied from Basra and Kufa to equip it.

In 699 A.D. this force was dispatched under Abdur Rahman to take the field against the Hindu king of Kabul. But even Abdur Rahman failed to conquer the Hindu kingdom, and the fiery Hajjaj was now compelled to make peace with the king of Kabul, agreeing not to make war for seven (according to another authority, for nine) years on the condition of being paid a tribute of nine lakhs of dirhams in kind.

Again an unsuccessful atternpt was made in 710 AD to compel the Hindu king of Kabul by force of arms to pay this tribute in coined money. On Hajjaj’s death in 714 AD the king refused to pay the tribute. During the reign of Caliph Sulaiman (715-717 A.D.) the Hindu ruler of Kabul paid no tribute whatever. The Abbasids who replaced the Umayyaid dynasty in 749 AD tried to revive the glory of the Caliphate and to conquer Kabul and Zabul but failed to get success. Caliph al-Mansur (754-775 AD), the second ruler of this dynasty, however conquered Kandhar and made a serious attempt to realize the tribute from Zabul, but although the Arabs had recovered control over ar-Rakhkhaj, they failed to establish their firm hold even on Seistan. (Vide Biladuri Part II, pp 139-55; and Appendix: Note A “The Hindu Kings of Kabul” in Elliot and Dowson Vol II, pp. 401-28).

The Arabs continued making attempts periodically to subdue Kabul and Zabul and to compel their Hindu rulers to pay them tribute, but these attempts did not achieve any great measure of success. Thus the Hindus of Afghanistan defied the arms of the mighty Caliphate for two hundred and twenty years and retained their practical independence inspite of the repeated onslaughts of the conquerors of the world.

After this Arab failure in Afghanistan the Turkic zelots of Chinese roots took over the Islamic Jihadi mission into Afghanistan. This time, the Hindu kings of Afghanistan found without any worthwhile help from the eastern or Prachya part of India, and on their own strength they could not find themselves strong enough to resist the relentless assaults against them.

What the greatest Arabic empire of the medieval world failed to do in Hindu Afghanistan was achieved by the ruler of a petty principality, Yakub ibn Layth, who started his career as a brigand in Seistan and rose to to be the founder of the Saffarid dynasty of Persia and the neighbouring territories that lay to the west and south-west of the Hindu kingdoms of Kabul and Zabul, thanks to the internal dissension among the ruling party in Kabul and the successful use of downright treachery by the invader against his unsuspecting Hindu neighbour.

In 870 AD the Hindu king Lagaturman, destined to be the last Kshatriya ruler of Kabul was overthrown by his Brahman minister, Lallya alias Kallar. However, this Brahman Lallya alias Kallar, though credited by Kalhan (the author of Rajtarangini) as an able and strong king, was not equal to his Kshatriya predecessors in the measure of his bravery and persistence to fight a relentless Jihadi onslaught. He was defeated and driven out of Kabul by Yaqub ibn Layth within a year of his usurpation. We may add here, a same thing had happened about one and a half century ago in Sindh, where a Brahman prime minister named Chach son of Selaij had usurped the kingdom of Alor and Brahmanabad from his Kshatriya master – king Sahasi Rai son of Sahiras Rai. Sahasi Rai was brother of Maharat – a king of Chittor – but issueless. Chach used to live in a temple as a priest but had got a chance to become prime minister of Sahasi Rai and to win over his queen Suhandi Devi. On the death of Sahasi Rai, he got killed with the help of Suhandi Devi all his relatives – potential claimants to the throne – and married his widow. Then he fought against Maharat, the brother of the late king and real claimant to the throne. On his death his son, through Suhandi Devi, Raja Dahar alias Dahir succeeded him. In 711 AD Mohammed bin Kasim, the first Islamic invader of Sindh, attacked this Raja Dahir. Raja Dahir was defeated and killed by the invader. (vide Chachnamah Tr. by Mirza Kalichbeg Ferdunbeg, pp. 25-45). These two usurptions of the kingly power from the hands of Kshatriya rulers have definitely played a role in changing the fate of Hindu India.

During an invasion of the Zabul territory Yaqub sent a message that he would submit to the Hindu king and should be permitted to do him homage along with his troops, for otherwise the latter would disperse and prove dangerous to both of them. Yaqub’s troops “carried their lances concealed behind their horses and wearing coats of mail under their garments. The Almighty made the army of Rusal (Ratbil ?) blind, so that they did not see the lances. When Yaqub drew near Rusal, he bowed his head as if to do homage, but he raised the lance and thrust it into the back of Rusal, so that he died on the spot. His people also fell like lightning upon the enemy, cutting them down with their swords and staining the earth with the blood of the enemies of religion. The infidels, when they saw the head of Rusal upon the point of a spear, took to flight and great bloodshed ensued…. This victory which he achieved was the result of treachery and deception, such as no one had ever committed.” (Vide Jami-ul-Hikayat of Nur-ud-din Muhammad Ufi in Elliot and Dowson, Vol. II, pp. 176-77).

Lallya’s position seems to have become untenable after the above disaster, and he abandoned Kabul and shifted his capital to Udbhand (the modern village of Und) on the right bank of the Indus, 15 miles above Attock in Rawalpindi district. This happened in 870 AD (Vide Elliot and Dowson Vol II, p. 419; and “The Arab Conquest in Central Asia” by M.A.B. Gibb, p. 15), and the Hindu rule ended in Afghanistan once for all. (“Dynastic History of India” by Dr. H. C. Ray Vol I, Chapter II).

Raja Jaipal I was the son of Hitpal and a Brahmin by caste. He was raja of Lahore and reigned over the country extending in length from Sirhind to Lamghan in Afghanistan, and in breadth from the kingdom of Kashmir to Multan in today’s Pakistan.

He was firstly defeated by Sabuktagin, who was the Sultan of Ghazni and there was a great slaughter on his side. Again he was defeated on Monday the 27th November 1001 AD by Subaktagin’s son Sultan Mahmud. On that day 5000 of his troops were killed in the field of battle and Jaipal, along with fifteen of his principal chiefs who were his sons and brethren, was taken prisoner. However, he was afterwards released by Mahmud.

At that time there was a custom among Kshatriya Hindus that if a king was defeated twice by strangers, he became disqualified to rule. It was a humiliation for any Kshatriya king. In view of this custom, Raja Jaipal I felt remorse and he ordered a funeral pile to be prepared for him. He set fire to this funeral pyre with his own hands and died by self immolation. He was the last Hindu king ruling a Hindu Afghanistan. With his defeat the people of this land were converted to Islam. He was succeeded by his son Anandpal. (Vide “The Oriental Biographical Dictionary” by Thomas William Beale P. 129)

When the Hindu king and his army was defeated, what happened to the Hindu population residing there? It is obvious and needs no research. King can kill himself or go to another place – the place for his refuge – as a king. Some of his high ranking officials and army commanders may also shift to that new place along with the king.

But the population and ordinary army men have no such choice and have to stay put there where they belong. After this defeat what happened to them? In obedience to the injunction of the holy book of the victors, they were converted to Islam, and those who refused were killed as Kafirs, and their women and children were made slaves to be used by these victors as “Mal-e-Ganimat”.

This is how these “Asvakas” were converted and given a new appellation of “Usufzais” by the victors – to make them look with an Arabic descent, and new stories of their Arab origin were concocted. It was not the plunder of Hindu Asvaka population, their women and children but the plunder of their Hindu history as well.

Havoc by Social Media in India

Parmanand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

There is no doubt that social media has now become the most powerful form of media.  Audio-visual electronic media is nowhere near the reach of social media. Print media is not even the patch of it. Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter have completely changed the form and the content of the news and views.

However, social media’s reliability is at the lowest ebb. It has become the platform of fake news, malicious propaganda and easy mode of information, disinformation and misinformation. Earlier it was considered that the news must satisfy the five components of Ws (what, when, where, why, and who) and one H i.e., how. If the information does not qualify on the anvil of aforesaid information, it is not considered to be news, but such rigours are a far cry for social media.  

These days a controversy is raging over the commentating tags attached by Twitter on some tweets of some persons. The question is that if the platform is merely an intermediary between the content creators and its intended audiance and to purvey the views and comments of one and all how can it be selective in attaching the tags like ‘manipulative media’? By attaching such tags, the Twitter administration becomes a party, jury and judge at the same time. It has no powers and functions to investigate any tweet and declaring as ‘manipulative’. 

The ideal position is that it must have a policy of uniform application of some mechanism to filter and weed out any objectively decided any and all ‘objectionable’ or ‘offensive’ news or comments of any user. But when it lacks such wherewithal it cannot subjectively attach such tags capriously at its whims and fancy under its sweet judgment. The owners of these social media are doing so for long in India, and particularly in recent months. Recently it has happened in the case of the BJP spokesperson and some of its leaders whose tweets were unilaterally declared to be manipulative.

Twitter is an American company owned by one young man Jack Dorsey and Facebook and WhatsApp are owned by another young American Mark Zuckerberg. These companies have global reach cutting beyond the geographical and linguistic barriers of any country, but they cannot violate the laws of the country, where they operate. These companies cannot refuse to cooperate with the local police and investigating agencies in finding the truth. If they do so, they can be rightly prohibited and prevented from carrying out their operations in the country. It is not a hidden fact that these American gentlemen have their own personal opinions having political overtones about things happening in India. In other words they have an agenda and they are trying to advance that agenda in India under an innocuously looking lable of doing ‘business of providing service flatform’. This cannot be and should not be allowed by the Indian government. This is precisely for this reason that China does not allow Twitter to operate there and has provided Weibo as an alternative to Twitter for its people.

Unfortunately, in India, there is no institutionalised mechanism to regulate social media. There is no gatekeeper to check the contents appearing on these platforms as anybody can post or tweet anything of his or her own volition. This is a highly dangerous practice, which is being allowed in the name of freedom of speech and expression. As a result of it, almost every day the mountains of fake and trash materials including obscene ones are purveyed through social media. An overwhelming number of persons using these platforms do not have even an inkling of the ‘reasonable restrictions’ imposed by the constitutions of some countries. Judging by this behaviour, the step of China banning the operation of foreign media cannot be said to be an unreasonable one. God forbid, if the limit is crossed, India may be compelled to follow in the Chinese footsteps.

Till then India will do well to enact a media council consisting of eminent persons from the law, journalism, and social background with impeccable integrity to look into the complaints against or by the media to regulate it properly. Its decisions should be quick and impartial. Those found to be guilty of violating must be adequately punished so as to deter others from committing improprieties. It should not be like the useless present press Council. Earlier the Press Council of India is disbanded to be replaced with the Media Council and better for the robust freedom of speech and expression.

“The Hindu Way” of Shashi Tharoor – Book Review

By: Parmand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

Writing about Hinduism – or the Hindu way – is not an easy thing for everybody. The Hindu way as reflected in its ancient and authentic texts like Geeta, Ramayana, Upanishads etc. has been well acknowledged by the western intellectual giants as being the highest flight of human mind touching the mystic relmns of this visible creation and what lies beyond that. Argueably, it may not be a thing of everyone’s competence who has a superficial and practical knowledge of this mundane world to write about Hinduism or its ways. Shashi Tharoor certainly falls in this category. One may justifiably say that by writing about the Hindu way, Shashi Tharoor would be writing more about himself and his little knowledge of the subject he is dealing with than about the Hindu way.

‘The Hindu Way’, the new book of Shashi Tharoor, is more or less like a tutology of his previous book, ‘Why I am a Hindu’. It does not shed any new or deeper light on Hinduism. Verily speaking the book disappoints even to a layman. In the first few chapters, one certainly gets the glimpse of almost all the philosophical branches of theistic Shad Darshan and also about atheistic sects like; Charvak, Buddhism and Jainism but in the concluding chapters, he has unfairly fulminated against Hindutva.

Hinduism is a civilisation, not a dogma. There is no such thing as blasphemy in this religion. It allows each believer to stretch his or her imagination to the personal notion of the creative godhead of divinity. It is all-encompassing, and it allows the violence and nonviolence, permits to be teetotaller and a drinker at the same time. It lays emphasis on abstinence (Brahmacharya) but does not lag behind in advocating for sex education as it is in Kamsutra. However, profligacy has not been approved anywhere except in hedonism of Charvak.

In a way, Hinduism looks to be full of so many paradoxes and contradictions that it can be said by an ordinary person of average mental calibre to be nothing but a tangled jungle full of religious chaos. But it does not look so to a wise person, who keeps abrest himself with the modern scientific knowledge. There is a famous example – propounded by none other than by Albert Einstein while explaining his theory of relativity to laymen – that the speed of a train moving on its track at 50 kiliometers per hour ‘is not the absolute speed’ of 50 kilometers per hour; that this speed would be different for the passanger who is travelling in this train, for a person who is flying in an airplane over this trian, for a person who is stationed on Moon and observing this train’s speed through telescope. Einstein said it is correct to say that this trian is moving at the speed of 50 kilometers per hour but it is not correct to say its speed is only – or absolutely – 50 kilometers per hour. Is it not amazing? And, it is scientific. Hindus books of wisdom had said long long ago this modern scientific knowledge in these words: “Satyam Ekam Vipra Bahudha Vadanti (the truth is one, but wise people say it differently)”. It looks from his book that this Hindu truth is beyond the comprehension of Shashi Tharoor.

The writer seems to be right in saying that the name Hinduism itself is an imported one (though there is one contrary opinion too of some Sanskrit scholers saying on the basis of ancient Sanskrit texts that “Hindu” is derived from “Sapt-Sindhu Desh – land of seven waters” – plus one more authentic source of contrary view: “Indica” a Greek book written on India in 315 BCE (!!) by Megashthenese, which word sounds very similar to “Hindi, Hindu, India, Sindhu (=water) etc.) but there is no denying that it is the only religion in the world, which has no founder and provides scope for everybody to follow the religion in any manner whatsoever. It is better and cannot be compared with other main – Abrahmic – religions of the world like; Islam and Christianity, which have been founded on certain dates by certain persons possessing divinity. One would be supported by science in saying that if there is ONE DIVINITY – or one eternal truth or God – this truth or divinity of God by the law of Nature must be opened to search and revelation to all humans equally; it cannot be restricted to only one person or one prophet. This restriction is absurd on the face of it; because, what will you make of it when two prophets make their own exclusive claims of revelation but who contradict each other? Does Shash Tharoor have an idea of this untenable claims to exclusive revelation of God, when he writes about the Hindu way?

However, in Hinduism new ideas and thinking have been piling up from time immemorial. It is the development of Hinduism. Rather it is the purification of Hinduism, which had got polluted with the passage of time and needed restatement of the truth commensurate with new circumstances. This is the reason why Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism etc. all originated from Hinduism (with the same fundamental traits like the importance of personal conduct, belief in rebith, emphasis on self-help etc.) and have integrated and amalgamated with it. None of these Indic faiths lays claim to an exclusive revelation of divinity to itself – or its founder. All these Indic faiths show a path to divinity, which path is out of many paths.

There has hardly been any problem in the harmonious coexistence among them all. Hindu thinks that the other person may be adopting a different method of worship but he or she is also the part of Hinduism. This problem actually came only when the other religions, which have originated outside India and are not so eclectic, started asserting ‘either their way or no way’. But for a person like Tharoor all blames are in store for Hindutva.

In this book, he has taken the liberty to criticise and condemn the Hindus but has not spoken a word about those Christians, who have been engaged in proselytization by adopting all illegal and immoral gimmicks. Similarly, Islam has a history of forcing itself upon Hindus. The writer of the book himself has said that when the marauding army of Tipu Sultan was looting, plundering, raping and killing the Hindu men and women in Kerala, his great grandmother had concealed a good quantity of golden ornaments to an unknown location, which could not be found out later because nobody had any inkling of the place where the gold ornaments were buried.

There is no doubt that while the Christians spread their religion in India by cheating, fraud, deception, chicanery and inducement; the Islam was spread largely by the use of force and fear among the people. Both religions never believed in the coexistence and were always at warpath with other religions. However, Shashi Tharoor has given only those examples which denigrate and denounce Hindus. He has spoken about the demolition of Babri Mosque in Ayodhya but has not uttered a word about those who pulled the temple to erect the Mosque. He has conveniently forgotten the cold-blooded killing of 60 and odd Karsevaks in Godhara but goes on lecturing on the cow vigilantism. It is strange that he is ashamed of the awakening among Hindus but waxes eloquently in favour of such tolerance of Hindus, which bordered on to the timidity and cowardice.

In the last parts of the book, he has betrayed himself to be a pseudo-secular politician. Being the Member of Parliament from the Congress party for two times from Thiruvananthapuram of Kerala, he has not spoken a word about the killings of Hindus in his own state but has jumped and trained his guns against the speeches of Yogi Adityanath and Sadhvi Ritambhara. This is the height of the duplicity. This book is like a newspaper which bears the name of Hindu but, in its content, it is anti-Hindu. The author of the book wants to be given the complete freedom to criticise, lampoon and haul up the practitioners of Hinduism but has no guts to analyse the problems which have been bedevilling the country and why the Hindus have been pushed to the corner, which has left no choice for them but to retaliate in their own way.

Hinduism says that there are many ways to get salvation ‘ekam sad vipra bahudha vadanti’. This is the magnanimity of Hinduism, and it should be protected with full tenacity by all Hindus as it provides space for one and all. The soaring majesty of Hinduism or what Swami Dayanand Saraswati called the real Sanatan Dharma, is that it considers the whole world as its family (Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam). How true are the words of Dr Radhakrishnan, who had said that ‘God is in the world, though God is not the world, and the world is not God; He is more than the creator, He preserves, protects, destroys, remakes and strives continuously, alongside human beings’. The intention of the writer of the book appears more to mock and ridicule the Hinduism than to help readers in knowing about this fascinating religion.

Europian MPs Visit to Shrinagar and Fake Indian Intellectuals

By: Parmanand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

Look at the audacity and the abominable duplicity of some journalists, intellectuals and politicians of our own country, who are opposing the visit of the MPs of the European Union to the Jammu and Kashmir. They are putting forward the most obnoxious, stupid and shameless logic saying that why the foreigners have been allowed by the government to go to the Valley when our own MPs were denied entry in Srinagar? Some of the Indian political leaders like Rahul Gandhi, D Raja ,Ghulam Nabi Azad, Sitaram Yechury and Majid Memon have been spewing venoms, day in and day out against the Indian government after the scrapping of the Articles 370 and 35A, and they were returned from the airport on 24th of August. The reason to deny them the right to visit J & K on that day is not difficult to fathom.

They were going to Srinagar only 20 days after the historic integration of J&K when there was blockade in the valley. It was undoubtedly a right decision on the part of the government to deny them the entry to the valley because their intention of going to Srinagar was known to entire India. They wanted to give grist to the propaganda mill of Pakistan. But here is a question, which they will have to answer and that is: can any Indian politician be so blind with hatred against Modi that he or she will have no hesitation in being treacherous to the country? When the views of these politicians, who are ready to play into the hands of Pakistan is known to everyone, how can they be allowed to go to J&K?

The visit of the EU MPs, therefore, to the J&K must be hailed by all Indians because what they say would have weight in the world and that would be a tight slap on the face of Pakistan and Pakistan-loving journalists and mercenary intellectuals of India. Government of India and our security forces deserve fulsome praise for most effectively handling the law and order situation in J&K in the wake of the abrogation of two articles, which were blots on the Indian constitution and instrument of the denial of fundamental rights to the citizens of India who happened to live J & K.

Shockingly, these politicians, sold-out journalists and foreign-funded greedy intellectuals have even failed to condemn the killings of five Bengali Muslim labourers in Kashmir today. Yes, they were Muslim labourers because they mistakenly thought that terrorists would not touch them as they belonged to their religion. This is the time all Muslims of India must show their solidarity with Modi by taking a vow that they will fight against the Pakistan sponsored terrorists.

The day is not far away when Pakistan itself will be eithet forced by the circumstances to completely transform itself from a religious terrorist state into a modern normal peace- loving state or wiped out from the map of the earth because of its own internal bickering. And the day this rogue state is either transformed or finished, the problem of terrorism in the entire world would be largely defeated. But before that our internal enemies must be exposed, named and shamed and punished.

मातृ-भूमि और मातृ-भाषा: ‘अप्रतिम-भारत’ की जीवन रेखा

लेखक: अज्ञात

इतिहास के प्रकांड पंडित डॉ. रघुबीर प्राय: फ्रांस जाया करते थे। वे सदा फ्रांस के राजवंश के एक परिवार के यहाँ ठहरा करते थे। उस परिवार में एक ग्यारह साल की सुंदर लड़की भी थी। वह भी डॉ. रघुबीर की खूब सेवा करती थी। अंकल-अंकल बोला करती थी।

एक बार डॉ. रघुबीर को भारत से एक लिफाफा प्राप्त हुआ। बच्ची को उत्सुकता हुई। देखें तो भारत की भाषा की लिपि कैसी है। उसने कहा अंकल लिफाफा खोलकर पत्र दिखाएँ। डॉ. रघुबीर ने टालना चाहा। पर बच्ची जिद पर अड़ गई। डॉ. रघुबीर को पत्र दिखाना पड़ा।

पत्र देखते ही बच्ची का मुँह लटक गया अरे यह तो अँगरेजी में लिखा हुआ है। क्या आपके देश की कोई भाषा नहीं है? डॉ. रघुबीर से कुछ कहते नहीं बना। बच्ची उदास होकर चली गई। माँ को सारी बात बताई। दोपहर में हमेशा की तरह सबने साथ साथ खाना तो खाया, पर पहले दिनों की तरह उत्साह चहक महक नहीं थी।

गृहस्वामिनी बोली डॉ. रघुबीर, आगे से आप किसी और जगह रहा करें। जिसकी कोई अपनी भाषा नहीं होती उसे हम, फ्रेंच लोग, बर्बर कहते हैं। ऐसे लोगों से कोई संबंध नहीं रखते।

गृहस्वामिनी ने उन्हें आगे बताया “मेरी माता लोरेन प्रदेश के ड्यूक की कन्या थी। प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के पूर्व वह फ्रेंच भाषी प्रदेश जर्मनी के अधीन था। जर्मन सम्राट ने वहाँ फ्रेंच के माध्यम से शिक्षण बंद करके जर्मन भाषा थोप दी थी।
फलत: प्रदेश का सारा कामकाज एकमात्र जर्मन भाषा में होता था, फ्रेंच के लिए वहाँ कोई स्थान न था। स्वभावत: विद्यालय में भी शिक्षा का माध्यम जर्मन भाषा ही थी। मेरी माँ उस समय ग्यारह वर्ष की थी और सर्वश्रेष्ठ कान्वेंट विद्यालय में पढ़ती थी।

एक बार जर्मन साम्राज्ञी कैथराइन लोरेन का दौरा करती हुई उस विद्यालय का निरीक्षण करने आ पहुँची। मेरी माता अपूर्व सुंदरी होने के साथ साथ अत्यंत कुशाग्र बुद्धि भी थीं। सब ‍बच्चियाँ नए कपड़ों में सजधज कर आई थीं। उन्हें पंक्तिबद्ध खड़ा किया गया था।

बच्चियों के व्यायाम, खेल आदि प्रदर्शन के बाद साम्राज्ञी ने पूछा कि क्या कोई बच्ची जर्मन राष्ट्रगान सुना सकती है?
मेरी माँ को छोड़ वह किसी को याद न था। मेरी माँ ने उसे ऐसे शुद्ध जर्मन उच्चारण के साथ इतने सुंदर ढंग से सुना पाते। साम्राज्ञी ने बच्ची से कुछ इनाम माँगने को कहा। बच्ची चुप रही।

बार बार आग्रह करने पर वह बोली ‘महारानी जी, क्या जो कुछ में माँगू वह आप देंगी?’ साम्राज्ञी ने उत्तेजित होकर कहा ‘बच्ची! मैं साम्राज्ञी हूँ। मेरा वचन कभी झूठा नहीं होता। तुम जो चाहो माँगो।

इस पर मेरी माता ने कहा ‘महारानी जी, यदि आप सचमुच वचन पर दृढ़ हैं तो मेरी केवल एक ही प्रार्थना है कि अब आगे से इस प्रदेश में सारा काम एकमात्र फ्रेंच में हो, जर्मन में नहीं।’

इस सर्वथा अप्रत्याशित माँग को सुनकर साम्राज्ञी पहले तो आश्चर्यकित रह गई, किंतु फिर क्रोध से लाल हो उठीं। वे बोलीं ‘लड़की’ नेपोलियन की सेनाओं ने भी जर्मनी पर कभी ऐसा कठोर प्रहार नहीं किया था, जैसा आज तूने शक्तिशाली जर्मनी साम्राज्य पर किया है।

साम्राज्ञी होने के कारण मेरा वचन झूठा नहीं हो सकता, पर तुम जैसी छोटी सी लड़की ने इतनी बड़ी महारानी को आज पराजय दी है, वह मैं कभी नहीं भूल सकती। जर्मनी ने जो अपने बाहुबल से जीता था, उसे तूने अपनी वाणी मात्र से लौटा लिया। मैं भलीभाँति जानती हूँ कि अब आगे लारेन प्रदेश अधिक दिनों तक जर्मनों के अधीन न रह सकेगा। यह कहकर महारानी अतीव उदास होकर वहाँ से चली गई।

गृहस्वामिनी ने कहा ‘डॉ. रघुबीर, इस घटना से आप समझ सकते हैं कि मैं किस माँ की बेटी हूँ। हम फ्रेंच लोग संसार में सबसे अधिक गौरव अपनी भाषा को देते हैं। क्योंकि हमारे लिए राष्ट्र प्रेम और भाषा प्रेम में कोई अंतर नहीं…।’
हमें अपनी भाषा मिल गई। तो आगे चलकर हमें जर्मनों से स्वतंत्रता भी प्राप्त हो गई। आप समझ रहे हैं ना !

“निज भाषा उन्नति अहै, सब उन्नति को मूल
बिन निज भाषा ज्ञान के,मिटे न हिय की शूल”

भारत मे सती-प्रथा का इतिहास

तेजस अशोक भारती

भारत में सती प्रथा कभी थी ही नहीं। रामायण / महाभारत जैसे ग्रन्थ कौशल्या, कैकेई, सुमित्रा, मंदोदरी, तारा, सत्यवती, अम्बिका, अम्बालिका, कुंती, उत्तरा, दुर्गावती, अहिल्याबाई, लक्ष्मीबाई, आदि जैसी विधवाओं की गाथाओं से भरे हुए हैं लेकिन किसी भी प्राचीन ग्रन्थ में  उनके द्वारा सति हो जाने का कोई उल्लेख नहीं है।

यह प्रथा भारत में इस्लामी आतंकवाद के बाद शुरू हुई थी। ये बात अलग है कि बाद में कुछ लालचियों ने अपने भाइयों की सम्पत्ति को हथियाने के लिए अपनी भाभियों की हत्या इसको प्रथा बनाकर की थी।

इस्लामी अत्याचारियों द्वारा पुरुषों को मारने के बाद उनकी स्त्रियों से दुराचार किया जाता था, इसीलिये स्वाभिमानी हिन्दू स्त्रियों ने अपने पति के हत्यारों के हाथो इज्जत गंवाने के बजाय अपनी जान देना बेहतर समझा था।

भारत में जो लोग इस्लाम का झंडा बुलंद किये घूमते हैं, वो ज्यादातर उन बेबस महिलाओं के ही वंशज हैं जिनके पति की हत्या कर महिला को जबरन हरम में डाल दिया गया था। इनको तो खुद अपने पूर्वजों पर हुए अत्याचार का प्रतिकार करना चाहिए था, लेकिन आज वही वंशज अपने पूर्वजो के हत्यारो की प्रशंसा करने मे लगे हैं। कई तो अपने पूर्वजो को पूर्वज ही नही मानते – चाहे वह माता की ओर से हो या कि पिता की ओर से हो। भारत के हिन्दूऔ पर  मुस्लिमो का आक्रमण और हिन्दूऔ की स्त्रियो को आपस मे बांट कर अपने हरम मे डालना कोई झूठी बात नही, बल्कि इतिहास का एक हिस्सा है। इस बात को झुठलाने से इतिहास बदल नही जाता।

सेकुलर बुद्धिजीवी “सतीप्रथा” को हिन्दू समाज की कुरीति बताते हैं जबकि यह प्राचीन प्रथा थी ही नहीं। रामायण में केवल मेघनाथ की पत्नी सुलोचना का और महाभारत में पांडू की दूसरी पत्नी माद्री के आत्मदाह का प्रसंग है। इन दोनो को भी किसी ने किसी प्रथा के तहत बाध्य नहीं किया था बल्कि पति के वियोंग में उन्होने आत्मदाह किया था। अगर इसे प्रथा भी माना जाए तो यह आर्य संस्कृति का हिस्सा नहीं थी।

चित्तौड़गढ़ के राजा राणा रतन सेन की रानी “महारानी पद्मावती” का जौहर विश्व में भारतीय नारी के स्वाभिमान की सबसे प्रसिद्ध घटना है। ऐय्यास और जालिम राजा अलाउद्दीन खिलजी ने रानी पद्मावती को पाने के लिए चित्तौड़ पर चढ़ाई कर दी थी। राजपूतों ने उसका बहादुरी से सामना किया। हार हो जाने पर रानी पद्मावती एवं सभी स्त्रीयों ने अत्याचारियों के हाथो इज्ज़त गंवाने के बजाय सामूहिक आत्मदाह कर लिया था। जौहर /सती को सर्वाधिक सम्मान इसी घटना के कारण दिया जाता है।

चित्तौड़गढ़ जोकि जौहर (सति) के लिए सर्वाधिक विख्यात है उसकी महारानी कर्णावती ने भी अपने पति राणा सांगा की मृत्यु के समय (1528) में जौहर नहीं किया था, बल्कि राज्य को संभाला था। महारानी कर्णावती ने 7 साल बाद 1535 में बहादुर शाह के हाथो चित्तौड़ की हार होने पर, उससे अपनी इज्ज़त बचाने की खातिर आत्मदाह किया था।

औरंगजेब से जाटों की लड़ाई के समय तो जाट स्त्रियों ने युद्ध में जाने से पहले खुद अपने पति से कहा था कि उनकी गर्दन काटकर जाएँ।

गोंडवाना की रानी दुर्गावती ने भी अपने पति की मृत्यु के बाद 15 बर्षों तक शासन किया था। दुर्गावती को अपने हरम में डालने की खातिर जालिम मुग़ल शासक अकबर ने गोंडवाना पर चढ़ाई कर दी थी। रानी दुर्गावती ने उसका बहादुरी से सामना किया और एक बार मुग़ल सेना को भागने पर मजबूर कर दिया था। दूसरी लड़ाई में जब दुर्गावती की हार हुई तो उसने भी अकबर के हाथ पकडे जाने के बजाय खुद अपने सीने में खंजर मारकर आत्महत्या कर ली थी।

जो स्त्रियाँ अपनी जान देने का साहस नहीं कर सकी उनको मुगलों के हरम में रहना पडा। मुग़ल राजाओं से विधिवत निकाह करने वाली औरतों के बच्चो को शहजादा और हरम की स्त्रियों से पैदा हुए बच्चो को हरामी कहा जाता था और उन सभी को इस्लाम को ही मानना पड़ता था। यह है भारत मे इस्लाम का इतिहास ! जिनके घर की औरते रोज ही इधर-उधर मुंह मारती फिरती हों, उन्हें कभी समझ नहीं आ सकता कि अपने पति के हत्यारों से अपनी इज्ज़त बचाने के लिए कोई स्वाभिमानी महिला आत्मदाह क्यों कर लेती थी।

जिन माता “सती” के नाम पर, पति की खातिर आत्मदाह करने वाली स्त्री को सती कहा जाता है उन माता सती ने भी अपने पति के जीते जी ही आत्मदाह किया था। सती शिव पत्नी “सती” द्वारा अपने पति का अपमान बर्दास्त नहीं करना और इसके लिए अपने पिता के यज्ञ को विध्वंस करने के लिए आत्मदाह करना, पति के प्रति “सती” के समर्पण की पराकाष्ठ माना गया था।

इसीलिये पतिव्रता स्त्री को सती कहा जाता है। जीवित स्त्रियाँ भी सती कहलाई जाती रही है। “सती” का मतलब होता है: अपने पति को पूर्ण समर्पित पतिव्रता स्त्री। सती अनुसूइया, सती सीता, सती सावित्री, इत्यादि दुनिया की सबसे “सुविख्यात सती” हैं और इनमें से किसी ने भी आत्मदाह नही किया था।

हमें गर्व है भारत की उन महान सती स्त्रियों पर जो हर तरह से असहाय हो जाने के बाद, अपने पति के हत्यारों से, अपनी इज्ज़त बचाने की खातिर अपनी जान दे दिया करती थीं।

1947 में भारत विभाजन के समय आज के पाकिस्तान में उस समय बड़े पैमाने पर हिन्दुओं पर भयंकर अत्याचार, हत्याएं, बलात्कार हुए, उस समय भी बहुत से क्षत्रिय परिवारों की महिलाओं और कन्याओं ने मुस्लिम आतंकियों के हाथ में पड़ने के स्थान पर अपने आपको कुओं में कूद कर मरना अधिक श्रेष्ठ माना।

मेरे दादाजी ने दो घटनाओं का वर्णन किया है। इसमें उन्होंने लिखा है कि जब पूरा कुआँ महिलाओं से भर गया तब बाकी बची महिलाएं अपने भाइयों और पति देवर आदि से विनती करती है कि उनकी गर्दन काट कर ही आप जिहादी भीड़ का सामना करें। इन दर्दनाक घटनाऔ का आंखो – देखा वर्णन लाहोर के एक प्रोफेसर ने अपनी 1950 मे छपी इस पुस्तक मे किया है (यह पुस्तक अंग्रेजी मे है):

पुस्तक के लिये यहां क्लिक करें:

Oaths and Promises “Meant” to be Broken: Lessons of History

Shreepal Singh, Advocate, Supreme Court

What is the utility of repeating now the 70 years old accounts – eye witness accounts – that had happened when India was partitioned into Islamic Pakistan and Secular India? What is its use? It is desirable that in India there should be maintained communal harmony among its diverse people. It is better to let the bygone be bygone. It is better to let the old hatch remain buried. It is better that the old painful events are not repeated. It is always better that peace and goodwill among different communities are established, and once established are allowed to continue. It is better this way. There should not be any doubt about it.

But it is still better than the above desirable things that one should not be cheated; that one should know the truth and be watchful; that one should learn from the history and not repeat the mistakes that were once committed in the past; that one should be found well-prepared to meet the bad eventuality and not found off the guard if – and when – that bad eventuality comes once again face to face. It is still better. And, there should not any doubt about it that one should not be found wanting in this respect once again. To commit the mistake for the first time is quite normal – though the wise minimize its occurrence; but to commit mistake again is stupidity; and, to commit mistake again and again is to commit suicide. It applies equally to individuals and nations both.

It is but natural in this world that people and communities may quarrel and fight, and may make compromises and reconciliation to make peace. It is but natural that these warring communities and their leaders may establish peace and understanding among the antagonists may offer proposals, may make promises, may bound themselves under solemn oaths. It is natural and good thing to be sincere and man of conscience.

Oaths and promises are sacred things. But they are sacred things under a commonsense only. What would you do when for some people binding themselves with solemn oaths and promises becomes a well-calculated strategy meant to be broken at the opportune time and to extricate them out of the difficult situation? What would you do to tackle this strategy? What would you do to foil the plan of the antagonist to cheat and lull its rival?

This is where the utility of history lies. This is where it become desirable to narrate old painful events. It is where it is still better to be on the guard and not to be caught off the guard. It is where the mistakes of the past must not be allowed to happen.

recent example of this strategy of cheating by knowingly telling lies practiced by a nation through its leader is found in the case of General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan. After the attack on United States’ World Trade Center by terrorists having link to Pakistan, the U. S. President Bush threatened Pakistan: “In our war against terrorism, either you are with us or you are against us!” The choice before Pakistan was very difficult: To be honest they should have been either with the U.S. with their heart in its war against terrorism or, alternatively, they should have openly sided with the terrorism with all the justifications that they might have had. But they chose neither of these honest alternatives. They resorted to the third way, the way of cheating! While addressing the Pakistani public, the classical statement of intentional lies and plain cheating was made by Pervez Musharraf that we should pretend to be with America in the war against terror, because a similar strategy was adopted by Prophet Mohammad even in ancient times in the war of Badr in Medina.

This behaviour fairly represents the mindset of all those persons – whether they live in Pakistan or in India – who think that their religion is above any law – whether that law be the national law binding all its citizens or that law be the national constitution (of India) superceding their and others religion or that law be an international obligation to keep a promise solemnly made by a country and stick to the agreed behaviour; it is the foundation of orderly and peaceful collective coexistence of humans on earth. Such a mindset of cheating should have no place in India, where rule of law prevails over all religions.

The immediate utility of reading the history and learning from it lies in the current issue of Ram Janambhumi dispute pending for a decision in the Supreme Court of India. It is stated on solemn oath by both the rival parties – Hindus and Muslims both – that they will honor the judgment of the apex court of India and abide by it. It is solemn promise.

Will this promise be kept? Will this promise be broken? Will this oath be honored? Let us hope that the promise will be kept and the judgment will be honored.

But history teaches us that the State should be well prepared for an otherwise eventuality also. It is better to learn; it is better to be on the guard; it is better not to be caught off the guard. And, it is better to be overwhelmingly prepared, to be prepared beyond reasonable proportions, to deal with the bad eventuality – if and when it happens. An example should be made by the Indian State of why one should not dare to challenge the state – whosoever he might be.

What is Indian State? It is one institution – not many, as some people living in a faciful world of make-belive rights propagate. Indian State is one – an organic one – institution, and it has to survive as one against challenges posed to it or it has to fail and collapse as one. In reality, the distinction into police, military, judiciary, parliament or any other ones is an artificial one when a challange to its power is thrown against it. All these organs are not distict entities but organs making one cohesive body of the Indian State.

Before a judgment on the sensitive Ram Janambhumi issue is delivered by the apex court, all organs of the Indian State must connect with each other as one body and get prepared to deal with any eventuality as one body to guarantee the rule of law. The rule of law survives only when the survival of the State as an unchallanged sovereign force is guaranteed. In any case of the challange to State, the police – even the army – has to take action, judiciary has to decide cases and all other organs have to work in tendam. The only thing that is required at the moment is to sit together, think together and act together – in whatever way possible in a democracy founded on the principle of ‘checks and balances’. In an emerging grave eventuality like the present one no organ of the State should be caught unaware. This is the minimum requirement of prudence.

What is that element of force in modern times that protects the sovereignty of any State against a unified mob challange thrown against it? It is not the exclusive brute force of its police or army – not at all. It is the power of technology that protects it, that saves it. Never forget it; never disregard technology’s this power. Use the best available technology to identify, monitor and neutralize the criminal before he commits the crime; modernize the antiquated policing. Drastically overhaul the Indian policing – train its personnel not to wait till the crime is committed but to infiltrate the gangs of criminals when they are busy in preparing and strike them when they least expect it. The governing principle of Indian policing should be: Deploy the best available technology to prevent the crime; deploy the best available technology to neutralize the criminal; remain one step ahead of the enemy of the nation. This is the way of modern policing. Modern challenge of terrorism demands modern solutions, which brooks no delay or neglect.

Here is a piece of history. It reveals the working of the mind of criminal – whether that criminal is an individual or a mob of the multitude of those indviduals or a nation constituted of such people. It is taken from a book authored by Sardar Gurbachan Singh Talib titled ,”Muslim League attack on Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947”. He was a professor at Lahore in 1947 and he has chronicled in his book eye witness accounts of how promises were made and broken; how oaths were sworn by putting hands on the sacred book and were pleasurably broken, when human conscience demanded that they be kept and honored against the victims. However, there were a few honorable exceptions also to this general phenomenon. This book was first published in 1950. The links to Appendix 1 to 50 of this book chronicling the eye witness accounts are given below:

  1. Appendix I – X: Licensed guns and rifles, and knives kept for the self-protection were taken away by the escorting (Pak) police and military from Hindus and Sikhs on the solemn promise that they will be protected by the escorting force and their weapons will be returned later on. When the marauding mob of fanatics attacked them, this solemn promise was broken by the escorting party and by cheating those weapon-less people were massacred by the mob and. the escorting party.
  2. Appendix XI – XX:
  3. Appendix XXI – XXX:
  4. Appendix XXXI – XXXX
  5. Appendix XXXXI – XXXXX:
  6. Link to the complete book

Impact of History on Future: Cult of Non-violence

Shreepal Singh, Advocate, Supreme Court

India’s official history of her freedom struggle asserts that this country won her freedom from the foreign power – the British imperialists – by non-violent means. Songs were compiled and sung in melodious tones to highlight this “unique” achievement of India.

Non-violence looks like a saintly courage in the face of a brutal force and the word “violence” evokes a deep indignation in our mind and an abhorrence to our conscience. But the reality is that “violence” is the integral part of life of ordinary humanity, whether one likes it or not.

Violence cannot be wished away in this world. It has to be faced as a reality here. Violence belongs to the world and non violence belongs to saints, and this world is not full of saints. It has its full quota of crooked persons who are violent in their thoughts and deeds. One cannot help it.

We are real people and we live in the real world.

Indians must be objective in finding the truth and honest in accepting the truth, because a fanciful approach in this matter has serious consequences for a country. Such a fanciful approach in this matter has implications affecting the correct assessment of the past, facing the present and getting ready to meet the future properly.

Nothing can be more far from truth than the assertion that India got freedom by waging a non-violent struggle.

Flaunting the power of non-violence in getting India free is a slap on the face of those who fought pitched battles with the British power in India and lost their lives at their hands. It is an insult to the sacred memory of those great sons and daughters of Mother India – in thousands, if not more – who suffered torture, agony and misfortune in the service of their Motherland. It is an insult to the supreme sacrifices made by  Jatin Bagha, Master Da Surya Sen, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Subhash Chandra Bose and countless others like them.

Non-violence is a great virtue but it has very serious limitations. It has these limitations not because non violence is unworthy but because the people against whom this non-violence is practiced are more often than not unworthy of this virtuous treatment.

Non violence is founded on moral superiority and – in turn – morality is founded on religious teachings. But the fact is that all religions are not alike in the matter of their foundational morality. Some religions preach and follow the moral standrads, which are immoral ones in the eyes of other religions. Even in some of them, the resort to violence is not only an established morality but a sacred duty to do it in certain circumstances.

Most of humanity today follow these diverse religions and practice such diverse concepts of morality. One has to live in this world and face the material acts – including violent acts – based on the morality of one’s religion. Let us deal with the reality of this real world around us and find the just place for ‘non-violence’ – the cult of non-violence – in this world full of people believing in diverse concepts of morality.

Here is an excerpt from Sri Aurobindo – The Morality of Boycott, an unpublished writing of Sri Aurobindo, seized by the Police and made an exhibit in the Alipore Conspiracy Case (May, 1908):

“When tamas, inertia, torpor have benumbed a nation, the strongest forms of rajas are necessary to break the spell; there is no form of rajas so strong as hatred. Through rajas we rise to sattwa, and for the Indian temperament the transition does not take long. Already the element of hatred is giving place to the clear conception of love for the Mother as the spring of our political actions.”

“A certain class of mind shrinks from aggressiveness as if it were a sin. Their temperament forbids them to feel the delight of battle and they look on what they cannot understand as something monstrous and sinful.

” ‘Heal hate by love’, ‘drive out injustice by justice’, ‘slay sin by righteousness’ is their cry.

“Love is a sacred name, but it is easier to speak of love than to love. The love which drives out hate is a divine quality of which one man in a thousand is capable. A saint full of love for all mankind possesses it, a philanthropist consumed with a desire to heal the miseries of the race possesses it, but the mass of mankind does not and cannot rise to the height.

“Politics is concerned with masses of mankind and not with individuals.[10] To ask masses of mankind to act as saints, to rise to the height of divine love and practise it in relation to their adversaries or oppressors is to ignore human nature.

“It is to set a premimum on injustice and violence by paralysing the hand of the deliverer when raised to strike. The Gita is the best answer to those who shrink from battle as a sin, and aggression as a lowering of morality.” — The Morality of Boycott, an unpublished writing of Sri Aurobindo seized by the Police and made an exhibit in the Alipore Conspiracy Case 1908.

“Hinduism recognises human nature and makes no such impossible demand. It sets one ideal for the saint, another for the man of action, a third for the trader, a fourth for the serf.

“To prescribe the same ideal for all is to bring about varṇasaṅkara, the confusion of duties…. Politics is the ideal of the Kshatriya, and the morality of the Kshatriya ought to govern our political actions.

“To impose in politics the Brahmanical duty of saintly sufferance is to preach varṇasaṅkara. (ibid.)

“The sword of the warrior is as necessary to the fulfilment of justice and righteousness as the holiness of the saint. Ramdas is not complete without Shivaji.

“To maintain justice and prevent the strong from despoiling and the weak from being oppressed is the function for which the Kshatriya was created.[11] ‘Therefore’, says Sri Krishna in the Mahabharata, ‘God created battle and armour, the sword, the bow and the dagger.’” (ibid.)

Referring to the circumstances in which passive or nonviolent resistance fails, Sri Aurobindo says: “To shrink from bloodshed and violence under such circumstances is a weakness deserving as severe a rebuke as Sri Krishna addressed to Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra.

“Liberty is the life-breath of a nation; and when the life is attacked, when it is sought to suppress all chance of breathing by violent pressure, any and every means of self-preservation becomes right and justifiable[12]

” … just as it is lawful for a man who is being strangled to rid himself of the pressure on his throat by any means in his power. It is the nature of the pressure which determines the nature of the resistance.[13]

Enlarging upon the necessary evil of war and aggression [14], so long as man in the mass is what he is, Sri Aurobindo writes in his Essays on the Gita:

“War and destruction are not only a universal principle of our life here in its purely material aspects, but also of our mental and moral existence.

“It is self-evident that in the actual life of man intellectual, social, political, moral, we can make no real step forward without a struggle, a battle between what exists and lives and what seeks to exist and live, and between all that stands behind either.

“It is impossible, at least as men and things are, to advance, to grow, to fulfil and still to observe really and utterly that principle of harmlessness which is yet placed before us as the highest and best law of conduct. We will use only soul-force and never destroy by war or any even defensive employment of physical violence?

“Good, though until soul-force is effective, the Asuric force in man and nations tramples down, breaks, slaughters, burns, pollutes, as we see it doing today, but then at its ease and unhindered, and you have perhaps caused as much destruction of life by your abstinence as others by resort to violence; still you have set up an ideal which may some day and at any rate ought to lead up to better things.

“But even soul-force, when it is effective, destroys. Only those who have used it with eyes open, know how much more terrible and destructive it is than the sword and the cannon; and only those who do not limit their view to the act and its immediate results, can see how tremendous are its after-effects, how much is eventually destroyed and with that much all the life that depended on it and fed upon it.

“Evil cannot perish without the destruction of much that lives by the evil, and it is no less destruction even if we personally are saved the pain of a sensational act of violence.

“Moreover, every time we use soul-force we raise a great force of Karma against our adversary, the after-movements of which we have no power to control. Vasishtha uses soul-force against the military violence of Vishwamitra and armies of Huns and Shakas and Pallavas hurl themselves on the aggressor.

“The very quiescence and passivity of the spiritual man under violence and aggression awakens the tremendous forces of the world to a retributive action; and it may even be more merciful to stay in their path, though by force, those who represent evil than to allow them to trample on until they call down on themselves a worse destruction than we would ever think of inflicting.

“It is not enough that our own hands should remain clean and our souls unstained for the law of strife and destruction to die out of the world; that which is its root must first disappear out of humanity…. So far as the problem of the individual’s action goes, his abstention from strife and its inevitable concomitant destruction in their more gross and physical form may help his own moral being, but it leaves the Slayer of creatures unabolished.”[15]

“A day may come, must surely come, we will say, when humanity will be ready spiritually, morally, socially for the reign of universal peace; meanwhile the aspect of battle and the nature and function of man as a fighter have to be accepted and accounted for by any practical philosophy and religion.”[16]

स्क्वाड्रन लीडर रवि खन्ना, कातिल यासीन मलिक और कांग्रेस की करतूत

24 जनवरी 1990 की ठंडी बर्फीली रात थी।.श्रीनगर में कर्फ्यू लागू था। लेकिन मस्जिदों में चिरागा था, जश्न का माहौल था और रह रह कर मस्जिदों से अल्लाह ओ अकबर, नारा ए तकबीर जैसे नारे उछाले जा रहे थे।

मौलाना लोगों के ख़ुशी से भरे हुए भाषण रात के 2-3 बजे तक चलते रहे। चंद रोज़ पहले श्रीनगर और घाटी को कत्लोगारत कर कश्मीरी पंडित हिंदुओं से खाली करा लिया गया था।

रावलपुरा में वायुसेना के स्क्वाड्रन लीडर रवि खन्ना इस शोरशराबे में ठीक से सो नहीं सके। पत्नी श्रीमती निर्मल कुमारी भी जगती रहीं। ग्यारह साल पहले रवि खन्ना और निर्मल का प्रेम विवाह हुआ था। एक बेटा साढ़े आठ साल का और एक बेटी 6 साल की थी।

सुबह रवि खन्ना उठे।.बर्फ का तांडव जारी था। नींद भी पूरी नहीं हुई थी। निर्मल ने रवि खन्ना से छुट्टी लेने का निवेदन किया ! कर्फ्यू भी लागू था। रवि खन्ना ने कहा कि एक ही बस में एयरोड्रम तक जाने वाले 18 एयरफोर्स के अन्य ऑफिसर और एयरमैन इस बर्फबारी और कर्फ्यू में छुट्टी नहीं ले रहे हैं, तो वह कैसे छुट्टी ले सकते हैं ?

कर्फ्यू में दूध आने का सवाल नहीं था। काला कहवा और ब्रेड का नाश्ता कर रवि खन्ना घर से 200 मीटर की दूरी पर स्थित बस स्टैंड की तरफ चले, जहां अन्य एयरफोर्स वालों के साथ 2 सिविलियन भी मौजूद थे।

बस स्टैंड से बमुश्किल दस मिनट की दूरी पर फिरन पहने एक ही मोटरसाइकिल पर सवार तीन कश्मीरियों ने रवि खन्ना को रोका। उनकी कंधे पर लगी नेम प्लेट को गौर से देखा और पूछा: नटटीपूरा किधर है? स्क्वाड्रन लीडर खन्ना रुक कर बताने लगे।

मोटरसाइकिल पर बीच मे बैठे आतंकी ने रवि खन्ना के पेट से सटा कर गोली मार दी। रवि खन्ना ने AK-47 की नाल पकड़ ली। लेकिन तभी बाइक पर पीछे बैठे यासीन मालिक ने अपनी Ak -47 की 27 गोलियां रवि खन्ना की पीठ में उतार दीं।

रवि खन्ना गिर पड़े; कभी न उठने के लिए !

बस स्टैंड पर खड़े शेष वायु सैनिक जब तक कुछ समझ पाते, आतंकियो ने AK-47 का फायर शेष वायु सैनिकों पर झोंक दिया। 4 अन्य वायु सैनिकों के प्राण घटना स्थल पर ही निकल गए। 2 सिविलियन भी मारे गए।

यासीन मलिक और शेष आतंकियों ने एक हैंड ग्रेनेड भी वायुसैनिकों पर उछाला; जिनको गोली नहीं लगीं थी वे हैंड ग्रेनेड से गम्भीर रूप से घायल हो गए !

यासीन मलिक आराम से निकल गया !

ध्यान रखिये, रवि खन्ना और उनकी पत्नी निहायत सेकुलर विचार धारा की थीं। पति का लाश देखकर निर्मल कुमारी ने जो पहला वाक्य बोला था, वह था: “या मेरे परवरदिगार”

बादामी बाग बेस हॉस्पिटल में पति के शव के पास बैठकर भी वह आर्मी और वायुसैनिकों से यही कहती रहीं कि “किसी निर्दोष से बदला नहीं लिया जाय ”

सिर्फ FIR हुई। यासीन मलिक के ऊपर वायु सैनिकों और स्क्वाड्रन लीडर रवि खन्ना का मुकदमा अदालत तक भी नहीं पहुँचा ! यासीन मालिक घूम घूम कर सैनिकों और हिंदुओं की हत्याएं करता रहा और श्रीनगर के लाल चौक में ऊपरी तौर पर दिखाने के लिए अपने कपड़े का धंधा भी मौज से चलाता रहा।

घाटी में यासीन मलिक की इज़्ज़त चौगुनी बढ़ गई।.वह रॉबिनहुड और घाटी का हीरो बन गया। नेशनल कांफ्रेंस और हुर्रियत का वह लाडला था। JKLF का उस समय का चीफ यासीन मलिक ही था।

तत्कालीन सरकार ने यासीन मलिक को विदेश यात्राओं की अनुमति दी। आगे चलकर भारत के प्रधानमंत्री श्री मनमोहन सिंह ने यासीन मलिक को प्रधानमंत्री निवास पर लंच के लिए आमंत्रित किया। यासीन मलिक को गिफ्ट दिए गए। यासीन मालिक ने प्रधानमंत्री को भारतीय सेना के कश्मीरियों के ऊपर अत्याचार वाली डीवीडी भेंट कीं !

रजत शर्मा ने दो बार ‘आपकी अदालत’ कार्यक्रम में चीफगेस्ट बनाकर यासीन मलिक का महिमा मंडन किया।
यासीन मलिक ने एक पाकिस्तानी पत्रकार मशाल बुखारी से खुलेआम निकाह किया, पाकिस्तान गया और हाफिज सईद के साथ भारत विरोधी रैली में भाग लिया। तत्कालीन कानून के तहत मशाल बुखारी कश्मीरी नागरिक भी बन गई। दिल्ली में रहने वाले उपेंद्र कौल सरीखे लोग यासीन और मशाल मालिक को डिनर पर बुलाते थे ! अल जज़ीरा के एक इंटरव्यू में यासीन मलिक ने एयरफोर्स कर्मियों और स्क्वाड्रन लीडर रवि खन्ना की दुर्दांत हत्या को बड़े फक्र के साथ कुबूल किया। दिल्ली के नेता आंखे मूंदे रहे।

उम्मीद तब जागी जब धारा 370  निष्प्रभावी होने के बाद टाडा अदालत में वायु सैनिकों की हत्या का केस खोला गया। सुनवाई के लिए यासीन मलिक, जो तिहाड़ जेल में मनी लांड्रिंग के केस बन्द है, को श्रीनगर बुलाया गया।

यासीन की किस्मत देखिए ! श्रीनगर की वर्तमान हालात  को देखते हुए दिल्ली पुलिस यासीन मलिक को श्रीनगर ले जाने की हिम्मत नही जुटा पाई।

आज स्क्वाड्रन लीडर की विधवा निर्मल खन्ना 65 वर्ष की हो चुकी हैं। जम्मू में रहती हैं। पिछले 28 सालो तक वह बहुत दौड़ीं, मगर कुछ नहीं हुआ।

उन्हे मोदी सरकार से बड़ी आशा है कि वह यासीन मालिक को सही जगह तक पहुचाने के लिए कुछ अवश्य करेंगे।
अगर ईश्वर ने न्याय किया और टाडा कोर्ट में सुनवाई ठीक ठाक चली तो शायद यासीन मलिक ताज़िन्दगी जेल में ही रहेगा, हालांकि उस की सही सजा मृत्यू दन्ड ही होनी चाहिये क्योकि उसने cold-blooded murder किया  है।

यासीन मलिक पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह को DVD सौंपता हुआ। कांग्रेसी PM की खुश होती मुख-मुद्रा बहुत कुछ बयान कर रही है।

Why ‘Howdy Modi’ Worked Magic at Houston?

By: R. Veera Raghavan, Advocate, Chennai

A riveting political spectacle of 2019 was witnessed on 22nd September, themed ‘Howdy Modi’. The venue was NRG Stadium, Houston, Texas, thronged by over 50,000 Indian Americans to welcome and hear India’s prime minister Narendra Modi. He gave a rousing speech and proved he was the super hero of the event.

At the stadium, US President Donald Trump also took the stage along with Modi for some time, and later Trump came down to occupy the front row and watched the huge crowd react to the Indian leader repeatedly in rapturous applause. Trump has also recalled that the stadium scene was like rock star Elvis Presley coming back. How could Modi work his magic?

If Indian voters are delighted to see Modi and wish to give him a huge mandate in elections, that is understandable. They would want to see development around them and a better life for themselves and so they keep high hopes on a leader they perceive as strong, able and incorruptible. But Modi doesn’t hold any elective office in the US. As India’s prime minister, he didn’t do anything, and has no role to play, for the welfare of Indian Americans living in a different continent. Why should those people go in ecstasy to welcome and be with Modi?

A good number of Indian Americans who assembled at the Houston stadium should be US citizens, and many more among them would be wanting to join their ranks. But citizenship is only a matter of legal allegiance, and all of them have a soul-level attachment to India, more so when they are Hindus. If you are a Hindu born in India or if your Hindu parents were born in India and you are proud about your Hindu lineage you cannot turn your heart away from India, and a part of you will be longing for India even as you work and live abroad. Hindus look upon India as a land of holy places they revere and hence their special bond with this country. This applied to nearly everyone who was present in the NRG Stadium – and to many several times the stadium capacity who watched Modi live on television across America that day.

Look at how Sikhs deeply revere Gurudwara Darbar Sahib at Kartapur, the final resting place of Guru Nanak, that became part of Pakistan after partition. That location is now enemy territory, but Sikhs in India – and from around the world – have unfading sentimental attachment to Kartapur and look for a pilgrimage to that gurudwara. This tells us, in a parallel, about the special attachment Indian American Hindus will have for India that is full of holy sites in its rivers, mountains, puranic locales and innumerable temples. And yes, this phenomenon has a connection with the Howdy Modi event.

An average Indian American has a higher level of education than an average native American citizen. Indian Americans know very well why their education, knowledge and competence are valued and used for the development of America, but not in India which needs those human resources more dearly. They know who the villains in India are in this story – all typical Indian politicians who entrenched themselves in power throughout India for the past several years to reap personal gains, stifling merit and talent and pampering mediocrity and letting corruption grow all round.

Most  Indians  with  a  good  academic  record  and  high merit find themselves suffocated by the country’s corrupt and degraded political atmosphere and the shackles it lays on ability, personal progress and national development. Those who can get out of the country to grow and prosper do so, and many of them reach American shores. Once there, they would be happy working their talent and reaping its benefits. They would surely be contented in a life which offers clean water, good civic services, efficient transport and assured quality education for their children, which remain a dream for the people of India. But still they won’t forget their contempt and hatred for the Indian political leaders who stunted the development of a country which the emigrated Indians emotionally love.

If those Indian Americans, and possibly their children too, spot an Indian political leader whose heart beats for India and who is honest, hard-working, humble and astute, and he looks a gift of the gods for India’s redemption and development, they are overjoyed. To them, applauding and rooting for such a new-found Indian leader is like hitting back at the other grade of Indian politicians they despise for what those politicians do or did to India.  And so Modi came and conquered the hearts and minds of Indian Americans and dazzled at the NRG Stadium.  As he also spoke credibly and evocatively to Indian Americans, they naturally warmed up to Modi with euphoria – which also meant they were gleefully kicking many rascal politicians of India who all along betrayed the land those Indian Americans deem sacrosanct.  This is why Howdy Modi glowed and galvanised Indian Americans.

Can you still not grasp why the Modi magic worked with Indian Americans in Houston? Then you don’t know how Indian politicians in government, with their little minds, let down India for long. Those politicians ruled amidst the Congress party’s shoddy track record at the Centre and in many states – specifically, when the Congress has been led by Indira Gandhi and by worse leaders later. They constantly drove bright disgruntled and choiceless Indians, still loving India, out of the country. These Indians – who are now largely spread over USA, Britain and Australia – will always cheer and celebrate Modi, the different leader. But don’t worry – in India you will still benefit from Modi.

Copyright: R. Veera Ravhavan

(This article is borrowed with thanks from here)

अयोध्या राम मन्दिर के लिये खूनी संघर्ष का इतिहास

Atomic War, World Politics, Diplomacy and Security of India

Pakistan is mischieviously oblivious of its Hindu roots and is obsessed in a sinister manner to destroy the “Hindu” India. Pakistan has fought war upon war against this Hindu India since the day one – the day it was created in 1947 out of this Hindu India. It invaded India’s one part in 1948, which part was acceded to India by its Hindu ruler Hari Singh when the British left India and made Hari Singh free to chose to either merge with Pakistan or India or remain independent country. This Pakistan again fought war with India in 1965, 1972 (when Bangladesh was carved by India out of it), in Kargil and ceaseless efforts to send religious terrorists to infiltrate India.

Pakistan is a country that has no historical roots, lives in the past gone by times and day dreams to bring that past in future. It is an artificial creation, intentionally created by crafty British colonists and founded on religious hatred against its parent country, that is, Hindu India.

It is a truth that Pakistan – as it is politically and culturally constituted today – is an eternal enemy of India. It is devoted to this enmity with its heart and mind.

War of Pakistan with India is not a possibility but a constant reality. And, it will continue so till Pakistan is what it is today.

A new element has entered into this eternal enmity of Pakistan with India – Pakistan has acquired atomic weapons.

So does India possess these atomic weapons.

Atomic war is an unthinkable catastrophe for those who attack with these weapons and for those who are so atted acked. It is unthinkable. It is only a matter who is troydestroyed first and who is destroyed second. It does not matter who is destroyed first, because both are destroyed in the process. And they take down others also – in millions – with them.

But for a religiously bigotted country like Pakistan an unthinkable proposition is also a thinkable thing. What makes an unthinkable proposition a viable solution for Pakistani leadership is that they have religious considerations like being rewarded in the after-world with beautiful demsels in multitude (72 in number) when they die fighting non-believers (in Islam), like Hindus of India. They are so religiously begotted that they have firm belief in such things. For this gain – the rewards in the after-world after their death – they are willing to fight even with atomic weapons.

Let the humanity be put on notice of this danger coming out of this religiously bigotted country. Faced with this reality, any country including India will do whatever it is necessary to do to decimate such danger. This much about the danger to humanity emanating from religious fundamentalism of this country.

If it happens, how the world politics and dilomacy will play its role? Who will do what? Watch this sensible video:

Antidote to Terrorism

By: Shreepal Singh

All humans are same but their thoughts make them different. Thoughts do not remain thoughts, they translate into actions. The leading thinkers of the western world, since the Classical Times (days of Plato, Arestotal etc.) to Renaissance and even now in 21st century, have been fascinated with the idea of equality of all humans. The institution of democracy invented by the west is founded on the corner stone of this idea.

In the physical anatomy all humans are similar but it is not this anatomy that they are entirely made-up of. The life goes below and above this anatomy, of which now our science is well aware. The domain of physical anatomy of life goes to its very bottom, that is, the life of animals having only one cell, and founded on its DNA..

All life in its biological foundation shares some basic and similar working principles but still this life interacts with the outside world of its environment in different ways. In its action in the outside world, life is not similar. It is not equal, it is different.

Life rising above its anatomy too is not similar. In humans, there are thoughts, which are an extention of life. This extention of life above anatomy does not end at thoughts; there are dimensions of life which are much beyond thoughts and our science – psychology and para-psychology – is making stride into this new branch of knowledge.

Humans have thoughts and that makes them different from one another. It is not necessary that a thought would find a place in the head of one person only. A thought – an idea – may grip the minds of a large group of people.

Thoughts or ideas may be dangerous – sometimes most dangerous. If they are translated into action, they may destroy a large number of human beings; in this atomic age they may destroy even the entire humanity – and along with humanity all life on earth. Such is the power of thoughts.

The most disquietening thing today in this advanced scientific age is the fact that our world is mostly dominated – and is run – by thoughts and ideas. There are innocent ideas; there are dangerous ideas; there are complex ideas – and simple ideas, the ideas that are political, economic, religious, emotional in nàture. There are all sorts of ideas and they compete with each other to dominate and subdue the rival ones. It is voletile situation.

Suppose, a dangerous religious idea gripping a large number of people gets dominance – say, Islamic idea of killing all those who refuse to convert to its fold! And, suppose they come to hold atomic weapons to fulfil their – this – idea into action! It is not far fatched supposition; it is a reality already existing. Anyone with sane mind can visualize the catastrophe that it would bring to entire humanity.

How to get out of the realm of ideas – all ideas? How to become sane in our actions? Is there any way?

Yes, an ancient knowledge that India has preserved since ages has a solution.

There is a science of “controlling – and even stopping” thoughts, thoughts of all kinds. Wow!

It is known as “Yoga” and the very opening sentence of “Yoga Sutra” (of ancient sage Patanjli) describes this science dealing with “Chitta Vritti Nirodh” – that is, controlling or taming the propensity – habit – of our mind.

One cannot – and should not try to – control one’s thoughts, which look to us as our own thoughts but are not so in their origin. It is an intricate science, which has its own safety rules. The first thing in this science is to prepare yourself – physically and mentally – ready, willing and capable to control your thoughts. It is the most appropriate point at this stage to inform the reader that the purpose of “controlling thoughts” etc. is not to control them for the sake of control. The purpose is something else, and very sublime in nature, and it is out of context to dwel on the same here.

To prepare oneself, one has to commence with the change in one’s way of life and thinking. How? The first thing is to practice “Yam”. What is Yam? 1. Ahimsa – that is, commiting no violence against any life. 2. Satya – that is, always speaking truth. 3. Asteya, that is, not to covet, not to steal, not to take what does not belong to you. 4. Brahmcharya, that is, abstaining from sex. 5. Aparigrah, that is, not to hoard or keep with you more than what is ethically required. These are the rules of Yam. Then, there are next steps with their associated rules: Niyam; Aasan; Pranayam; Dharna; Dhyan; Samadhi. All these have elaborate rules, which need to be observed for your own safety. It is obvious that all these rules are not the matter of mental thinking but a matter of practicing them in life. They are the rules of conduct. If practiced in conduct, they bring a radical change in one’s thoughts. Still, observing these rules of conduct is just the first step towards “controlling” one’s thoughts (Chitta Vritti Nirodh) – there are yet many more and subtle measures, like Niyam, Aasan, Prztyahar, Dharna, Dhyan, Samadhi etc. All these measures when mastered by one, make him / her the master of one’s complete self, including quieting one’s all thoughts. In Samadhi you have no thoughts whatsoever but a peaceful consciousness of your existance. Humanity needs to know this science in this age of atomic bombs.

Let the humanity learn this science – for the sake of its own good and welfare in the face of dangerous ideas equipped with atomic weapons.

ब्रह्मोस मिसाइल, भारत की गद्दार ताकतें और चीन

वाजपेयी जी की सरकार के विशेष अनुरोध पर भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों ने ब्रम्होस मिसाइल तैयार की थी। ब्रम्होस की काट आज तक दुनियां का कोई भी देश तैयार नहीं कर पाया है। विश्व के किसीं भी देश के पास अब तक ऐसी कोई टेक्नोलॉजी विकसित नही हुई है जो ब्रम्होस को अपने निशाने पर पहुंचने से पहले रडार पर ले सके।

अपने आप मे अद्भुत क्षमताओं को लिये ब्रम्होस ऐसी परमाणु मिसाइल हैं जो ८,००० किलोमीटर के लक्ष्य को मात्र १४० सेकेंड में भेद सकती है। और चीन के लिये ब्रम्होस की यह लक्ष्य भेदन क्षमता ही सिरदर्द बनी हुई है। न चीन आज तक ब्रम्होस की काट बना सका है, न ऐसा रडार सिस्टम ही जो ब्रम्होस को पकड़ सके।

अटलजी की सरकार गिरने के बाद, सोनियां के कहने पर, कांग्रेस सरकार ने ब्रम्होस को तहखाने में रखवाकर आगे का प्रोजेक्ट बन्द करवा दिया। जिसमें ब्रम्होस को लेकर उड़ने वाले फाइटर जेट विमान तैयार करने की योजना थी वह भी अधूरी रह गयी।

ब्रहमोस का विकास रोकने के लिए चीन ने ना जाने कितने करोड़ रुपये-पैसे सोनिया को दिए होंगे, इसका सिर्फ अनुमान ही लगाया जा सकता है।

दस वर्षों बाद, जब मोदी सरकार आई, तब तहखाने में धूल गर्द में पड़ी ब्रम्होस को संभाला गया! वह भी तब, जब मोदी खुद भारतीय सेना से सीधा मिले, तो सेना ने तब व्यथा बताई !

अब है अति महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी। वर्तमान में ब्रम्होस को लेकर उड़ सके ऐसा सिर्फ एक ही विमान हैं और वह हैं राफेल । दुनियाभर में सिर्फ राफेल ही वो खूबियां लिये हुए है, जो ब्रम्होस को सफलता पूर्वक निशाने के लिये छोड़कर वापस लेंड करके मात्र ४ मिनट में फिर अगली ब्रह्मोस को लेकर दूसरे ब्लास्ट को तैयार हो जाता है।

मोदी ने फ्रांस से डील करके, राफेल को भारतीय सेना तक पहुंचाने का काम कर दिया और यहीं से असली मरोड़ चीन और उसके पिट्ठू वामपंथीयों को हुई। इसमें देशद्रोही पीछे कैसे रहते! जो विदेशी टुकड़ो पर पलने वाले गद्दार अपने आका चीन के नमक का हक अदा करने मैदान में उतर आये ! उन्होने मांग की कि राफेल के कल-पुर्जे और उसमे क्या कुछ नई चीजे हैं, जनता को – यानि उन्हें – बताई जाये।

शायद भारतीय सेना और मोदी दोनों ही इस तरह की  भेद खोलने की आशंका को भांप गये होंगे। इसलिये राफेल के भारत पहुंचते ही उसका ब्लेकबॉक्स सहित पूरा सिस्टम निकाला गया। राफेल के कोड चेंज कर के उस में भारतीय कम्प्यूटर सिस्टम डाला गया, जो राफेल को पूरी तरह बदलने के साथ उसकी गोपनीयता को बनाये रखने में सक्षम था।

लेकिन बात यहीं नहीं रुकी। राफेल को सेना के सुपुर्द करने के बाद सरकार ने सेना को उसे अपने हिसाब से कम्प्यूटर ब्लेकबॉक्स और जो तकनीक सेना की हैं उसे अपने हिसाब से चेंज करने की छूट दे दी। जिससे सेना ने छूट मिलते ही मात्र ४८ घण्टो में राफेल को बदलकर रख दिया। इस वजह से चीन, जो राफेल के कोड और सिस्टम को हैक करने की फिराक में था, वह हाथ मलते रह गया!

फिर चीन ने अपने पाले वामपंथी कुत्तों को राफेल की जानकारी लीक करके उस तक पहुंचाने काम सौंपा। भारत भर की मीडिया में भरे वामपंथी दलालों ने राफेल सौदे को घोटाले की शक्ल देने की नाकाम कोशिश की, ताकि सरकार या सेना, विवश होकर, सफाई देने के चक्कर मे इस डील को सार्वजनिक करें। जिससे चीन अपने मतलब की जानकारी जुटा सके। पर सरकार और सेना की सजगता के चलते दलाल मीडिया का मुंह काला होकर रह गया!

तब फिर अपने राहुल गांधी मैदान में उतरे! चीनी दूतावास में गुपचूप राहुल गांधी ने मीटिंग की। उसके बाद राहुल गांधी ने चीन की यात्रा की और आते ही राफेल सौदे पर सवाल उठाकर राफेल की जानकारी सार्वजनिक करने की मांग जोरशोर से उठाई। पूरा मीडिया और सारी कोंग्रेस की दिलचस्पी सिर्फ, और सिर्फ, राफेल की जानकारी सार्वजनिक कराने में  गी रही ताकि चीन ब्रम्होस का तोड़ बना सके। पर ये अबतक सम्भव नही हो पाया है जिसका श्रेय सिर्फ कर्तव्यनिष्ठ भारतीय सेना और मोदीजी को जाता हैं।

चीन ब्रम्होस की जानकारी जुटाने के चक्कर मे, सीमा पर तनाव पैदा करके युद्ध के हालात बनाकर देख चुका हैं! पर भारतीय सेना की चीन सीमा पर ब्रम्होस की तैनाती देखकर अपने पांव वापस खिंचने को मजबूर हुआ। डोकलाम विवाद चीन ने इसीलिये पैदा किया था कि वह ब्रम्होस और राफेल की तैयारी को देख सके।

इधर कुछ भटके हुए लोग राहुल गांधी को प्रधान मंत्री पद के योग्य समझ रहें हैं, जो खुद भारत की गोपनीयता और सुरक्षा को शत्रु देश के हाथों उचित कीमत पर बेचने को तैयार बैठा हैं ! नेहरू ने भी लाखों वर्ग किलोमीटर जमीन चीन को मुफ्त मे दे दी और जनता समझती रही कि भारत युद्ध हार गया!

आज ये राफेल और ब्रम्होस ही भारत के पास वो अस्त्र हैं जिसके आगे चीन बेबस हैं !

Hindus and India: Symphony of Hindu India

By Shreepal Singh

India is quite a big country in terms of its geographical area but in terms of the persons living here it is one of the biggest countries of the world – every sixth person in this world is an Indian. In this country people belonging to almost all religions of the world – Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Christians, Parsees, Jews and many tribal faiths of Andaman and Nicobar islands – live here.

It is an asset of India. It is an amazing resource of composite culture of unique diversity. India in terms of the number of cultures thriving here is the mini-world. It is its beauty.

Out of all these persons belonging to different religions, Hindus account the most. Their population is somewhere near 80% in this country. India is a Hindu country.

But what is this Hinduism? In fact, Hinduism is like a big banyan tree with one root having many branches going to the ground; this Hinduism includes all Indic-faiths – Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Shaivism and, even remotely connecting to Zoroastrianism in antiquity.

If we look around us in this world, the stark reality is that it is only in this Hindu India alone in the entire world that despite this great religious diversity all religions are thriving and their adherents are multiplying in India without any hindrance. The credit for this religious freedom goes to Hindus and their religion.

This reality becomes obvious when one compares this happy situation of all religions here with the sordid situation of other religions in those countries where majority belongs to other religions; particularly it is so in the case of Muslim countries. The truth cannot be hidden any longer that Hinduism is the most tolerant religion of the world.

In a world full of religious diversity it is in the best interest of this world that Hinduism not only should survive but also thrive. Hindu India is not a threat to any country of a different religion.

Hinduism is the well wisher of all, the entire humanity – and without any religious discrimination. This Hinduism has its guide in its Sanskrit sacred scriptural Sutras like “Vasudhiva kutumbkam…” and “Sarve pashyanti sukhine …”, which express its goodwill to all – not only humans but even other living beings.

This Hindu India has a message of peace and love for all. The rise of Hindu India is the rise of humanity. The rise of Hindu India is a good omen for this world.

The world should welcome this rising Hindu India – and should condemn all those who are ringing an alarm bell at this rise.

Hindu India is a boon for our world, which is afflicted with warring groups – mostly rooted in warring religious identities – armed to the teeth, and even some armed with the atomic weapons. How can this world help the Hindu India – the Hindu medicine for a major part of humanity’s fatricidal tendency – to rise? What are the obstacles in the way of this India?

The foremost obstacle is that Hindus – mostly intellectual Hindus – are themselves ignorant of the depth of its well meaning vision. These intellectuals – teachers, historians, politicians, bureaucrats, artists et al – do not understand this depth; and their negative views are echoed by the mainstream media. They lampoon Hinduism for its negative side, without realizing that everything degenerates with the passage of time and needs periodic cleansing. The first need is to educate Hindus of what Hinduism is.

Hinduism is all about humanism and a balanced way of life. It is not about cow and temple. It is about the profound human inquisitiveness and inquiry about the secrets of human life and this universe, where cow and temple – and many other assisting devices like them – serve a purpose. Let educated Indians – particularly educated Hindus – not trivilize Hinduism. Hinduism is profound answer to humans’ inquisitiveness and inquiry. It is presented to humanity in the form of a scientific vision called Yoga. It is about love and goodwill towards all living beings based on this vision and, much more, in the form of new openings for belief-diversified humanity to the mystic secrets of this universe.

An educated Hindu is the best citizen of the world and an asset for its prosperity and happiness. Education in this Hinduism is the perfect antidote to our mental restlessness reflected in our unreasonable conduct and our world afflicted with its dangerous state, and this Hinduism should be so taught here in India and elsewhere.

Democracy is an imperfect political tool – though still a better alternative – not because it is inherently deficient but because the people who work with this are ignorant – an uneducated lot. It is particularly so in India, where the large number of people because of historical reasons are not only ignorant but poor too.

It is the work of new generation to learn and learn fast. After all, how can a single political leader like Narendra Modi – a person with an understanding of this Hinduism – educate our ignorant Indian mass to successfully utilize this political tool called democracy, unless the young generation gets educated quickly?

We know in string musical instrument , like Sitar, we have many strings or wires. We know if one wire is struck to make a musical sound, then other wires – if they are rightly tightened or stretched – automatically make a synchronic musical sound without even touching them.

It is called resonance.

Resonance is used to amplifying the music to create symphony. In the democratic politics too resonance is needed to create a symphony of Hindu India. Modi has touched – struck – one wire and made a musical sound. Now it is for this Hindu India to resonate with that sound to create a symphony – a symphony of Hindu India.

Pakistani Flags Waving on the College Campus of Communist Ruled Kerala

By: Parmanand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

Waving of Pakistani flags on the campus of Silver College Perembra in Kozhikode District of Kerala on the last Thursday (as reported in the Dawn newspaper of Pakistan on 2nd September 2019) during the election campaigning of the students’ union is not only deplorable but highly disturbing. The students are reported to be the members of the Muslim Student Front (MSF), who cocked the snook to the authorities by fluttering the Pakistani flags. It demonstrates the audacity of anti-nationals, who have got no fear for the law of the land. This also bespeaks of their infidelity towards the country they live in and loyalty towards the enemy country.

This is like a déjà vu as it is a familiar scene in Kerala and some Muslim dominated parts of Bihar. During the campaigning of Rahul Gandhi, the Pakistani flags were flashed at many places in his Wayanad Parliamentary Constituency. Perhaps this was the reason that when Rahul Gandhi along with some other rootless opposition leaders tried to go to Kashmir to, allegedly, assess the situation in the valley after the revocation of Article 370, the Union Minister Prakash Javadekar termed his visit as the ‘Wayanad effect’. Wayanad has now come to be symbolised as the ‘anti-India and pro- Pakistan’ place.

The appeasement policy of the Congress and Communist Party (Marxist) towards the Muslim minorities has mainly been responsible for encouraging the anti-nationals to raise their heads. Successive governments in Kerala have failed to crush and defang such elements. Rahul Gandhi’s love for media freedom is totally phoney. The Kashmir valley is plagued with the so-called civil curfew imposed by the terrorists for the last more than thirty-five years and the media freedom used to be sent to gallows by them even at the drop of the hat. And then in those days, nobody from the Congress or other parties were seen anywhere in the valley to protest such curb on media by the terrorists, a la civil curfew.

This is for the first time that after three weeks of the communication lockdown of the valley, not even a single person has been killed by the security forces. Therefore, the security forces deserve all kudos from people of the country. The gheraos and beatings of the security personnel by the stone pelters and the anti-social elements on the streets of Srinagar remind us of a very pathetic sight, which was a routine thing before the de-fanging of Article 370. The hands of the Indian security forces were kept tight and all sorts of humiliations and indignities were being heaped on them, but they were ordered not to retaliate even in their self-defence. It was a miserable situation for the security forces, which were armed to the teeth but were ordered not to take the required action against the sympathizers of terrorists even if they were mobbed and assaulted by these criminals.

It was nothing but a joke with the security forces. It reached the peak and the crescendo at a time when the anti-nationals made an uproar over the tying of a stone pelter by an army Major Gogoi to the bonnet of his Jeep and thus saving the lives of many innocent persons.

Hopefully, Pinarayi Vijayan’s government will take stringent action against such persons – who are Pakistanis in heart and Indians only in name – and who masquerade as the students in different Universities and Colleges in Kerala.

History of Jihad and “Islamophobia”

It is a review of the book ‘History of Jihad’. The review is penned by Koenraad Elst. This review brings out succintly the psycho-military nitty-gritty of Jihad. This  psycho-military system is synchronously embedded in its sacred books as its body and soul and has been excellently practiced for 1400 years of its history by its military commanders in every place they planted the flag of Islam.

This psycho-military apparatus has an inbuilt mechanism of command and control: No one has the option to doubt the doctrine (blesphamy) and the violater has to pay the price with his life. There is an entry point – with will or against one’s will – for joining the camp but has no exit point to leave the camp. It has an inbuilt superb pool of incentives – sex, wealth and lording over ‘Dhimmi’ slaves – for all those who participate in this venture. The Commander-in-Chief (Caliph), local commaders (Ghazis) and rank soldiers (Muzahids) are to get in this war – and divide among them an equal share of – women and young boys (Gilma) as sex slaves; and they are likewise to equally share the war booty (Mal-e-Ganimat).

These are the material advantages in joining the camp – and continue remaining there – that satisfy ‘this-worldly’ desires of human beings. But this apparatus provides something uniquely more: It promises to make an extraordinary high quality of sex available in the world hereafter to all those who participate in the effort (72 virgins). Even the most ferocious psycho-military doctrines that we have known so far in this world – Nazism, Fascism, Communism – lack this unique incentive in their body.

This apparatus makes available a cultural ambience, which is militarily advantegeous to its campaign: Deceiving and making the enemy camp lull by telling lies (Taqia) of the “Smile on the face and contempt in the heart” fame.

This review also highlights the strange mentality in our own times even of those people around the world who had suffered in the past the pains of this Jihad. They are entrapped in this mentality by inventing terms like ‘Islamophobia’, ”religious hate-mongers’ etc. themselves, which appear magnanimous and well-intentioned but in reality betray their suicidal tendency. It is a new variety of mental illness gripping large part of humanity, who love to see merit in their tormentor. It is something that may be termed Crowed Stockholm Syndrome.

The image of the book reviewed:

About the reviewer:

Koenraad Elst (°Leuven 1959) distinguished himself early on as eager to learn and to dissent. After a few hippie years, he studied at the KU Leuven, obtaining MA degrees in Sinology, Indology and Philosophy. After a research stay at Benares Hindu University, he did original fieldwork for a doctorate on Hindu nationalism, which he obtained magna cum laude in 1998. As an independent researcher, he earned laurels and ostracism with his findings on hot items like Islam, multiculturalism and the secular state, the roots of Indo-European, the Ayodhya temple/mosque dispute and Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy. He also published on the interface of religion and politics, correlative cosmologies, the dark side of Buddhism, the reinvention of Hinduism, technical points of Indian and Chinese philosophies, various language policy issues, Maoism, the renewed relevance of Confucius in conservatism, the increasing Asian stamp on integrating world civilization, direct democracy, the defence of threatened freedoms, and the Belgian question. Regarding religion, he combines human sympathy with substantive skepticism.


Policy-makers faced with a major challenge, one that their successors may still have to deal with if they themselves don’t solve it, will first of all need to know the nature of that challenge. An urgent challenge for the contemporary world leaders is Jihād, literally “effort (in the way of Allah)”, effectively “Islamic war against the Infidels”.  For their use, and for everyone’s, Robert Spencer has written a remarkably complete account of the origins of the Jihad doctrine and the highlights of its applications in history. It is aptly titled History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS (Post Hill Press, Nashville/New York, 2018) and dedicated to “the untold millions of victims of jihad”.

This well-written and fully referenced book is a mighty thriller, with even more suspense than most. After some turns in the plot, from Islamic expansion to Islamic decline and back to Islamic expansion, and from Unbeliever defeats to Unbeliever resistance and ascendancy on to Unbeliever self-undoing, it stops before the ending. We have yet to see if jihad will ultimately prevail. Even if it won’t, it seems likely to cause us lots more trouble before it goes.

The roots of Jihad are traced to the details of Mohammed’s career, as given in the Islamic source texts. (Spencer cautions beforehand that those chronicles do not live up to modern historiographical standards, and that a contemporary line of scholarship tries to reconstruct what truly happened behind the conserved version; but this “real” history is as yet tentative and without any influence on what Muslims believe or what Islamic law is based on, which still is the traditional account.) The whole array of techniques of conquest and subjugation that we know from jihadi history down to the present was already there: murders at night, executions at dawn, open battles at noon; enslavement, extortion, plunder, deportation, treachery, stratagems, broken promises, terror.

Nonetheless, I want to insist on a fact that might easily get overlooked in this catalogue of violence: Mohammed was no sadist, he just wanted his critics and enemies surrendered or dead, he didn’t bother to make them suffer. In general, Mohammed didn’t care for the pleasure of seeing his enemies in protracted pain, but kept his eye on the ultimate goal: surrender by all his enemies to his pretence of prophethood, i.e. world conquest. An exceptional but prominent case of torture, described in Spencer’s book, is when a man was asked where he had hidden his treasure. To loosen his tongue, the Prophet had him tortured, but when he refused to give in, he was just cleanly beheaded.

All these practices reappeared in ISIS warfare, and have made headlines worldwide as titillatingly shocking, though the media mostly kept their Islamic motive and prophetic precedent out of sight. Even there, torture was not routine: people were just beheaded. (Not that this justifies anything: in Auschwitz too, people were ‘only’ gassed, a swift and bloodless death.) The downed Jordanian pilot was burned to death only because his bombs had inflicted similarly excruciating deaths on civilians; it was not the general rule. Mohammed observed a certain economy of violence: no song need be made about dead unbelievers, but his real goal was not killing them, that only came when the ‘need’ arose. Instead, what he wanted most of all, what he really craved, was people’s acceptance of his personal delusion that he was Allah’s own unique spokesman. He really was a Mohammedan, as are his followers, though they abhor the term.

The prophet’s life-work, achieved through jihad, was the conquest of Arabia and the replacement of its multicultural society with a monolithic Islamic dictatorship. This was completed around the time of his death with the expulsion of the remaining Jews around Medina and the Christians of Yemen. Henceforth we would learn whether Jihad was only Mohammed’s whim or a constant of Islamic history. It only took a few months to take away any doubt: most Arabs returned to their native Paganism, some also started following new prophets like Musaylima, but Mohammed’s successor (Caliph) Abu Bakr swiftly came after them and forced them back into Islam.

The second Caliph, Umar, aided by his personal rival but great strategist Khalid bin al-Walid, then started a spectacular conquest of what is now known as the Near East, at the expense of the powerful Sassanian (Persian) and Byzantine empires. His successors would continue the Caliphate’s expansion by conquering North Africa and the entire Persian empire, until the conquest of Spain in 702 and of Sindh (the westernmost province of India, now southern Pakistan) in 712. In Western Europe, the conquest ended when an incursion into northern France was stopped by Charles the Hammer in 732 near Tours. In Spain, a small leftover Christian territory proved enough to start a Reconquistathat would take almost eight centuries.

Everywhere the formula for dealing with the natives was the same: either convert to Islam or accept the subordinate status of Dhimmi with payment of a special toleration tax (jizya). In the case of India, a debate among Islamic jurisconsults would develop about whether Hindus could be accepted as Dhimmis: this status was meant for “People of the Book”, viz. Jews and Christians, not for outright Pagans. Different schools of jurisprudence developed, with the Hanbali school demanding conversion or death, pure and simple; but as the more lenient Hanafi school was to prevail in India, Hindus could, after a bloody period of subjugation, equally settle into the status of third-class citizen or Dhimmi.


In the Subcontinent, fierce Hindu resistance meant that for almost five centuries, the Muslim-controlled territory would remain confined to the northwest, more or less present-day Pakistan. Yet, while conquest was slow, the concomitant massacres and destruction were already impressive. Spencer bases himself on primary sources to sketch the successive episodes of conquest, e.g.:

‘The thirteenth-century Muslim historian Minhaj al-Siraj Juzjani, author of the Tabaqat-i Nasiri, a history of Islam’s rise, noted that as Mahmud [Ghaznavi] waged jihad in India, “he converted so many thousands of idol temples into masjids [mosques].” Mahmud broke the idols whenever he could, so as to demonstrate the power of Islam and the superiority of Allah to the gods of the people of India. When he defeated the Hindu ruler Raja Jaipal in 1001, he had Jaipal “paraded about in the streets so that his sons and chieftains might see him in that condition of shame, bonds and disgrace; and that the fear of Islam might fly abroad through the country of the infidels.”’ (p.131)

Or quoting from historian Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Utbi: ‘Then at Mathura, al-Utbi added, “the Sultan gave orders that all the temples should be burnt with naptha and fire, and levelled with the ground.” At Kanauj, the Muslim historian continued, “there were nearly ten thousand temples.… Many of the inhabitants of the place fled in consequence of witnessing the fate of their deaf and dumb idols. Those who did not fly were put to death. The Sultan gave his soldiers leave to plunder and take prisoners.”

Then, at Shrawa,

“the Muslims paid no regard to the booty till they had satiated themselves with the slaughter of the infidels and worshippers of sun and fire. The friends of Allah searched the bodies of the slain for three days in order to obtain booty.…The booty amounted in gold and silver, rubies and pearls nearly to three thousand dirhams, and the number of prisoners may be conceived from the fact that each was sold for two to ten dirhams. They were afterwards taken to Ghazni and merchants came from distant cities to purchase them, so that the countries of Mawaraun-Nahr, Iraq and Khurasan were filled with them, and the fair and the dark, the rich and the poor, were commingled in one common slavery.”’ (p.133)

It is only in 1192 that Mohammed Shihabuddin Ghori and his lieutenants broke through the Hindu defences and in two years’ time conquered the entire territory from Delhi to the Bay of Bengal. They destroyed every Pagan institution they could lay their hands on. The Buddhist university of Nalanda burned for weeks on end, and its inmates were levelled as much as its books and buildings.

Here, Spencer makes a slight mistake: ‘In 1191 and 1192, Muhammad Ghori twice defeated a force of Rajputs led by the Hindu commander Prithviraj Chauhan’. (p.175) No, in the first battle, Prithviraj had been victorious, but had magnanimously set his defeated enemy free upon the promise that he wouldn’t do it again. But next year, Ghori came back, won, and was not that generous to Prithviraj, who was blinded and subsequently killed. The sequence illustrates the perfidiousness of those who have taken Mohammed’s jihad doctrine to heart.

The Ghori blitzkrieg would result in the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526), one of the cruellest oppressive regimes in history, comprising at its height about half of India. But even the succeeding Moghul dynasty, started by Uzbek invaders, never succeeded in conquering all of India. Only in the late 17th century would the pendulum swing back with the rise of the Hindu rebel king Shivaji, whose Peshwa successors would reduce the Moghul empire to a shadow of itself (but then lose out to the British).

Spencer’s diagnosis for almost one thousand years of Muslim advances and Hindu retreat is given during the description of how Muslim warlords formed an alliance in 1565 to defeat the last remaining Hindu power, the Vijayanagar empire: ‘The Hindu resistance was seldom strong or well-organized. The Muslims had superior firepower, better organization, and in most cases, unity. Although there was always considerable internecine jihad between rival Muslim factions, the warring groups could usually unite against the infidels.’ (p.235) Till today, by contrast, Hindus have a hard time uniting.

The narrative repeatedly returns to India until the story of Partition and also that of the Rohingya Muslims. The latter is an almost unbelievable example of how the media story, tearfully commiserating with the poor hapless Muslims, diametrically differs from historical reality, where the Rohingyas have been waging jihad against their Buddhist neighbours since decades.


Ghori’s conquest had been made possible by an inter-Hindu quarrel. Prithviraj Chauhan, king of Delhi, had abducted Samyukta, the daughter of the neighbouring king Jayachandra, with her own cooperation. Romantic songs were composed about Prithviraj’s colourful adventures, but Jayachandra did not see it that way. He invited Ghori, who was glad to oblige this fissure in the Infidel defences. For Jayachandra’s services, Ghori ultimately had him beheaded too.

A similar scenario, Spencer recounts, played out in the conquest of Spain. The king of a remaining Christian enclave in North Africa was angry with the Visigoth king of Spain for having seduced his young daughter, and therefore encouraged the Muslim governor Tariq ibn Ziyad to invade Spain, helping him with strategic information.

The last Byzantine Prime Minister, Lukas Notaras, who was to live through (but die in) the Ottoman conquest of his remainder-empire, had rejected theological concessions to Latin Christianity in exchange for the urgently needed military help: “Better the turban of the Sultan than the tiara of the Pope.” (p.197) Yes, there were reasons not to trust the Popish camp, and people of principle are attached to their distinctive dogmas; but did that outweigh what was to come through jihad? Given the complete destruction of the Byzantine population through either slaughter or slavery, his view can be reckoned as falsified through reality.

Shortly after, Martin Luther would nonetheless repeat this maxim that the Turk was preferable to the Pope:

‘“The Turk is an avowed enemy of Christ. But the Pope is not. He is a secret enemy and persecutor, a false friend. For this reason, he is all the worse!” Luther’s broadside was one of the earliest examples of what was to become a near-universal tendency in the West: the downplaying of jihad atrocities and their use in arguments between Westerners to make one side look worse.’ (p.220-221)

To Luther’s credit, though, his actions failed to match his words, and he supported the Protestant princes who came to Vienna’s rescue against a Turkish siege in 1525.

When the Ottomans besieged Vienna in 1683, they could count on the collaboration of the Hungarian count Emmerich Tekeli, who had accounts to settle with the Habsburgs. Inter-Infidel quarrels have often been exploited by the Jihadis: war is a stratagem and exploiting disunity in the enemy camp is one of the oldest tactics. At any rate, Jihad was a merciless campaign of conquest, and it has been alive since the earliest days of Islam.

Surrender today:

The next period of Islamic conquest was in the 15th-16th century, when the Balkans, Central India, Southeast Asia and parts of Africa largely fell to Islam. But this expansion was, from the late 17th century onwards, followed by stagnation and decline of the Ottoman and Moghul empires. Then followed loss of control over nominally Islamic countries to rising European colonialism, which even triggered increasing doubt about Islam.

Thus, after the French and British saved the Ottomans from a complete rout against Russia in the Crimea war but then forced them to sign a modernising treaty abolishing slavery and dhimmitude, the Ottoman grand vizier Ali Pasha advised the Caliph that the Islamic institution of dhimmitude was actually harmful to the country: ‘Ali Pasha was presaging the subversive idea that Kemal Ataturk would make the basis of his secular Turkish government after World War I: the reason for Turkish failure was Islam, and the only path to its resuscitation required discarding Islam, at least as a political system.’ (p.264) This ought to be revived as a model for Muslims today: the realisation that Islam is backward and ultimately bad for its followers.

But this long decline would, in turn, be followed by another period of expansion: today. This brings us, skipping over interesting chapters on the Ottoman decline, Napoleon in Egypt, the European-enforced and incomplete abolition of slavery, the end of the Moghul empire, the Mahdi uprising, the Armenian genocide, the Jerusalem mufti’s role in the Nazi genocide of the Jews etc., to the modern age. If we take “modern” to be 1970, the process of Westernisation, of an ever-weakening grip of Islam, of bare-headed Muslimas, seemed to be continuing. At that time, European countries thought nothing of importing massive amounts of guest workers from North Africa and Turkey, thinking that Islam had become a harmless folk custom, on its way out just like Christianity was for Europeans. British trade-unions recruited among Pakistanis on a Leftist platform, never seeing a need to even mention Islam. Even the Palestinian struggle against Israel donned the garb of Marxism and flirted with Cuba.

But when you shift “modern” to today, a completely different picture emerges.

In 1979, US president Jimmy Carter relaxed his support to the Shah of Iran, though the latter was besieged by both the Islamic and the Communist opposition. (It was not the first time that the US would betray its friends, ask Chiang Kai-shek, Batista, Van Thieu, Mobutu.) The void was soon filled by the ayatollahs, who promptly eliminated their Leftist allies. From then on, the message went around the world that Islam is the formula for success. After centuries of decline, an ambitious expansion could start.

In the 1980s, US president Ronald Reagan had in good faith appealed to the jihadis to contain Soviet expansionism in Afghanistan, which obtained its immediate goal. In spite of the revolution in Iran, the impression still prevailed among the Western bourgeoisie that Islam had become harmless. But then this collaboration spiralled into a mushroom growth of jihadi initiatives like al-Qaeda, the Taliban, 9/11 and many more recent terror attacks in the West, and ultimately ISIS. These spin-offs of the collaboration with the jihadis could have been contained if Western policy-makers had been guided by an awareness of the Islam problem, but instead they gave in to sentimental delusions, and reaped the bloody harvest.

Twenty-five years later, collaboration with jihad has become everyday policy. Our politicians, even and especially those who have Muslim countries bombed and invaded (Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Nicholas Sarkozy, David Cameron, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, François Hollande), though they all have the blood of Muslim and other civilians in the Near East on their hands, have also praised Islam to the skies. None of them has ever uttered a word of Islam criticism, or ‘Islamophobia’ as they call it, and some of them have even organised repression against Islam critics. (Spencer himself was refused entry into the United Kingdom under Cameron, when Theresa May was home minister; and under Obama he was refused FBI protection for an Islam-critical event that did indeed become the target of an Islamic terror attack.) Their interventions in Iraq, Lybia and Syria destabilised authoritarian but modernist regimes and cleared the way for ayatollahs and ISIS.

Redefining jihad:

In 1998, after bomb attacks on the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salam, Bill Clinton declared in a speech at the UN: ‘Some may have the world believe that almighty God himself, the merciful, grants a license to kill. But that is not our understanding of Islam.…’ (p.327-328)

This soon became the orthodoxy. Academics whitewash Islam’s history and theology, top feminists like Germaine Greer whitewash female genital mutilation, Amnesty International advocates the ‘freedom’ to wear the burqa. The media downplay Islamic terror and crime, and after every bomb attack, they hurry to ensure us that “it has nothing to do with Islam”, diametrically in conflict with the vows the terrorists themselves had taken before their deeds, often videotaped, or their leaders’ declarations afterwards. If at all they had to face the fact of terror, they blamed it on ‘troubled’ individuals or on one organisation, which then consisted (in David Cameron’s words) of ‘monsters, not Muslims’. And when Muslims use the word jihad, Westerners hurry to claim that it means the ‘great jihad’, a spiritual struggle, while the physical struggle is only the ‘little jihad’, moreover purely defensive.

Yet, in an interview in 2001, Osama bin Laden explained:

‘This matter isn’t about any specific person, and it is not about the al-Qai’dah Organization. We are the children of an Islamic Nation, with Prophet Muhammad as its leader. Our Lord is one, our Prophet is one, our Qibla [the direction Muslims face during prayer] is one, we are one nation [ummah], and our Book [the Qur’an] is one. And this blessed Book, with the tradition [sunnah] of our generous Prophet, has religiously commanded us [alzamatna] with the brotherhood of faith [ukhuwat al-imaan], and all the true believers [mu’mineen] are brothers. So the situation isn’t like the West portrays it, that there is an “organization” with a specific name (such as “al-Qai’dah”) and so on. (p.322-323)

Bin Laden’s mentor Sheikh Abdullah ‘Azzam’s written exhortation to Muslims to join the jihad in Afghanistan, Join the Caravan, is likewise studded with Qur’anic quotations and references to the life of Muhammad. Azzam denied that Muhammad ever understood jihad solely as a spiritual struggle. “The saying, ‘We have returned from the lesser Jihad [battle] to the greater Jihad,’ which people quote on the basis that it is a hadith, is in fact a false, fabricated hadith which has no basis. It is only a saying of Ibrahim bin Abi Ablah, one of the Successors, and it contradicts textual evidence and reality.” He quotes several authorities charging that ahadithnarrated by Ibrahim bin Abi Ablah are false, including one who reports: “He was accused of forging hadith.” Azzam also invokes the medieval Islamic scholar Ibn Taymiyya, who wrote: “This hadith has no source and nobody whomsoever in the field of Islamic knowledge has narrated it. Jihad against the disbelievers is the most noble of actions and moreover, it is the most important action for the sake of mankind. (…) the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) used to go out on military expeditions or send out an army at least every two months.” He quotes a hadith in which Muhammad says that Islam’s “highest peak” is jihad.’ (p.324)


Indeed, in a matter of decades, Western Europe has lost the will to survive as a non-Muslim entity. It no longer resists Islamisation, so it has allowed millions upon millions of Muslims in without demanding any de-Islamisation from them. In India, this same internal weakening of resolve has been in evidence since Mahatma Gandhi’s rise to the Congress leadership in 1920. Both European and Hindu elites have taken to blathering that all religions are essentially saying the same thing, and they are allergic to any less-than-rosy study about Islam itself. India having started earlier on this delusional course, it reaped the fruits earlier: in 1947 it lost a fifth of its territory to the newly-created Islamic republic of Pakistan. In the concomitant genocide, it lost a million of its people, and again some two million in East Pakistan in 1971.

With the recent, partly self-inflicted terror attacks, in parallel with the rising demands of its ever-growing Muslim community, Europe is now catching up fast. One way the European and Hindu elites try to avoid having to face the challenge of jihad, is interreligious dialogue. They consider themselves very clever and enlightened, but their stratagem is quite old and history teaches how it tends to end:

‘In the early tenth century, the patriarch of Constantinople Nicholas I Mystikos made an early attempt at interfaith outreach, writing to the Abbasid caliph Muqtadir in cordial terms: “The two powers of the whole universe, the power of the Saracens and that of the Romans, stand out and radiate as the two great luminaries in the firmament; for this reason alone we must live in common as brothers although we differ in customs, manners and religion.” Like later attempts at interfaith outreach, this one was for naught. The jihad continued.’ (p.137)

The end of the story was that on 28 May 1453, emperor Constantine XI Paleologus could do no more than exhort his men to a terminal fight against the troops of ‘the mad and false Prophet, Mohammed’ (p.371), and that on 29 May, the Ottoman army conquered Constantinople, turning it into the capital of the Ottoman Caliphate.

But several years before the end came, Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus spoke some grim truths about Islam, that no non-Muslim doubted in his own day, though they became a scandal when repeated in our own. Manuel, ‘little remembered after his death, shot to fame nearly six hundred years later, when on September 12, 2006, in Regensburg, Germany, Pope Benedict XVI dared to enunciate some truths about Islam that proved to be unpopular and unwelcome among Muslims worldwide. Most notoriously, the pope quoted Manuel on Islam: “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.” (…) In the twenty-first century, Manuel’s words were denounced as “Islamophobic”.’ (p.196)

Spencer subtly but repeatedly sketches the contrast between the fierce resistance by our ancestors and today’s surrender mentality: “The Battle of Tours in 732 may have stopped the complete conquest and Islamization of Europe. The warriors of jihad would appear again in France, but they would not come close again to gaining control of the whole country until many centuries later, by vastly different means, when there was no longer a Charles Martel to stop them.”’ (p.94)

The absence of a much-needed Charles Martel is obvious among our politician, nowhere more striking than in the Papacy. In the past, there have been Popes who, out of dire necessity, paid tribute to jihadis, but even then they never put Islam on the same footing as Christianity. And when the power equation was a bit better, the Pope acted as a strategic centre for organising Crusades or to motivate kings for the defence of Vienna or the battle of Lepanto. Even the last Pope, Benedict XVI, has famously uttered some criticism of Islam. But the Pope, Francis, has voluntarily knelt before Muslims and kissed the Quran. It is just sickening to hear the inheritor of such a proud tradition now parrot the worst pro-Islamic propaganda lies.

Worse, ‘Pope Francis was not just a defender of Islam and the Qur’an but of the Sharia death penalty for blasphemy: after Islamic jihadists in January 2015 murdered cartoonists from the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Francis obliquely justified the murders by saying that

“it is true that you must not react violently, but although we are good friends if [an aide] says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch, it’s normal. You can’t make a toy out of the religions of others. These people provoke and then [something can happen]. In freedom of expression, there are limits.”’ (p.357)

Jihadis who aren’t that well-informed about the reigning mentality in the Unbeliever camp, have shown no gratitude by threatening even Francis. An ISIS poster shows him beheaded. And that may well become the fate of all the other camp-followers on the Islamic jihad. They can only be rescued by Unbelievers: either the Muslims massively abandon Islamic belief, or those who don’t believe in either Islam or Islamophile propaganda somehow get the upper hand quickly.

(This write-up is borrowed with thanks from HERE).

India from 2800 BC to 2016 AD: Republics, Kingdoms and Empires

What did India look like in 2800 BC? What was its geographical area and what were the regions or kingdoms then? And, since then how did India change in its area, regions, kingdoms, empires and republics till now – precisely till 2016 AD?

Here is this video that painstakingly researched all this information and gives a fleeting view of this information:

Kashmir, Article 370 and Distortion of Truth by Western Media

Speaking the truth: The biased western media – particularly BBC and CNN – against India and distorting the truth of Kashmir.

What is wrong with Congress? Why, After All?

By: Avinash Srivastava

● Congress is against ‘Ram Mand’ir’.
● Congress is against ‘Ram Setu’.
● Congress is against ‘Triple Tal’aq Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘Citizenship (Amend’t) Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘10% EWS Reservation Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘Aaadhar Act, 2016’.
● Congress is against ‘MSME’s Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘Rohin’gya’ deportation.
● Congress is against ‘GST Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘PM KISAN Samman’ nidhi.
● Congress is against ‘NRC Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘Anti Sedition Law’.
● Congress is against ‘Sainik Colony in J&K’.
● Congress is against ‘Naga Accord’.
● Congress is against ‘Aadhar-Votor ID Linking’.
● Congress is against ‘Uniform Civil Code’.
● Congress is against ‘Demonetisation’.
● Congress is against ‘Rafale Deal’.
● Congress is against ‘Urban Nax’als arrest’.
● Congress is against ‘Ayushmaan Bharat’.
● Congress is against ‘Make In India’.
● Congress is against ‘Benami Property Act’.
● Congress is against ‘Universal Basic Income’.
● Congress is against ‘Money Laundering Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘Fugitive Offender Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘Land Acquisition Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘Labor Reform Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘Insolvency Act’.
● Congress is against ‘Code of Criminal Proc’.
● Congress is against ‘Bofors Case re-opening;’.
● Congress is against ‘Sikh Riots Investigation.
● Congress is against ‘NIA (Amend’t) Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘UAPA (Amend’t) Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘POCSO (Amend’t) Bill’.
● Congress is against ‘NMC Bill 2019’.
● Congress is against abrogation of ‘Article 370’.
● Congress is against revoking ‘Article 35A’.
● Congress is against ‘J&K Bifurcation bill’.

What is the problem with ‘Congress’ ?

BBC and CNN – Fake News Factories Churning Out Anti-India Propaganda

CNN & BBC are producing pieces of anti-India fake news – with total falsehood – on daily basis about Kashmir. They are churning out this anti-India propaganda about Kashmir since the last week. For this purpose they are heavily using “Gunga Deen leftist Indian-sounding” journalists.

It is now crystal clear that they are committed anti-India and can go to any length in peddling falsehood, and can produce any nonsense material about Kashmir.

They are cleverly manufecturing subliminal stuff where pro-Pakistan (protani) fascists are masked as “victims”, real victims are never mentioned, imaginary fear mongering is being resorted to. It is one sided mind game full of total lies. The worst part of it is that a regular American or European reader, who doesn’t understand how fake news is peddled, might feel that it’s true simply because the reporter is an Indian.

They make subtle use of defamed words like “majoritarianism” and “genocide” but never mention of the Hindu sufferings of Ladakh or Jammu or Kashmir. There is no mention of the fact that there is no such special status given by Pakistan to its occupied part of Kashmir (POK). There is no mention of the fact that nothing disturbing has happened in last week in Kashmir.

Never once they write any article on the Pakistani genocide going on in Balochistan; nothing they write about Pakistan’s active genocide of minorities in Sindh. Nor they mention how demography of POK has been changed by Pakistan by replacing Kashmiris with west Punjabis.

There is no surprise that dubbing of them as “fake news medis” has resonated with many people within India and outside India. Look at the examples of completely sham articles written by them as mentioned below. These media houses basically provide cover fire to Islamic fascist and other totalitarians. See these examples:

Life under Article 370 – Part of History

By: Rajat Mitra

Many people, I believe, would be happy today. Sardar Patel, Shayama Prasad Mukherjee and many others. Many are in heaven. One of those would be my late father in law, M L Tikku, a proud Kashmiri Hindu. He wanted the article 370 to go in his lifetime like millions of Kashmiri Hindus. He wanted it abrogated for his children and grandchildren. He would often tell me a story about that which I think symbolizes the story of Hindus in Kashmir.

The year was 1957. My father in law had gone to check his name in the selected list of candidates admitted in BSc program of the degree college in Srinagar. Being the son of K N Tikku known as the mathematician of Kashmir, his mathematics skills were higher than average and he was confident of making it to the top ten and telling that to his father.

But what he saw on that day changed his life permanently. On the list, his name was not there and below the name of selected candidates it was written, the above is the selected list. A separate list of Hindu candidates may be released if deemed so.

As he told me he had come back crestfallen and told this to his father. He recalled that as he told his father, he showed no reaction and merely said that he will have to try harder. But for my young father in law, a question had already formed that would trouble him for the rest of his life. Can this happen in any part of independent India? As he talked to other students, he found that their reaction was similar to his. They all realized there was no place for them in Kashmir and no future either. As he recalled all of them migrated to other part of India.

They had then gone to the Chief Minister Bakshi Gulam Mohammed and pleaded to be admitted. As he told them, their high marks were not the issue. It was the fact that they were not Muslims but Hindus. He quoted Article 370 to say that the article was to protect the Muslims of the valley. But what he said after that was more shocking. “You have the whole of India to get admission. Why don’t you go away and take admission elsewhere. Kashmir is for Muslims and Muslim boys will be considered.” The implication was clear. Convert to Islam and get admission.

They had managed to get a few minuscule number of seats after much pleading and were given so after some humiliating condition.

When he had asked his father why Kashmiri Pandits faced such discrimination he was told that has been the fate of Kashmiri Pandits for last five hundred years. They have always had to plead for what they needed to have it from Muslims. Then he had mentioned and said that article 370 legalized it. Anything that Kashmiri Muslims did to Hindus couldn’t be challenged in courts of law.

My father in law was to find another reason why they were denied admission on the basis of religion. The reason was simple. Hindu boys were considered more intelligent, more hard working. They were to be sent outside Kashmir for education and employment.

“Had you written to the press?” I had asked. “Yes, they told us it is no news item. No one took any notice of it. Who cared if a group of Hindu boys were discriminated against or denied admission.”

That is the time he learnt Kashmir has a separate constitution and a separate flag and laws of India did not apply there. Every Kashmiri Hindu knew in his heart about article 370 but believed that he will be left untouched. Just a few years earlier Shayama Prasad Mukherjee had mysteriously died while in Kashmir. The message to all Kashmiri Pandits was to remain silent and say nothing if they witnessed any injustice. That was the wise course of action all followed. Kashmiri Hindus were a minuscule minority and were at the mercy of Kashmiri Muslims.

He told me many stories. One of them was about the history of Battmazar, an island in the middle of Dal Lake. He told me how Hindus were taken to be converted there and if they didn’t were buried alive and how the Muslim boatmen would not take them there. “Why don’t you talk about it?” I had asked. “They shouldn’t be lost to history.”

When I thought of writing a novel on Kashmir, he encouraged me by telling me lot of stories from his childhood and early struggles to find a foothold and those similar to him, all ordinary Kashmiris who had lived in silence. The silence was due to article 370. Many of them were anecdotes and always told of a deep divide that existed between Hindus and Muslims, now officially sanctioned because of article 370.

When I finished writing my book, he read it from beginning to end and said it will help people to understand why article 370 should go. He felt it great that I, a non Kashmiri, had written it and felt that Kashmiris were always alienated from the rest of India. He also found it difficult to read certain chapters, those even told by him. One was on how temples were destroyed in Kashmir was the most difficult one for him. He told me how going to the Martand temple ruins was traumatic for every Kashmiri Hindu and it couldn’t be restored because of article 370. It would require specialists and conservationists to come and stay from outside. Why will they come and stay if they can’t buy land or own property here?

Article 370 was about injustice alone. For seventy years it told us that some Indians were more equal than others and it couldn’t be questioned. The article bled our motherland culturally, politically and socially being the very place where Hinduism reached its peak. This article martyred many of our soldiers, put many in prison and led to the destruction of the Hindu way of life in Kashmir. It at the same time showed the spineless politics that dominated the Indian landscape, a continuation of the colonial rule where Indians especially Hindus had to kneel in front of their masters.

When we saw the news of the ending of the Article 370, my wife and my first thought was a wish he was alive today. He would have said if this article had been removed earlier, he would have never left Kashmir to never come back. That very thought would have been uppermost on the minds of millions of Kashmiris today who had to leave their homeland and become refugees over centuries.

When Obama became the president of USA, my friend, a Black, had called me up and said, “I never thought I would see this day in my lifetime.”

Today, I feel like saying the same, “I didn’t expect to see this day in my lifetime.”

Peoples, Creed and Indian Sub-continent

Humans are feeble. Those of them who are wise – scientists and philosophers – know that there is much that they do not know. They know they are helpless in many ways – they are feeble. And those of them who know they know nothing – illetrate and ignorants – are also feeble and helpless. They all – all of them – feel vulnerable.

Humans seek help, hope and solace in some supreme power, almighty, God, Allah, Parmeshwar. They may all differ from one another in their mental image – conception – of that supreme power but they all have one thing in common: they have faith in that power of their personal mental conception.

Humans – almost all of them, with an exception of a very few persons – need God. If   humans seek help for the unknown in God, there is no harm. If persons have different mental conceptions of that God, there is no harm. If persons differ on the very existence of that God, there is no harm. If there is a difference of opinion about the very existance of that supreme power or its / His power, image, quality or kind among different groups of such people, there is no harm.

But if anyone out of all such disputing groups indulges in violence or kills those who do not agree with the mental conception of his God, or do not agree with what his God says, or do not act as his God bids to act, it harms all humans. That one person harms the humanity. If that one person – and the group to which he belongs – kills his fellow human beings only because he thinks he is obeying his God, that person has no right to live in the human society; he deserves to be isolated from the rest of humanity, simply to secure this humanity’s safety. His foolproof isolation from the rest of humanity, by whatever means possible, is the only way left to our race to guarantee its safety and security. We all – perhaps to the last person of our race – do not know much about the supreme power that may be there; or that may not be there; but we all – without a single exception – know everything about humans, humans who live here on earth. We know each other; we interact with each other. We need our collective peace and security, for securing of which no cost is too dear. It is an imperative necessity on our part in this atomic age to take our collective safety and security seriously and invent ways to guarantee it against such insane and reckless acts of some of the members of our race.

Humans today can no longer afford the luxury of fighting and killing the disagreeing humans in the name of God. Persons who serve their God by killing those who do not agree with their God; and a God that inspires persons to kill those who disagree with what that God says; are not welcome today by humanity. Humanity in this atomic age cannot afford to allow such persons the freedom to do what they want to do – to kill humans in the name of their God. Humanity cannot permit them by their such insane acts to destroy our race, the human race.

A religion that teaches its followers to kill those who disagree with what it preaches, has no right to exist today in this atomic age – to exist in any part of the world. No amount of logic justifies their stand for killing of those humans who disagree with them; no amount of logic justifies their violent acts in furtherance of that stand. It poses a threat to the very survival of humanity. It needs to be discredited and discarded by humanity. The sooner it is done is better. It is better for all of us without any exception, that is, including even those who adhere to such creed.

In the Indian sub-continent, there lives a huge number of humanity that follow such a dangerous religious creed. The ancestors of this large part of humanity – ancestors of these peoples – had to embrace this creed under unfortunate historical circumstances and had to embrace mostly against their will. These people even today bear with pride peculiar surnames and tribal identities (known as Gotra) with their personal names. These peculiar surnames and identities have their origin in remote antiquities and were once bore by their ancestors with their names and with pride. Such surnames and identities are still dear to these peoples, notwithstanding the creed that they adhere today.

One would find almost all citizens of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc. still bearing such surnames and identities with their personal names testifying to their linkage with their Hindu ancestors of the bygone age. It is not a matter of shame for them; it is a matter of pride. Let us all respect their such link and pride. It is the continuity of history. It was well said long ago, “Blood is thicker than the thought”. The blood is their linkage with their ancestors and the thought is their creed. Blood and DNA of humans do not change over time but their thoughts and creeds may go on changing with the passage of time. It is the duty of Hindus of today to remind them, with all the brotherly love and sympathy that they deserve, of their Hindu ancestral roots and of those past unfortunate circumstances of their ancestors. This responsibility has become all the more urgent today in view of the current international isolation and disdain of their dangerous creed by the rest of peace loving humanity.

One can read the writing on the wall that, in view of the rapid advances being made today in the technology of weapons of mass destruction, the vast majority of peace loving humanity is going to impose very soon many humiliating restrictions on the adherents of that dangerous creed. These unfortunate humans need the sympathy and the kind attention. They may feel the necessity of searching their ancestral roots and embracing back the creed of their forefathers – and if they feel so, they should be welcome. It is for them to decide what is better for them. Hindus have no right to say that to them. It is the time that will make them decide what is batter for them. But Hindus have a duty on another count.

This duty is to open their doors to peoples whose ancestors were once Hindus and who were subjected to unfortunate circumstances. Hindus need to embrace them and welcome them back home of their ancestors. They have the responsibility to open their doors, welcome them and welcome them with all the love and mutual rights and obligations. Hindus need to embrace them without any reservations, that is, by giving and taking the children in marriages of these new entrants of ex-Hindus. It is the work of Hindus – and Hindus alone – to create among them the awareness of this necessity. It call for a Hindu social movement.  It is opening up of the Hinduism to the outside world; it is reforming Hinduism. It is the need of the hour. It is a step forward by an ancient India towards the modernity of 21st century world.

J & K Integrates with India and POK Awaits its turn

By: Prakash Katoch

The total area of State of J&K under India, that is excluding Pak Occupied Kashmir (POK), is 101380 sq Km. Out of this total area, the three parts of the State (Kashmir valley, Jammu and Ladakh) in percentage share the areas as under:

Kashmir : 15%
Jammu : 26%
Ladakh : 59%

Out of this total of101380 sq Kilo meters, 85,000 sq Km, which comprises 85% of this area, is not the Muslim majority area. The total population of this entire area is 1.25  Crores.

Out of the total population of 1.25 Crores of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the area of Kashmir valley has 69 Lakhs people. Out of this 69 Lakhs, only 55 Lakhs speak Kashmiri language, while the rest of the 13 lakhs people speak non Kashmiri languages. In Jammu 53 Lakhs people live and speak Dogri, Punjabi and Hindi languages; and in Ladakh 03 Lakhs live and speak Ladakhi language. This does not include 7.5 lakh people settled who do not have citizenship.

There are 22 districts in J&K. Out of these 22 districts only 5 Districts, where the separatists have the domination, are
Srinagar, Anantnag, Baramullah, Kulgam and Pulwama. The remaining 17 districts are Pro India. Thus separatists’ writ runs in just 15% of the population and this is Sunni Muslim dominated area.

Interestingly these 5 districts are far away from Pakistan Border/LOC.

There are more than fourteen major Religious / ethinic groups, which comprise 85% of the population of J&K and are pro India. These areas have people mostly ethnic groups of Shias ;Dogras: (Rajputs, Brahmins & Mahajans); Kashmiri Pandits; Sikhs; Buddhists ( Ladakhis ); Gujjars; Bakarwals; Paharis; Baltis; Christians & many more.

Majority of the people in J&K do not speak Kashmiri as their mother tongue. It’s Dogri, Gujjari, Punjabi, Ladhaki , Pahari etc. Only 33 % people in Kashmir speak Kashmiri & this group controls narrative from Hurriyat to militants and from NC and PDP. This 33% of the Jammu and Kashmir people controls business, bureaucracy & agriculture. This 33% Sunni population is opposed to India,  although population of all other muslims in JK is 69 %. This 69 % population comprises Shias (12%), Gujjars Muslims (14%), Pahadi Muslims ( 8%), Buddhists , Pandits, Sufis, Christians and Jammu Hindus/ Dogras ( aprox 45%) and they are totally opposed to separatism and Pakistan.

Stone pelting , hoisting of Pakistani flags & anti India demonstrations are held in just 5 districts in Kashmir valley. Other 17 districts have never participated in such activities. Poonch and Kargil have above 90% Muslim population. There has never been an anti India or separatist protest in these districts.

It is only the Anti National Media and other Anti India forces who with their own nefarious designs have created an impression that “WHOLE J&K” is against India.

But the truth is that just 15% of the Population comprising Sunni Muslims inhabiting 5 districts of Kashmir province are fanning the separatist activities.

The bifurcating and constituting the Jammu and Kashmir State into two Union Territories (U.T. of Ladakh without legislative assembly and U.T. of Jammu and Kashmir with legislative assembly) under law (Reorganization of Jammu and Kashmir Bill, 2019) passed by Parliament on August 6, 2019 has struck a mortal blow to the separatism and the religious terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.  In fact, this separatism and religious terrorism was confined only to the Kashmir valley.

This momentus task has been achieved by the government of India led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and ably assisted by its Home Minister Amit Shah. In fact, it was correcting the historical mistake committed by Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1949. It was long overdue.

India is thankful to Shri Modi and Shri Amit Shah and shall ever remain greatful to them for this service.

“Life” of a Soldier, “Human Rights” of a Terrorist and a Court of “Law”

By: A N Roy Col.

I firmly believe terrorists are born to be killed and they do not deserve any rights, forget human rights. Serving defence forces personnel at disturbed area should be beyond questioning by supreme court and law to that effect should be enacted in parliament.

An Army veteran, who lost a family member to a militant’s bullet, has raised agonising posers to the Supreme Court:

How much do you know about the brutality of war?

How many of you have sent your progeny to the armed forces?

Have you ever lost a family member in the defence of the country?

Have you ever experienced – or even know – the pain of losing a young son or having a widowed daughter or seeing your grandchildren grow up without their father?

If not, please do not impede our war effort.

Human rights sound very nice when you and your families are safely ensconced in secure air-conditioned homes, but not when you are facing bullets and stone of a unruly religious fanatic mob.

Applying the Court directions to the Pulwama incident, an FIR will be lodged against Gunner Rishi Kumar who risked his life and killed two terrorists despite being hit on his headgear.

Police investigations will carry on for years haunting him even when posted to other places in India. Courts will issue summons and demand his presence. He will be accused of depriving the ‘innocent’ jihadis of their human rights and asked to justify the killings.

He will be queried: “Are you sure they were terrorists? They did not kill you, why did you kill them?”

He will be asked: “Did you give them adequate opportunity to surrender and reform themselves?”

“Did you give them a fair chance to escape?”
“Did you fire warning shots in the air?”

Instead of lauding his bravery, he will be subjected to judicial witch-hunt. What a disgrace for the nation…!

Subjecting active military operations to judicial review is an outlandish idea.

Whereas all nations empower their soldiers to vanquish enemies of the state, India takes pride in shackling them.

While addressing the U.S. Naval Academy in April 2010, Secretary of Defence Robert M Gates of USA had said:

“You have answered the trumpet call. For my part, I consider myself personally responsible for each and every one of you as though you were my own sons and daughters.

“And when I send you in harm’s way, as I will, I will do everything in my power to see that you have what you need to accomplish your mission – and come home safely.”

Apparently, India’s Supreme Court thinks differently.

Human rights of the enemies of the state appear to be far more important than the security of the country. If the human rights of the terrorist are protected, so that he is able to do what he wants to do, then the Indian State (of which security the soldier is mandated to protect) will be destroyed; the court will be destroyed; the law will be destroyed; and, with that everything, including any human right of any person, will be destroyed.

Finally, as a serving officer commented:

“The Supreme Court has given us two options: Get killed and the country will honour your martyrdom or kill the terrorist and face police/judicial investigations for years.”

His apprehensions are genuine and shared by the most of Indians. Wonder which soldier will look forward to serving in such antagonistic environment!

We cannot fight for India on borders but we can fight for our soldiers’ safety and betterment from the safety of our homes.

Science in India: From Great Past to Great Future

By: Shreepal Singh

Sending “Mangalyan” – Mars Orbitor – in the very first attempt from earth to the orbit of planet Mars is the testimony of the prowess of Indian science. And, now “Chandrayan 2” – the rocket carrying Orbitor, Lander, Rover towards Moon demonstrates the coming of age of space science in India.

It is science in the service of humanity and should be welcome to all. But human ego is very petty and brittle – it gets hurt easily. It was not long ago – perhaps two years back – when a US newspaper (if my memory does not fail me, New York Times) published a stinging cartoon. There was a closed-door meeting of the space-faring club of countries (one can identify them) and at that closed door India was knocking (as if trying to make an unwelcome entry) holding in one hand the lash of an ill-some bullock and in another a Mangalyan toy. In fact, it was a subtle satire against India’s uncalled for attempt; and the uncalled thing was slaming that closed door into the face of India by denying her the cryogenic technology.

All are welcome and all should be welcome to science; and all should be proud of their scientific achievements. India is proud of what it is attempting at (Mangalyan, Chandrayan, Aditya (Sun)yan etc.) and what it has achieved. But India should be equally proud of what it had achieved long back – very long back – in the past. Here is one post about what India had achieved long back, and it very interesting one. It is borrowed with thanks and for fair use from “Know You Bharat”. Here it is.

The first quantitative estimate of the speed of light is seen in the commentary on the Rig Veda by the Bhāratīya Vaidik Puṇḍit Śrī Sāyaṇācārya (14th century CE).

It says that sun light travels 2,202 “Yojanas” in the time span of a “Nimiśārdha” (half a “nimiśa”). The “Yojana” is an ancient unit of length. “Arthaśāstṛa” defines it as being equal to 8,000 “dhanus”, which is equivalent to 9.09 miles. A “nimiśa” is an ancient unit of time that is equal to 16/75 seconds. Thus 2,202 “yojanas” in half a “nimiśa” is equal to 189,547 miles per second after conversion. The modern estimate of the speed of light is 186,281.7 miles per second.

This velocity of Light was calculated by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century, but it was actually determined accurately thousands of years before in the foundation document of Hindū Dharma – the “Rig Veda”. It was further elaborated by Śrī Sāyaṇācārya in the 14th century CE in his commentaries on the ‘Rig Veda’. Bhāratīya Almanacs (Pañcāṅg) have always calculated accurately the motion of planets, sunset, sunrise, eclipses, etc. without using the modern devices like telescopes or any other machinery [although it cannot be ruled out that they used some unknown alternative devices].

It is to be noted that another Bhāratīya Vaidik Puṇḍit Śrī Bhaṭṭa Bhāskara (probably from the 10th century) made the same statement in his commentary on “Taittirīya Bṛāhmaṇa” [part of “Kṛṣṇa Yajurveda”]. Even he says this to be an old tradition.
The fourth verse of the Rigvedic hymn 1:50 (50th hymn in book 1 of Rigveda) is as follows:

तरणिर्विश्वदर्शतो जयोतिष्क्र्दसि सूर्य |
विश्वमा भासिरोचनम |

“taranirviśvadarśato jyotishkridasi sūrya | viśvamā bhāsirocanam ||”

This means “Swift and all beautiful art thou, O Surya (Sun), maker of the light, illuminating all the radiant realm.”

Explaining this verse in his Rig Veda commentary, Sāyaṇācārya, who was a minister in the court of “Bukka” of the great “Vijayanagar” Empire of Karnataka in South Bhārat (in early 14th century), says:

“tathā ca smaryate yojananam. sahasre dve dve sate dve ca yojana ekena nimiśārdhena kramaman.”

This means “It is remembered here that Sun (light) traverses 2,202 yojanas in half a nimisha.”

Note: Nimiśārdha = half of a nimiśa.

In ancient Bhāratīya measurements, “Yojana” is a unit of distance and “Nimiśa” is a unit of time.

Let’s first understand the unit of Vaidik Time: Nimiśa.

The “Mokṣa Dharma Parva” of “Śānti Parva” in “Mahābhārata” describes “Nimiśa” as follows:

15 Nimiśa = 1 Kāṣṭhā
30 Kāṣṭhā = 1 Kalā
30.3 Kalā = 1 Muhūrta
30 Muhurtas = 1 Divasa-Rātṛi (Day-Night)

We know Day-Night is 24 hours.
So we get 24 hours = 30 x 30.3 x 30 x 15 nimiśa; in other words 409050 nimiśa.
We know 1 hour = 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds
So 24 hours = 24 x 3600 seconds = 409,050 nimiśa.
409,050 nimiśa = 86,400 seconds
1 nimiśa = 0.2112 seconds (This is a recursive decimal. The wink of an eye is equal to 0.2112 seconds.). 1/2 nimiśa = 0.1056 seconds

Now Let’s understand the unit of Vedic Distance: Yojana
“Yojana” is defined in Chapter 6 of Book 1 of the ancient vaidik text “Viṣṇu Purāṇa” as follows:

10 Paramāṇu = 1 Parasūkṣma
10 Parasūkṣma = 1 Tṛasareṇu
10 Tṛasareṇu = 1 Mahírajas (particle of dust)
10 Mahīraja = 1 Bālāgṛa (hair’s point)
10 Bālāgṛa = 1 Likhṣa
10 Likhṣa = 1 Yuka
10 Yuka = 1 Yavodara (heart of barley)
10 Yavodara = 1 Yava (barley grain of middle size)
10 Yava = 1 Angula (finger-breadth) (1.89 cm or approx 3/4 inch)
6 Angula = 1 Pāda (the breadth of a foot)
2 Pādā = 1 Vitasti (span)
2 Vitasti = 1 Hasta (cubit)
4 Hasta = 1 Dhanu, a Danda, or pauruṣa (a man’s height) i.e., 6 feet
2,000 Dhanu = 1 Gavyuti (distance to which a cow’s call or lowing can be heard) = 12,000 feet.
4 Gavyutis = 1 Yojana = 9.09 miles
[In “The Ancient Geography of India”, Alexander Cunningham (the founder of ASI) says that a “Yojana” is traditionally held to be between 8 and 9 miles]

Calculation of the Speed of Light from the Rig Veda:

So now we can calculate what is the value of the speed of light in modern units based on the value given as 2202 yojanas in 1/2 nimisha
= 2,202 x 9.09 miles per 0.1056 seconds
= 20,016.18 miles per 0.1056 seconds
= 189,547 miles per second

As per the Rig Veda, the speed of light is 189,547 miles per second.
As per modern science the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second!

Isn’t this amazing?

Source: IndiaDivine at

Settling in USA: Is the Dream-Land Worth It?

By Venkat Ankam (living in Fairfax, VA, USA)

Let me portray the typical life cycle of Indians in the USA with their living conditions and then I will let you decide whether settling in the USA is worth it or not.

As an Indian immigrant in the USA, I have been asking myself this question for quite a long time. The reality is 95% of the Indian immigrants are settling in the US and only 5% of the immigrants are going back to India. I wondered if the “Major chunk (95%) of people settling in the US are making a wise decision or the small chunk (5%) of people going back are making a bad decision?” So I asked this question to my friends and colleagues from the 95% category but I could not get any subtle or profound answers. It looked like people are just following the crowd or falling into the trap, and not be able to go back later in life. So I did my own research asking specific set of survey questions to different age-group people. Let me share my findings.

First of all, why do Indians migrate to the US? One single answer for this question is most of Indians wish to migrate because they think that there is scope for higher income, savings, low stress and a happy life without any common issues we experience in India.

Now let’s see how these objectives are met during the life cycle of these Indian immigrants. Let me use the word NRI to describe them better.

My survey was limited to NRIs in the field of science and technology who are mostly in working class and also to a few business class NRIs as well. I took ratings on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 is the lowest and 10 is the highest) for earnings, savings, stress levels, family relationships and happiness from different age categories with their typical activities in their life cycle. I also realized that not every NRI in the US opens up because of ‘private space’ concept. So I chose people I have good relationship with and who are really open and can share feelings of their life. The Survey was conducted with a casual talk/discussion rather than a professional way of conducting surveys.

Based on the survey results and experiences shared by participants, I categorized the life cycle of immigrants into four different generic phases (Transform, Settle, Growth and Suffer) as shown in the graph below. Every person’s life is different so the depicted life cycle or living conditions may not apply to every NRI. It may vary for few people and life events may overlap between phases. This might be totally different for the new NRIs coming to the US because of longer green card wait time and ever changing immigration policies.

Let me describe these phases with typical life events.

Transform Phase (21 to 28 years): This an excitement phase which starts right from India after getting the US visa. One tries to get to know the culture of the US, what to do before and after entering the US and starts living the American Dream. Parents feel proud of this great achievement by their kids and start making big expectations and hopes. Starts sharing this news to neighbors and relatives and throw a big party as if their kid already succeeded in life. Arrives in the US without the awareness that he/she broke generations of living together and unity in their families. Typically nobody think or care about how life will be in the US after 40s, 50s or 60s in this stage. One gets really amazed with the best infrastructure of America and starts loving it. Gets used to American life style with few hiccups. Starts making some money and will have parties, shopping, vacation trips and realizes that life is very comfortable in the US. Transfers money to India to support family and talks to relatives and friends and shares the greatness of America. Parents will start looking for a bride/groom. Starts green card process to continue living in American dream.

NRIs are very happy in this phase with lots of excitement and joy that American life brings in.

Settle Phase (28 to 40 years): After a couple of trips to India, gets married and spouse arrives in the US. Couple is very happy in the beginning with vacation trips and parties. Realizes that expenses are higher than living as a bachelor. First baby arrives and parents and in-laws visit America. Advances in green card process, switches jobs and moves to new locations. Second baby arrives and then visits India with kids. Realizes that their parents are not quite happy staying alone in India. Also realizes that India has changed a lot and quite expensive than ever. Thinks that they may not be able to fit in India and also India is not a right fit for the kids. NRIs usually decides to go on the path of settling down in the US with a backup plan of going back. Buys Town Home/Condo and switches to luxury cars. Realizes that single income is not really sustainable in the US. Wife decides to do a job instead of getting bored at home. So Income doubles, savings doubles but stress levels go up. Green card arrives and they feel relaxed of immigration issues. Vacation trips becomes hard with little kids so no big vacations.

Happiness level comes down due to missing family relationships and not able to take care of aging parents.

Growth Phase (40 to 50 years): Moves on career ladder and starts making big bucks and also start making big bucks from secondary sources of income like stocks. Some might start a startup company or any business. Usually pretty busy with kids school and extra curricular activities. Buys a single family home and moves to a bigger home. Kids are grown up now so vacations are back. Parents are not able to visit because they don’t like to stay in the US. Also parent’s health will become a big concern. Makes few arrangements for parents in India but they are always temporary. Few realize that their friends in India have made more money in India than them. Realizes that they need to focus more on health aspects so starts some physical activities to keep their body fit.

Higher income, higher savings and most successful phase (professionally) for most people but happiness level further comes down because of lack of relationships.

Suffer Phase (Above 50 years): Kids usually finish their high school and go to a college. All savings will vanish in kids college education. Kids finish their education and start their job at a different place in the US. The couple is alone at big home away from parents and away from kids. They cannot think of going back because of kids and setting up everything from scratch in India would be a daunting task. Whenever they visit India they clearly see that family relationships are faded away because of settling in US. Most people thought that early in growth phase would have been an ideal situation to go back to India before kids enters middle school with a mind set of going back in settle phase.

Most people expressed that “We got everything we wanted in life, but we lost all relationships”. Some people expressed concern like “I wish I knew the downsides or effects of immigration later in the life”.

Starts indulging deeply in social and charity activities to keep them busy and also for social recognition. Usually takes up American citizenship in this phase while some takes up in growth phase only.

Works until 65 years of age to pay off mortgage and retires at the age of 65. After 65 years they start getting social security and healthcare benefits from government. But they continue to work in some retirement jobs to keep them busy or to earn some extra income for unknown expenses.

Just to summarize, life is happy in the beginning but happiness tends to fade away and brings suffering to life after 50s. Materialistic culture of America makes you a successful person professionally and materialistically, but deserts your life. One interesting observation during this study — most of the people who immigrated to America had no plans to settle in the US and most of the settled ones said, “We are not sure we might go back”.

Every NRI looks like a happy person from outside but everyone has a dark side story to tell from inside of their heart.

Life in the US rotates around profession, immigration process and kids. NRIs tend to “sacrifice their life for kids of next generation.” Kids seems to be happy with no complaints about life as they are in young age; the second generation, Indian-Americans, will have friends but might not have family relationships too? So they might end up in the same boat after 50 years age? Needs further research…

Thanks to my friends, colleagues and elders from community who humbly shared their deep thoughts from life for this small write-up and also helping me to make a strong decision to go back to India.

Hope this helps. Everybody’s requirements are different. So just a make a firm decision to settle here or to go back based on your own requirements and priorities, not based on what other NRIs are doing.

Update: Thank you Quorans for overwhelming response. I think this post has gone viral — 97K views, 3.7K upvotes and ~700 shares in 1 day. This clearly indicates that most NRIs are in this dilemma. Received 101 comments so far, 80 with positive sentiment, 9 with negative sentiment and 11 with neither positive or negative sentiment. My observations from these comments.

People who expressed negative sentiment are still in transform phase in US or few youngsters in India (Probably with American dream). Interestingly this was found to be true for other immigrants/expats too, not just Indians. Most of them expressed a feeling that this is a problem for the first generation of immigrants. Later generations will not have such problems. Need to research this further. Many people who expressed positive sentiment felt that situation might be similar in India as well.

Here I would like to add that that professionals with equivalent qualifications and intelligence may earn 50 to 60 % less in India compared to USA but are living more comfortable life with their own house and servants and a driver at their disposal. They are also saving enough to take a week or two holiday in a country 50 to 70 times costlier than India. They are definite enjoying a more luxurious life than their counterparts in USA. They are also able to take care of their parents if they want to. Just think.

Indian Scientists: Being Murdered – Protect Them

By: Shreepal Singh

The world is fiercely competitive. Each one of the world’s established – and attempting to establish – powers is ambitious to outdo its rival(s) and jealous of its competitors to the core. The only telltale sign of the power of a country is its scientific assets – that is, its scientists and scientific facilities. Even out of these two, scientists – the human beings with scientific talent – are of the prime value, since they can put scientific facilities in place again and again if these facilities are somehow destroyed by their enemy; but if scientists are destroyed they cannot be replaced by any means. Such is the value of scientists today for those who wish to lord over the world. Science is the means of powerfuls to lord over the world. But it is not the only use of science. Science is also the means in the hands of the weak countries to defend themselves against the powerful ones’ evil designs.

Therefore, those who want to lord over the world find their first enemy in the person of scientist(s) of their rival countries. They do what they can do to destroy scientists; and, it is so with the scientists who are working in the fields of frontiers of fundamental sciences and cutting edge technologies – like nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, artificial intelligence, rocketry (space technology), genetic engineering etc.

India has achieved jealousy evoking success in sending its Mangalyan (Mars Orbitor Module) and launching its rover- carrying space ship to Moon. This success has many dimensions, in addition to economic advantages for India. And there are reasons for foreign powers to destroy this edge of India in science and for India to be cautious about the security of its scientific human assets.

India has suffered almost a body blow in this respect over the last 20 or so years; India has actually been devastated by the deaths – assassinations and murders – of its top notch scientists during the UPA rule from 2009 to 2014. The government then did nothing to protect their life – and after their death, nothing to investigate and to find the criminal hands – Indian / foreign – behind their un-natural deaths.

But now it cannot be allowed to go on like this. The Modi government should – and it is hoped, would – sit-up and take the issue of the personal security of our scientists as its TO MOST PRIORITY.

Here are two articles that show what had been happening in India – how our scientists were being killed – without any clue whatsoever. Have a look at these two articles, get the due information in this regard and let our Prime Minister put in place a foolproof security to our scientists:


India’s A-SAT – Shakti Mission; Congress’ Sins -Top Scientists Murdered!



Amartya Sen – Why so much Venom Against P.M.?

Arun Mishra, Advocate

Why is Amartya Sen always spewing venom against Narendra Modi sitting in US? Here is the answer.

When UPA government inaugurated Nalanda University in Bihar in 2007, Amartya Sen was made the first Chancellor of the university. A very important feature of his appointment was that he had all powers in the name of “autonomy”, so much so that he did not even have to provide the account of money spent on anything to the government.

Imagine a public servant spending any amount of taxpayers’ money and yet exempt from any kind of accountability ! Not only that, he was withdrawing a salary of ₹ 5 lakh per month – a university chancellor of a government university drawing a salary more than any other public servant. Apart from that, he had unlimited foreign trips allowances on taxpayers money by the virtue of being Nalanda University Chancellor.

The story doesn’t end here. During the 7 years (2007-2014), Amartya Sen spent ₹ 2730 CRORE on a university which still was not fully functional. Yes, a whopping ₹ 2730 CRORE !

Since it was by law (made by UPA) exempt from any kind of accountability, we can never know what happened to that money and yet it will remain legal.

Now, coming to appointments. Even appointments made by Amartya Sen were exempt from any kind of accountability.

So who did he appoint ?

The first 4 faculties were :
1. Dr. Upinder Singh
2. Anjana Sharma
3. Nayanjot Lahiri
4. Gopa Sabharwal.
Who were they ?

Dr. Upinder Singh is the Daughter of former PM Manmohan Singh. The other 3 are close associates/friends of Dr. Upinder Singh.

Amartya Sen then appointed 2 more “GUEST” faculties:
1. Daman Singh
2. Amrit Singh

Who are they ?

Middle and youngest DAUGHTER of ex-PM Manmohan Singh.

What’s unique about the appointment of Daman Singh and Amrit Singh is that they REMAINED in the USA all along 7 years. But they were drawing a huge salary as a guest faculty. What salary they were withdrawing, only God knows. The reason, again, is that Nalanda University had been made exempt from any kind of accountability to government.

So, the summary….
1. The University had hardly one building.
2. It had just 7 faculty members & a few guest faculties (who NEVER came) – all relatives/friends of Manmohan Singh/ Amartya Sen.
3. There were hardly a hundred students.
4. There was no expenses on costly reagents or equipments as no scientific research was going on.
5. Still, the expenses was ₹ 2730 CRORE.

In short, Amartya Sen had access to unlimited government fund without any accountability.

When Modi came to know about what all was going on in the name of university, he kicked this leech out of the university in 2015 and cancelled all the appointments he had made. Amartya Sen had splurged more than ₹ 2700 CRORE on himself and his associates. He lived in USA and was drawing 5 Lakh per month and enjoying all allowances from India’s taxpayers’ money without doing anything.

Just because someone is a Nobel laureate doesn’t mean that he is totally clean or doesn’t have any ulterior intention. Nobel prize or a big degree is no indication of one’s nature.

Even Manmohan had a PhD degree. That didn’t mean he was the best in governance. His government turned out to be the worst in independent India’s history.

We can never take action against Amartya Sen or technically call him corrupt because he was merely following the “rules” and the rules had been made in such a way by the UPA Government that he had the powers to spend as much he wanted without being accountable. That’s why he will remain protected and can never be dragged to court.

This was a LEGALISED PLUNDER of ₹ 2730 Crore by Amartya Sen.


Rahul Gandhi Quits as Congress President and Remains Big Boss

R. Veera Raghavan, Advocate, Chennai

Rahul Gandhi has resigned as president of the Congress after his party performed poorly in this year’s Lok Sabha elections. Does he appear a principled leader? A screaming no.

Assume you and your doting mother hold a huge majority shareholding in a company which hires a few officers and a large number of employees, and you are its chief executive officer on the mere strength of your family shareholding, not on leadership qualities. If you resign as CEO when your company flounders in business and you ask your officers to choose a new CEO, mostly one of them, you can’t expect any of them to take your place readily, can you? You know, and they know, and the world knows, that you will be the back-seat driver for any new CEO who should carry out your wishes or implement your orders. If he fails, he will humbly accept responsibility and you won’t take blame again, but if the company sees some success under his leadership, he and the whole company will credit you for all your advice and support to the new CEO and you’ll be projected the real winner. So when you announce you are resigning, all officers will feel secure in first appealing to you to take back your resignation to ensure you don’t spite them for any impertinence of independence – some clever officer could even tell you, to signal his loyalty, that unless you stick on as CEO a few employees of his department might commit suicide, though it will never happen. When they keep pleading with you for weeks, one of the company officers could be installed the new CEO whom you will have approved in the backroom.

The picture is no different in the Congress, with Rahul and his indulgent mother Sonia Gandhi enjoying a tight grip over the party, and the son announcing he is quitting as president after failing in a national election campaign. The party’s second-rung leaders and managers will disfavour Rahul’s resignation and want Sonia family leadership to continue, since they benefit personally from the present dynastic arrangement. That’s another story.

For public consumption, Rahul said he won’t be president anymore since he led the party in the last Lok Sabha polls and he must show ‘accountability’ for the result. If he is honest about this reason, he should wish that if the party fares much better in the next Lok Sabha elections under a new president that leader will be the party’s candidate for prime minister too – which is the other side of accountability. But you know that Rahul cannot stretch accountability to such logic or sense. Even if Rahul offers the prime minister’s post to another Congress leader, be sure that Rahul will merrily carry on with back-seat driving – like his mother did for ten years without losing primacy in the party.

For a recent view of true accountability among political leaders, look at David Cameron of UK’s Conservative Party. In 2016, one year into the second term of his British prime ministership, he campaigned throughout the country in the Brexit referendum, urging voters to say yes for UK remaining within the European Union. When a majority of the voting people rejected his appeal and opted to leave, he resigned as prime minister, aware that his chances of leading the party or the government later were quite remote, and in any case that could not be taken for granted. But India’s Rahul Gandhi knows that his sense of accountability is phoney, and he will wield the same power within the Congress after resigning as president.  Here is proof, as you compare some thoughts of the two leaders.

      Listen to these words David Cameron uttered in June 2016 outside 10 Downing Street when he announced he was stepping down as prime minister after the Brexit referendum.

“The British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected…… Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made……. I fought this campaign in the only way I know how, which is to say directly and passionately what I think and feel – head, heart and soul…. But the British people have made a very clear decision to take a different path ….. The British people have made a choice, that not only needs to be respected but those on the losing side of the argument – myself included – should help to make it work.”

That was David Cameron.  Now read parts of Rahul Gandhi’s statement of 3rdJuly 2019 about the defeat his party suffered in the recent Lok Sabha polls, when he had spearheaded the Congress campaign. Did he say he respected the will of the people and that he looked upon the newly elected BJP government as people’s choice? No, nothing of that kind. Did he acknowledge any shortcoming in his party’s policies or in his leadership as the cause for people’s rejection? Not at all. What did he say? He shamelessly hinted and said enough to mean that the press, the election commission and even the judiciary and also “the entire machinery of the Indian state” and every institution in the country were ranged against him or the Congress party – and that is why the party lost in the polls. Here, some excerpts from Rahul Gandhi’s statement:

“A free and fair election requires the neutrality of a country’s institutions; an election cannot be fair without arbiters – a free press, an independent judiciary, and a transparent election commission that is objective and neutral. Nor can an election be free if one party has a complete monopoly on financial resources. ….. We didn’t fight a political party in the 2019 election. Rather, we fought the entire machinery of the Indian state, every institution of which was marshalled against the opposition. It is now crystal clear that our once cherished institutional neutrality no longer exists in India.”

      While campaigning, if David Cameron spoke ‘head, heart and soul’,  Rahul Gandhi spoke tongue, cheek and foul. Post results, unlike the  Englishman, Rahul cares   nothing for  people’s  mandate in favour of his political opponents and he faults the “entire machinery of the Indian state” – whatever he meant by the high-sounding phrase – for losing an election. Is this the path to accountability? Is it not plain arrogance?  If the entire machinery of the Indian state is working against the Congress party, how will a new president of that party change such horrible ground realities, even if this joke is reality? Or, if what Rahul meant was that he as an individual, rather than the Congress party, was the victim of the entire machinery of the Indian state, should he not quit the party and remove the sole obstacle to its victory in elections?  Rahul is either arrogant or comical, and sometimes both. What a tragedy for a party that had a glorious past.

      Three days ago, The Hindu carried an interview with senior Congress leader Salman Khurshid who described an essential attribute of the successor for Rahul Gandhi as party president. He said the new leader would not be a ‘replacement’ for Rahul Gandhi – like anyone might think about a successor to a post. Describing Rahul Gandhi as a “larger-than-life leader”, Salman said something more which anybody would guess as Rahul’s wish. That is, the next party president in the Congress “should be someone who can work in tandem” with Rahul.  Mind you, Rahul and other leaders in the party will not work in tandem with the new president. The new head of the party should work in tandem with Rahul. Well, that’s what happened with every other Congressman when Rahul was president, and it’s going to be the same after a new president comes in. Ask any child who will answer you right: who is always the big boss in the Congress now?

(This article is borrowed with thanks from HERE.

Copyright © R. Veera Raghavan 2019)

“Open Defecation” in Rural India: Needs to be Re-discovered by World

By: Parmanand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

By campaigning and providing the toilet facility to every household across the country, particularly in remote rural areas, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has won the admiration and laurels throughout the world. By all means, it was a Himalayan task, which he has got successfully achieved and got his name indelibly imprinted in history as a social reformer and remarkable achiever.  No doubt, by solving this gigantic problem he has shown that honest perseverance can work wonders. India is a country of nearly 135 crore people. There are nearly 40 crore families. Out of it, nearly 25 crore families did not have the toilet facilities until recently. The number of such families has been very high in the rural areas because there has not been any concept of having a toilet in the house.

Here is a factual anecdote. The late Dr S Gopal, the son of Dr S. Radhakrishnan, who was the former President of India has written in his biography that on becoming the President, he invited some 31 Brahmins from Tamil Nadu to perform a Pooja in the Rashtrapati Bhawan. Those Brahmins were put up in the Ashoka Hotel, which was considered to be the best hotel in Delhi in those days. The Brahmins were very happy to find clean and well done up rooms but when they saw, to their horror, that there was a toilet in every room, they immediately came out from their rooms in protest and sat in the lobby of the hotel. The officials and the manager of the hotel got panicked and they wanted to know whether they faced any problems in their rooms. If there were any problems they would be solved immediately but Brahmins told them that they did not have any problems as such with the rooms but they had problems with the attached toilets as it was unthinkable for them to have toilets in their rooms.

More or less, the same concept has also been prevailing in the rural areas of India for thousands of years. People there have been going for open defecation and there was no shame or hesitation involved in it. Women have also been going in herds in open fields and they have been chatting, interacting among themselves to know the problems, difficulties, joys and sorrows of one another. This way they have been keeping themselves updated by sharing their own feelings and needs of others and, if necessary, extending their hands of help in solving the problems of others.

Be that as it may, the other day a senior Advocate Shri Shreepal Singh made an enlightened observation in the Library 1 of the Supreme Court, which although we all know, yet never thought over it from that angle. He said that the toilet facility to every household is certainly a good initiative and achievement of the Prime Minister, but it should be used only in emergencies. He told that there is another angle also at looking at the practice of open defecation in rural India. He pointed out that there are many advantages of going for the open defecation. Of course, it would need a bit new insightful innovation and adaption suitable to 21st century. The first and foremost is, that solid waste (stool) and human urine is good organic manure, very necessary for the health and fertility of the soil. These days organic manures like composts and animal dungs have become very costly. Therefore, we should not allow this rich natural manure to go down the drains. The agricultural land in India is being pumped in of artificial fertilizers – like Urea, Sulphate, Nitrogen et al – consistantly for many decades and as the result of overexploitation of soil nutrients has become almost barran. To regain its former health, this land needs replenishment of organic manure. The human waste (stool) is the best – perhaps, the ultimate one – manure for this purpose.

The second advantage of re-discovering and adopting this practice of open defecation, at least in rural areas and at places where green areas with trees and plants are available, is most revealing. We all are aware that the human waste (stool) going down the drains needs to find an outlet, most often rivers or such other water bodies. Rivers are now a days polluted almost beyond redemption, because untreated sewage is released into these rivers. Now with the scientific knowledge and hygenic awareness, we are making efforts to put in place intercepting affuent treatment plants before the human generated waste is flown in the running rivers. Indian courts too are trying to enforce this requirement as a mendatory condition to allow release of sewage into rivers. All these technological solutions need an investment in machines, electricity and manpower. This human generated waste (sewage) management problem can be solved – at least to some extent (remember India has 1.3 billion human beings living here) – without an investment into that new technology of interceting affluent treatment plants.

The third is, that men and women, particularly women, get the opportunity to move out of their houses which is good for their health because, under the pretext of going to the fields, they walk to their fields and come to know about the state of the crops to be produced.

The fourth is, that it provides a good opportunity for men and women both but particularly to women to interact with other women and know whereabouts of others. This is not their virtual contact but face to face contact, which gives satisfaction and feelings of higher levels.

The last but the most important advantage is, a family of four or five persons will have to spend not less than 100 to 150 litres of water every day in the toilets in flushing and cleaning but if they go in the open fields they can easily save at least 100 litres of water. Water is one of the most valuable things in the present circumstances. The country is facing acute water scarcity and if the water is allowed to be so wasted, the scarcity will further grow, and it will be very difficult to meet with requirements.

Apart from it, there are many more expenses which are involved in maintaining the toilets in the houses. Therefore, open defecation should not be discouraged in the rural areas and the people must be asked to use the water judicially and as minimum as possible. This will help save water, increase the fertility of the soil and above all will afford the opportunity of exchanging pleasantries and difficulties of the fellow villagers.

It is difficult to disagree with the senior Advocate Shreepal Singh in the light of the advantages he has very succinctly enumerated and explained. Although in this age and time this practice may be considered to be the sign of backwardness. However, even at the risk of sailing against the wind, his views are worth consideration and application without compromising, in any way, the dignity and honour of the people, especially the women.

Campaign for Corruption-free Media

Parmanand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

‘Unity-in-corruption’ among journalists is not a new phenomenon but now it is witnessed on an unprecedented scale. It is seen that the journalists in India are vulnerable, weak and conceptually dull and bleak. They do not join journalism because they are fired with any zeal, but they come to the profession because either somebody has facilitated their entry or they do not have any scope anywhere in any other area and then somehow sneak into it. This is the reason that sycophancy of the worst form is found in the profession. Some journalists fawn on their political masters, proprietors or those who are in a position to oblige them in different forms and ways. Most of the journalists become self-seekers in over a period of time.

This is an open secret that most of the politicians, bureaucrats and media house owners use these journalists as their agents to get their works done and in return, they award them with petty gains. Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg of New Delhi is known as the Fleet Street of London because of the concentration of newspaper offices here. However, of late, it has changed. The office space for the newspapers was given at a ridiculously low and throwaway price but all newspaper proprietors have been making money with the gross misuse of the so-called freedom of the press. No government takes action against them because they make hullabaloo of the freedom of speech and expression.

The late Ramnath Goenka of the Indian Express was a classical blackmailer and he used to employ wily and crooked journalists to beat his drums. He used to openly blackmail ministers and the judges of the higher judiciary and the so-called big journalists used to dance at his tunes without any qualms and compunctions of their conscience. I have seen a journalist who, now no more, was the editor of the Hindi newspaper of the Indian Express group and he used to get excited at the call of that fraud Ramnath Goenka. Once it so happened that he himself prepared news on the basis of a report of a meeting between Vishwanath Pratap Singh, a conspirator against Rajiv Gandhi and Chaudhari Devi Lal, a Jat leader of Haryana. He wanted that news to be taken as a lead story but I as the Chief-Sub-Editor put that news item on page five in a double column space. Next day he came and started shouting in the newsroom and shamelessly disclosed that the item was prepared at the instance of RNG (Ram Nath Goenka). I found that all nincompoop journalists were nodding in his support. I silenced him by shouting more loudly, which was witnessed by many journalists; some of them are still around us.

Thereafter, there was a strike in the Indian Express and I was the leader of the strike. Meetings were held at the Sundar Nagar Guest House of the Indian Express. RNG put a condition that the President of the Union, who was an outsider, would not participate in the negotiations and then I told his General Manager that ‘no editor from the Indian Express Group’ would come near the negotiating table. RNG wanted a polemicist editor, who later manipulated to become a cabinet minister in the Vajpayee government, to join the negotiation but due to a firm ‘no’ from the Union, he was kept out.

Now when I find that a large number of journalists lining up in support of Pranoy Roy and his wife Radhika Roy, the owners of the NDTV, whose stories of corruption, blackmailing, spying and money laundering are stinking to the high heaven, I am not shocked. But what certainly shocks me is that they do it in the name of the freedom of the press. Luckily, the people of India have also become very conscious about such gimmicks of these dishonest media persons and they do not allow themselves to be trapped by the ingenuity of such journalists, who unabashedly support their proprietors to remain in employment.

The governments of the states as well as at the centre will be doing a great service to the country by ensuring that all the corrupt deeds of media house owners would be brought forth and stern actions would be taken against them.

An honest and corruption free media is the strength of democracy; it is a prerequisite of sound and vibrant democracy. Dishonest and corrupt media is like termites, which make the pillars of democracy hollow. The servants / journalists would do well by keeping themselves away from such proprietors like; Pranoy Rao and Radhika Roy, who have indulged into the daylight crime of corruption, loot, plundering and stashing away of money of poor Indians in foreign countries for their own enrichment.

एक सच्ची घटना – मोदी के नेतृत्व का एक नया रूप

प्रधान मंत्री मोदी जी एक आधिकारिक विदेश यात्रा के लिए अमेरिका रवाना होने वाले थे। अधिकारियों का एक समूह भी उनके साथ जा रहा था जिन्हें H1B Visa Issue तथा कई अन्य मुद्दों को लेकर अमेरिकी अधिकारियों के साथ Negotiate करना था। इस तरह के काम के लिये बहुत अनुभवी और एकाग्रचित भाव से काम करने वाले अधिकारियों की जरूरत होती है।

भारतीय अधिकारियों के उसी प्रतिनिधि मंडल में एक महिला अधिकारी भी शामिल थीं, जिनकी बच्ची काफी दिन से बीमार चल रही थी। परंन्तु, तत्कालीन समय में H1B Visa issue और WTO में अमेरिका-भारत मतभेद के कारण अधिकारियों की लगातार मीटिंग् पर मीटिंग हो रही थी। कार्य की इस व्यस्तता के कारण वह महिला अधिकारी अपनी बच्ची को समय नहीं दे पा रही थी।

अपनी बीमार बच्ची को समय न दे पाने पर एक माँ की व्याकुलता आप समझ ही सकते हैं। परंतु, वह कर्मठ अधिकारी देश सेवा के प्रति प्रतिबद्ध थी। इसी कारण से वह अफसर अपनी व्याकुलता को अपने ह्रदय में दूर कहीं दबाये, पूरी निष्ठा के साथ अधिकारी के रूप में अपने कर्तव्यों का निर्वहन कर रही थी।

बताते हैं कि मोदी जी की खासियत है कि अपने साथ काम करने वाले अधिकारियों के मनोभावों को वे बड़ी जल्दी पकड़ लेते हैं। जब वह महिला अधिकारी अपनी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत करने के सिलसिले में मोदी जी से मिली तो उन्होंने उस अफसर के चेहरे को देख कर उसकी असहजता भांप ली। जब उस अफसर की असहजता का कारण पूछा तो अफसर ने ये कह कर बात टाल दी कि “विदेश यात्रा को लेकर थोड़ी nervous हूँ”।

उस यात्रा में कई गंभीर विषयों पर Noegotiations होने वाले थे और वह अफसर देश हित को छोड़, अपनी बेटी की देख-रेख पर समय व्यतीत नहीं करना चाहती थी। इसलिए उसने मोदी जी से झूठ बोल दिया था।

पर अपने अधिकारियों की काबिलियत को अच्छे से समझने वाले मोदी जी को संतुष्ट करने के लिए वह बहाना पर्याप्त नहीं था। अतः उन्होंने उस अफसर को बुला कर पुनः कारण जानने की कोशिश की और पुनः  उन्हें वही उत्तर मिला।

मोदी जी को शंका हुई और उन्होने उस अफसर के साथ काम करने वाले अन्य अधिकारियों से बात की और सारी जानकारी प्राप्त की।

कुछ देर बाद, मोदी जी ने उस महिला अधिकारी को अपने ऑफिस में बुलाया और कहा “आपका Anxiety Level संभवतः बहुत बढ़ गया है। हॉस्पिटल जा कर चेक अप करवाइये और उसका रिपोर्ट प्रिंसिपल सेक्रेटरी को सबमिट कीजिये”।

ऐसा विचित्र आदेश पा कर, वह अधिकारी पास के ही हॉस्पिटल गयी। पहले से व्याकुल उस अफसर ने हॉस्पिटल में प्रवेश किया। मन अभी भी पुत्री की चिंता में लीन था। पर हॉस्पिटल में उन्होंने जो देखा उसने उनके चिंता रूपी चक्रव्यूह को तोड़ कर रख दिया। वहाँ उन्होंने अपनी बेटी को देखा जो बेड पर लेटी हुई थी और उसके आस-पास भारत के प्रिंसिपल सेक्रेटरी, नृपेंद्र मिश्रा समेत PMO के तमाम बड़े अधिकारी खड़े थे। यह सब देख कर उन महिला अधिकारी का अपनी भावनाओं पर से नियंत्रण टूट गया और उनकी आँखे छलक आईं। अपनी पुत्री को गले लगा कर वह इस प्रकार से रो पड़ी मानो सदियों का इंतज़ार किया हो उससे मिलने के लिए। अभी उनके अश्रुओं पर विराम लगा नही था कि कुछ समय बाद मोदी जी का उन अधिकारी को फ़ोन आया। मोदी जी को शुक्रिया करते हुए उनका प्रफुल्लित मन शान्त ही नहीं हो रहा था।

हुआ ये था कि मोदी जी ने अधिकारियों को बोल कर उस बच्ची को अस्पताल में भर्ती करवाया तथा चेक अप का बहाना बना कर महिला अधिकारी को उनकी पुत्री से मिलने भेजा। यह एक वास्तविक घटना है।

इस घटना से स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि मोदी जी केवल पद से ही नेता नहीं है, बल्कि कार्यों से भी एक नेता/नेतृत्वकर्ता हैं। केवल मीठे-मीठे भाषण देने वाला सच्चा नेता नहीं होता। एक सच्चा नेता वह होता है जो अपने साथ कार्य करने वाले समूह को समझे-जाने, उनके कष्टों और काबिलियातों को जाने और सबको साथ लेकर चले। ये समस्त गुण मोदी जी में हैं तभी वे एक मामूली चाय वाले और संघ प्रचारक से भाजपा के एक प्रभावशाली नेता, गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री तथा देश के प्रधानमंत्री बने। और न केवल देश के प्रधानमंत्री बने बल्कि देश भर से अपार प्रेम भी प्राप्त किया। यह प्रेम उन्हें उनके महांन व्यक्तित्व और सद्कार्यों के कारण ही मिला है।

ऐसा व्यक्ति, ऐसा नेता, ऐसा प्रधान मंत्री किसी देश को सोभाग्य से ही मिलता है, खासतोर से आज के इस जमाने में जहां चारो तरफ इतनी अधिक गिरावट है।

India is Secular only Because Hindus are in Majority

By: Parmanand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

    Nowhere in the world, any majority community is as tolerant as Hindus in India. Can anybody tell the name of any country where the majority religious community has asked for Anti-Conversion Act? Perhaps none except India. It is the only country in the world where the majority Hindu community is threatened with the conversion spree of the minority communities, particularly by Christians and Muslims. Inducement, fraud, cheating, thuggery, gimmicks and other sinister ruses are used and adopted by them to convert the people from majority Hindu community to their own religious fold. Their deception knows no bounds and limits.  Does it not look strange that only in India the minority community opposes the anti-conversion law? The reason is that minorities do not have to nurse any fear from the majority community, but it is the other way around.

      All over the world, it is the minority community which vociferously demands the Anti -Conversion Laws because they always have the fear of losing their religious identity due to the intolerance of the majority community. One can see it even nearer home when India and Pakistan were divided into two countries the population of Hindus in Pakistan was roughly 16 per cent but now it has been reduced to less than 1.6 per cent. The population of Muslims in India was around 6 per cent but now it has gone up to 15 per cent. The number of Christians was less than 1 per cent but now their number has crossed more than 3 per cent. Hindus in India comprised nearly 90 per cent but now their population has gone down to less than 79 per cent. Yet look at the bundle of lies that is being played out in the report of the Us State department that ‘tolerance’ for the minority community has gone down in India after the advent of the Modi government at the Centre.

    This report has been flashed only a few days before the visit of the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to India. It appears that some forces in both countries are at work to cause harm to the relationship between India and the USA. This report is a blatant lie, which does not have an iota of truth in it.

     It also speaks of the double standards of the United States. If there has been any failure on the part of India to protect the religious rights of the minority communities, then how come more than 7 to 8 crores Bangladeshis,  have intruded into India and do not want to go back to their own country? And Rohingyas of Myanmar fight pitched battles with locals and security forces to have their permanent settlement in India. This is irrefutable evidence that even migrant minorities in India are safer than in their own homeland. They make all efforts to sneak into India and then make it their haven. Look at the height of the duplicity on the part of the so-called secular forces of this country who firstly; feed false and wrong information to other countries and then lap it up in India to discredit their own country, which has the sterling and envious record of protecting the minorities in India.

    Perhaps, India and Nepal are the two Hindu dominated countries where Christians hardly have to face any resistance for their insidious, pernicious and dangerous game of conversion. They impersonate and adopt the methodology of Hindus for prayers to convert them to their own religion. They never face any opposition from tolerant and vulnerable Hindus. On the contrary, in due course of time, they raise the bar of their demands and ask even for the curtailment of the freedoms of the Hindus. It is no trite to say that ‘Secularism survives in India because Hindus are in the majority’.

There is hardly any doubt that during the last dispensations of Mayawati and Akhilesh Yadav  thousands of mosques were built in the Terai region of Uttar Pradesh with the help of  Petro-dollars, which was pumped in from the Gulf countries to grab the government land and nobody could raise voice against such large-scale day-light land grabbing by the notorious Muslims organisations, which are still being used as the nursery of obscurantism and in some cases even terrorist training camps with the active connivance of the administrations of Mayawati, Mulayam and Akhilesh.

 The Christians have been converting the Vanvasis and Adivasis in different parts of the country with gay abandon by offering them money and other facilities. Therefore, it is the dishonesty of the highest order on the part of the United States of America that in her country where every Muslim is suspected to be a terrorist is talking about the failure of the government of India in protecting the rights of Minorities. In fact, it is in America where the word ‘Islamophobia’ got currency after 9/11. It is in Europe and America, where the Muslims are minutely frisked because of their names and the needle of suspicion of their being terrorists, goes only against them. So much so, the loudmouthed Mohammad Azam Khan, now a Samajwadi M.P. from Uttar Pradesh, who was a minister in UP was not even allowed to come out of an American Airport, when he had gone to America along with Akhilesh Yadav. This shows their deep-rooted hatred for Muslims (which is genuine also to some extent) and yet they have the cheek to question about the protection of minorities in India.

In Pakistan even the minority Muslims like Shias, Ahmadiyya and others have been excommunicated and are not allowed to go to the Mosques of Sunnies. Hindus in Pakistan live in perpetual fear as their women are kidnapped, raped and forcibly converted. Hindu males are belaboured, slaved and beaten blue and black even for any minor mistakes Their religious places, temples etc, have either been razed or left in the most neglected and dilapidated state, but colour-blind America’s State Department has failed to see the intolerance of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis just to pass the buck on India. This is yet another way of persecution of the majority Hindu community. So much so, in China Muslims are even not allowed to have the Mosques in the traditional style and yet America has not raised the red flag of intolerance in that country because China damn cares for the US reports.

The fact is that the Hindus are the most tolerant people in the world and they have been persecuted from centuries only because of the unconscionable weakness of their tolerance. The irony is that so-called secular intelligentsia, media and leaders in India lap up such reports and leave no stone unturned in bringing the bad name to India. How shameless it is?

The Government of India must register its strong protest against the Trump Administration and to the visiting Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo for making such false, absurd, silly, highly prejudiced, one-sided and biased report against India and the majority Hindu Community.

Promotion of Sanskrit Language by U. P. Govt.

By: Parmanand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

Yogi Adityanath Government of Uttar Pradesh has taken a very bold, timely and laudable decision of issuing state government’s Press Releases in Sanskrit also. This step should have been taken long back by the previous governments, but anyway, it is always better late than never. Sanskrit is in the DNA of all Indian languages and it gives a feeling of ‘beingness’ to all Indians.

There is no dearth of such people, who take perverted pleasure in criticising any such action which fills the heart of every Indian with the sense of pride. How strange it is that we have the centres of learning of Sanskrit in the Banaras Hindu University and Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya of Varanasi, but they have now become arid because sources of modern Sanskrit learning have almost been kept dry. The less said about the condition of universities in Uttar Pradesh, is better. It has become so pathetic that it is difficult to find even the sparks of learning among the teachers and students as well. Faculties of almost all universities are stuffed with dunes and duffers, who do not qualify to be called even mediocre. In such circumstances, one can nurse to have some hopes from Sanskrit only. Many Sanskrit graduates (Shastri) and Postgraduates (Acharyas) are although well-versed in the language but for want of enough opportunities, they remain untouched with the modern developments like the construction of the syntaxes of the language, although rich resources for such learning are readily available in ancient Sanskrit taxts, like Astadhyayi of Panini.

It is a matter of common knowledge that the more the Sanskrit is enriched, the more will be good for all other Indian languages. Sanskrit is the language of science and technology, medicine, agriculture, horticulture, arts, literature, law and music etc. The vocabulary of Sanskrit is so vast and rich that it can export exact and proper terms for all streams of learning. As for the language of communication is concerned Hindi is certainly far ahead of others but it is inadequate for the education of science, commerce, law and engineering etc. No offence is intended in saying that one can only write poems, novels, stories, essays and journalistic reports with the help Urdu or Urdu mixed Hindi but cannot help develop the learning of scientific ( medical and engineering etc,), legal, commercial language required for higher education in any of the aforementioned streams. Therefore, the decision of Yogi Government for the promotion of Sanskrit language is to be welcomed by one and all.

There are some people, who suffer from the disease called chronic cynicism, deep depression and pathological hatred for anything which is done for the revival of Sanskrit. They forget that Sanskrit has survived in India for thousands of years without any patronage but because of the utility of its rich lexicon and grammar to be used in the astrology, mathematics and science, culture and religion etc.

There has to be a strong will to make a language strong. We have a burning example of the Hebrew language, which was considered to be a dead language. But now due to the grit and determination of the Jews, particularly after Israel came into existence, Hebrew has become a thriving and a vibrant language. Jews from all over the world, who came to live in Israel, decided that they would revive their own language Hebrew; and true to their determination they have proved to be right. Even those who went from India from places like Manipur and Mumbai to settle down in Israel after tracing their history of being Jews, they have also go themselves fully assimilated with Jews of Israel coming other countries. Their religion and the Hebrew language have worked as the biggest cementing force among them. Anyway, Sanskrit needs to be encouraged as it is inalienably linked to the cultures of India.

Here is a tailpiece. It is said that Muslims of Malihabad of Lucknow have also their origin in Judaism. They were persecuted by Islamists and then fled to India to save their lives but ultimately they were made to convert to Islam. Now, it is heard, that some of them are raring to go back to their ancient roots.

Fali Nariman Laments at the Supreme Court: Why?

By: Parmanand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

The new book of Fali S. Nariman ‘God Save the Hon’ble Supreme Court’, is full of lively anecdotes and tit-bits that make it a good reading but those who expect to get any philosophy, jurisprudence and guidance – ‘what ought to be in the field of law’ – would be highly disappointed. F.S. Nariman has seven decades of standing in the legal profession and for more than five decades he has been practising only in the Supreme Court. He has been on the zenith of the profession for many decades and is held in high esteem by the bench and bar alike. Whatever he says inside or even outside the court is heard with rapt attention.

The title of the book suggests that he is not satisfied with the goings-on in the Supreme Court and therefore he prays to save the Hon’ble Supreme Court but one fails to understand why a person of Nariman’s stature has not taken any firm stand or cudgels to remove Augean stable, which has set in the Court of late? The first chapter deals with mainly the internal rivalry, squabbles and one one-upmanship of the Judges. He has very meekly expressed his displeasure over the public expression of dissatisfaction of the four senior Judges in January of 2018. He appears to be against the Public Interest Litigations, which bespeaks of the mental makeup of most of the established lawyers, who never want the hornet’s nest to be disturbed. He has mostly taken up cases of corporate houses. He has discussed some cases, in brief, which partly present one side of the Supreme Court. Those cases are: ‘Jindal Stainless Steel vs the State of Haryana’, ‘Aviram Singh vs C.D. Gomachand’, ‘Krishna Kumar Singh vs the State of Bihar’, ‘Shayara Bano vs Union of India’ also known as Triple Talaq Case, ‘Justice Puttaswami vs Union of India’, ‘National Insurance Company vs Pranay Sethi’, ‘Common Cause vs Union of India’, and ‘State of Jharkhand vs Hindustan Construction Company’. He says that these are the best cases which have been decided by the Supreme Court in recent times but many cases like that of Justice C.S. Karnan of the Calcutta High Court (his parent High Court was the Madras Hgh Court) has put a bad light on the state of affairs of Supreme Court.

Fali S. Nariman as an Advocate has never been very combative in the courtrooms, always very courteous and a stickler to the decorum and that is what he expects from the youngsters as the fascinating future of law belongs to them. He belongs to the old school of Bhadra Lok genre of Advocates, who hardly raised their voice even against those Judges who are rude and discourteous in the Courts. It will not be out of place to mention here that the Supreme Court before 1970 was a highly retrogressive forum of justice, no progressive judgements were delivered by it, be it the case of Privy Purses, Bank Nationalisation or Land Reforms , all of them were passed by the Parliament but they were set aside by the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court instead of supporting the cause of the poor, downtrodden and deprived sections of the society, adopted the approach of elitism, to the disgust of the common people of India. Surprise of all surprises is the fulsome support that those judgements got from the towering Fali S. Nariman. There is a ‘Stephanion School of Lawyers’ in the Supreme Court, who never think big and innovative as they suffer from the subaltern mentality. They are the biggest stumbling blocks in changing the character of the judiciary, legislatures or the executive. Stephanion does not mean those who have come out from the Stephens’ College, but it is a metaphor which connotes and signifies the elitist culture. Such people never stand in favour of teeming and toiling masses but believe in the status quoism of comfort living persons.

He has discussed the role of the Judges, Lawyers and Parliamentarians and has waxed eloquent about the ‘basic structure’ of the Constitution as propounded in the Keshvanand Bharti case, way back in 1973. As a matter of fact, it is the considered opinion of this reviewer that the theory of ‘basic structure’ is a big hoax. In the name of the basic structure, the Supreme Court has substantially throttled the wishes and aspirations of the people. It has put shackles and fetters on the desires of the people, who are held by the democracy world over to be sovereign. Needless to say, that it is the Parliament which represents the desires and ambitions of the people and the ‘doctrine of basic structure’ amounts to the usurpation by the Supreme Court of the sovereign rights of the Indian people as spoken by them in Legislature.

The doctrine of ‘basic structure’ also rebels against the commonsense. It is universally accepted fact that in any society ‘the change is the way of life’ and to give effect to this truth the people in their wisdom in every democracy, while making their Constitution, have always incorporated therein a provision to amend that Constitution. In constitutional jurisprudence, a Constitution is held to be an organic instrument, which grows in tune with changing times. Any fetter on this growth – be it in the name of ‘basic structure’ – is against the commonsense because, firstly, it encroaches upon the people’s sovereignty of the ‘present generation’; secondly, this doctrine takes a decision on behalf of ‘future generations’ of sovereign people and binds them with that decision ‘forever’ – till eternity; and, thirdly, it leaves for those sovereign people no peaceful or legal means to accomplish their will but forces them to resort to an extra-constitutional – or violent – path to achieve that object.

He has devoted a chapter on the freedom of speech and expression, wherein he has certainly praised the role played by the media in certain spheres, but he has, at the same time, glossed over the corruption prevailing in the media itself. He has not written a word against the exploitative media houses. He has quoted three important cases which are four to five decades old namely; ‘E.P. Raiappa vs the State of Tamilnadu’, ‘Ajay Hasia’, ‘State of West Bengal vs Anwar Ali Sarkar’ and ‘Kathi Rani Rawat vs the State of Saurashtra’, which are of the vintage value but much has changed since then. It is very strange that in the name of ‘equality before the law’ as enshrined in article 14 of the Constitution, Fali S. Nariman stands behind such people who have made the Supreme Court the handmaiden of the corporate houses and the thugs of the country, who have cheated the people behind the veneer of subtle sophistication.

His compendious autobiography ‘Before Memory Fades-An Autobiography’, was certainly a delightful reading but the present book does not, in any manner whatsoever, throws any light on the changing scope of the law and the advocacy. There have been only a few judges who have certainly brought laurels to the Supreme Court and among them were Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer, Justice Bhagwati (except, of course, his disgraceful judgement on the ADM Jabalpur case), Justice D.A. Desai. Justice A.N. Ray (Yes! the same Justice A.N. Ray, who superseded the senior-most judges of the Supreme Court and became the Chief Justice of India, his sterling role in Keshvanand Bharti case and Bank Nationalisation case speaks about the sparks of his progressive thinking to convert the judiciary into the vehicle of the transformation of the society). Alas! however, he was a much-maligned judge because of his opposition to the retrogressive judiciary.

There is also a chapter on Minorities at the Crossroads, in which he has unnecessarily shed tears on the rights of the minorities. Instead of prodding and encouraging them to be the part of the mainstream, he has praised for the protection of their cloistered virtue. The education and economic upliftment of the minorities are more important than anything else but strangely; he has not spoken anything against the Christian missionaries, who have been driving a wedge between the Christians and non-Christians by opening the schools and colleges only for themselves in defiance to the provisions of the equality before the law. It is highly shocking that the Kerala Education Bill, which was introduced by E M.S. Namboodiripad in 1958, which wanted to bring parity in the educational standards has been upbraided by F.S. Nariman in his book.

He has paid a very moving tribute to V.R. Krishna Iyer and an Advocate of Lucknow R.N. Trivedi, he deserves kudos for glowingly remembering the stalwarts. The book has been written in the fashion of storytelling in elegant English. Unfortunately, even after seventy years of the existence of the Supreme Court, those who speak crisp and highly accented English command high premium in the advocacy. Surprisingly, the legal luminary like Fali S. Nariman has not discussed the desirability of the NJAC (National Judicial Appointment Commission), because today what we find is the highly ‘incestuous system of appointment of judges’ in the Higher Judiciary.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, eyeglasses and text

Yoga Day Special (1)

This article was originally published on 23rd June 2015 and is being re-published again on 21st June 2019 as Yoga Day Special.

Yoga is Science of Wellbeing of the physical, emotional,  mental and soul (= inmost being or Psychic Being) components of humans.

It is being trivialized by some by limiting it to the physical component only and being opposed by others by bringing in their religious and national egos.

Though Yoga originated and perfected over thousands of years in India,  it does not belong to any nation or religion.

The beneficial impact of Yoga on humans’ personal lives are being proved by medical science increasingly with each passing day.

In this stressful era,  Yoga is a boon for humanity today.

To overcome the resistance of religious and national egos by some,  Yoga needs to be scientifically studied more and more by the world community to reap its full potential.

Yoga Day Special (2)

This article was originally published on 28th September 2014. It is being published again on 21st June 2019 as Yoga Day Special (2).

Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, urged the United Nations General Assembly to observe an International Yoga Day, describing the science of Yoga as the “India’s ancient and traditional gift to the world”. Modi made the reference to Yoga when he was talking about the challenge of climate change taking place on Earth today.

Revealing an almost unknown facet of his life – that he really understands the essence of what Yoga is – Modi said “Yoga is the visible form of harmony between the “mind” and the “body”; between the “thought” and the “action”; between the “restraint” and the “achievement”; between the “human” and “Nature”. It is an integral viewpoint of health and well-being. Yoga is not a mere physical exercise; it is a means to achieve identification with the universe. It (Yoga) may help us in fighting the climate change by bringing a change in our life-style and creating in us an awareness”. As if to accentuate his seemingly airy statement with a more concrete reality, Modi showed no sign of fatigue during his 30-minute speech in UN General Assembly, which was delivered in a strong voice, without pausing even once to sip water, and while he was keeping a nine-day Navratri fast (during which he subsists only on water mixed with lemon-juice).

Modi rightly said, “Yoga is not just about fitness and exercise”. Today there seems to be euphoria the world over about Yoga, where Yoga is regarded as something synonym with a special kind of exercise to keep oneself physically fit. Yes, by practicing Yoga, one surely gets physical fitness of the first order; yet, this fitness is only a bye-product of Yoga. Yoga is not meant to achieve physical fitness; it aims at the changing of one’s thinking, behaving and living. Yoga is an ancient science of life well tested by the time in the way of Veda, Zarathustra, Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ, Sufi saints, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Vivekanand, Sri Aurobindo and many countless others in almost all the geographical parts of the world.

This came to happen somehow that the age of reason and the quest for knowledge found receptive minds mostly in that part of the world that we call the West and the wisdom of the heart and the quest for ultimate truth found the receptive hearts mostly in the East. These innate urgings of humanity gave the West a lead in the development of science and technology and the East a lead in the development of the science of life. Yoga is the product of this ancient science. India happens to devote all her energy to this discipline since ages. One may justifiably say that Yoga is India’s gift to the world. What is Yoga?

Sri Aurobindo, a great Yogi of India, says: :“All Yoga is in its nature a new birth; it is a birth out of the ordinary, the mentalised material life of man to a higher spiritual consciousness and a greater and diviner being.

“No Yoga can be successfully undertaken and followed unless there is a strong awakening to the necessity of that larger spiritual existence….(T) here must be a decision of the mind and the will and, as its result, a complete and effective self-consecration.

“The mere idea or intellectual seeking of something higher beyond, however strongly grasped by the mind’s interest, is ineffective unless it is seized on by the heart as the one thing desirable and by the will as the one thing to be done.

“He who seeks the Divine must consecrate himself to God and to God only. The secret Teacher, the inner guide is already at work, though he may not yet manifest himself or may not yet appear in the person of his human representative…. (I)f we desire to make the most of the opportunity that this life gives us, if we wish to respond adequately to the call we have received and to attain to the goal we have glimpsed, not merely advance a little towards it, it is essential that there should be an entire self-giving. The secret of success in Yoga is to regard it not as one of the aims to be perused in life, but as the whole of life.”

He further says: “The first necessity is to dissolve that central faith and vision in the mind which concentrate it on its development and satisfaction and interests in the old externalized order of things. … The next need is to compel all our lower being to pay homage to this new faith and greater vision. All our nature must make an integral surrender. Our whole being – soul, mind, sense, heart, will, life, body – must consecrate all its energies so entirely and in such a way that it shall become a fit vehicle for the Divine.

“Everything in us has constantly to be called back to the central faith and will and vision. Every thought and impulse has to be reminded… that ‘That is the divine Brahman and not this which men here adore’.

“Every vital fiber has to be persuaded to accept an entire renunciation of all that hitherto represented to it its own existence.

“The average human being even now is in his inward existence as crude and undeveloped as was the bygone primitive man in his outward life. But as soon as we go deep within ourselves, – and Yoga means a plunge into all the multiple profundities of the soul – we find ourselves subjectively… surrounded by a whole complex world which we have to know and to conquer.

“The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us – intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire-self, the heart, the body – has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and natural formation independent of the rest; it neither agrees with itself nor with the others nor with the representative ego which is the shadow cast by some central and centralizing self on our superficial ignorance.

“We find that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. … We find that inwardly too, no less than outwardly, we are not alone in the world; the sharp separateness of our ego was no more than a strong imposition and delusion; we do not exist in ourselves, we do not really live apart in an inner privacy or solitude. Our mind is a receiving, developing and modifying machine into which there is being constantly passed from moment to moment a ceaseless foreign flux, a streaming mass of disparate materials from above, from below, from outside.
“Much more than half our thoughts and feelings are not our own in the sense that they take form out of ourselves; of hardly anything can it be said this is truly original to our nature. A large part comes to us from others or from the environment, whether as raw material or as manufactured imports; but still more largely they come from universal Nature here or from other worlds and planes and their beings and powers and influences; for we are overtopped and environed by other planes of consciousness, mind planes, life planes, subtle matter planes, from which our life and action here are fed, or fed on, pressed, dominated, made use of for the manifestation of their forms and forces.

Says Sri Aurobindo: “(A seeker of spirit) has to harmonize deliberate knowledge with unquestioning faith… the passivity of the soul… has to be fused with the activity of the divine helper and the divine warrior. To him as to all seekers of the spirit there are offered for solution the oppositions of the reason, the clinging hold of the senses, the perturbations of the heart, the ambush of the desires, the clog of the physical body, but he has to deal in another fashion with their mutual and internal conflicts and their hindrance to his aim… “

Sri Aurobindo says: “There must be a flaming concentration of the heart on the All and Eternal and, when once we have found him, a deep plunging and immersion in the possession and ecstasy of the AII-Beautiful.

“But on that which as yet we know not how shall we concentrate? And yet we cannot know the Divine unless we have achieved this concentration of our being upon him. It is not enough to devote ourselves by the reading of Scriptures or by the stress of philosophical reasoning to an intellectual understanding of the Divine; for at the end of our long mental labor we might know all that has been said of the Eternal, possess all that can be thought about the Infinite and yet we might not know him at all. . . All that the Light from above asks of us that it may begin its work is a call from the soul and a sufficient point of support in the mind. .. The idea may be and must in the beginning be inadequate; the aspiration may be narrow and imperfect, the faith poorly iIIumined or even, as not surely founded on the rock of knowledge, fluctuating, uncertain, diminished; often even it may be extinguished and need to be lit again with difficulty like a torch in a windy pass. But if once there is a resolute self consecration from deep within, if there is an awakening to the soul’s call, these inadequate things can be a sufficient instrument for the divine purpose.

“Therefore the wise have always been unwilling to limit man’s avenues towards God; they would not shut against his entry even the narrowest portal, the lowest and darkest postern, the humblest wicket-gate. Any name, any form, any symbol, any offering has been held to be sufficient if there is the consecration along with it; for the Divine knows himself in the heart of the seeker and accepts the sacrifice.”

But today there are people who within their powers are not ready to put a full stop to limit man’s avenues towards God; and you see the vicious cycle of violence around us. Where does the religious fundamentalism stand in the light of this understanding of this subject?

You worship a deity. You prostrate and submit at the feet of idol of your faith. What do you do in this case? You simply condition your consciousness, body feelings, desires and thoughts. One does not do anything to the idol by praying to it. By such an act, one only affects his consciousness.

You worship your God. You prostrate on the ground before Him and offer your submission and subordination to Him. You do not do anything affecting anybody but your mind. It is not your mind alone that is affected by such an act on your part. Your desires, inmost urgings, body feelings, in addition to your thoughts, are affected by this process. They all are conditioned in a particular way. Thereby you bring a change in you.

You imagine there is God and that He is not dwelling in idols. You bow before Him and offer your complete self at His feet. You do so unconditionally. What do you do by such an act on your part? You do nothing but condition your mind, desires and body feelings. It is an act that affects nothing but you. You are completely changed by this process. Your inmost personality – subconscious and unconscious parts of the personality – becomes a totally new structure.

You read a holy book and bear faith in its sayings. What do you do to yourself by such an act? You simply change yourself. You bestow your utmost respect to this holy book and do not allow a single thought of its desecrating on your or anybody’s part a welcome place in your mind. By such an act, one does not do anything to the holy book. He simply conditions his mind, urgings and feelings.

You do not believe in any God or a holy book and hold that it is your conduct alone that matters in realizing the ultimate enlightenment. You give a particular direction to your conduct in life. What do you do to yourself? By this process you simply change yourself, that is, your thoughts, cravings and feelings.

In their substance and impact on human consciousness, what is the difference between one and another of these seemingly separate modes of religious faiths? There is no difference at all. Essentially, they all bring a psychological change in one’s total personality. One may follow a path that suits his nature and the path would bring a change in his personality, which is the sole means to progress on the consciousness’ evolutionary path. This is Yoga.

We all know of the manipulation of semiconductors by science and technology today. What does one do in this manipulation? It is rearranging of molecular structure of the material concerned to make the movement of atoms possible in the desired fashion. Prayer is something like this manipulation of one’s consciousness whereby the flow of supreme energy is made possible in a desired fashion. This energy is not a fiction, it is a real thing. By resorting to prayer, you bring a change in yourself. You make yourself a tool, the tool of supreme energy, and then the consequences follow unfolding the mystery of Nature. You get something, you receive something – something that is as real as hard rock, that is incomparably enlightening and empowering and that was not there before. Prayer, as a matter of fact, helps the one who prays. It brings miraculous consequences. It is a technology. It is a lever in the hands of feeble human being, a being who is ordinarily ignorant, egoistic and unwilling to desire or welcome a change for his betterment.

The great sage (Sri Aurobindo), writing in the dominant materialist age, says with a strikingly penetrating depth of mental inquiry: “By that hunger mysticism profits and new religions arise to replace the old that have been destroyed or stripped of significance by skepticism which itself could not satisfy because, although its business was inquiry, it was unwilling sufficiently to inquire. In the corollary of things we are dealing here, the most profound question that has ever been asked and will ever be asked is who, why and when initiated this universal evolution? And, mind’s Inquisitiveness logically further asks how the universe stood before this initiation?

“Answers to these questions are the most sacred secrets of Nature.

“We speak of the evolution of Life in Matter, the evolution of Mind in Matter; but evolution is a word, which merely states the phenomenon without explaining it. For there seems to be no reason why Life should evolve out of material elements or Mind out of living form, unless we accept the Vedantic solution that Life is already involved in Matter and Mind in Life because in essence Matter is a form of veiled Life, Life a form of veiled Consciousness.

“And then there seems to be little objection to a farther step in the series and the admission that mental consciousness may itself be only a form and a veil of higher states which are beyond Mind. In that case, the unconquerable impulse of man towards God, Light, Bliss, Freedom, Immortality presents itself in its right place in the chain as simply the imperative impulse by which Nature is seeking to evolve beyond Mind, and appears to be as natural, true and just as the impulse towards Life which she has planted in certain forms of Matter or the impulse towards Mind which she has planted in certain forms of Life. As there, so here, the impulse exists more or less obscurely in her different vessels with an ever-ascending series in the power of its will-to-be; as there, so here, it is gradually evolving and bound fully to evolve the necessary organs and faculties.”

We all know the transformation of classical physics into the physics of relativity and then of qantum mechanics. It was a leap forward in the unknown domain of knowledge. When one looks back today, he gets the uncomfortable feeling of the slow pace of our march forward on the path of knowledge. It seems really long for our physics to come out from the beliefs steeped in the simplistic Newtonian mechanical notions of Nature to astonishingly fresh concepts of Einsteinium Relativity universally operating in Nature. But, then, humanity took an incalculable span of time to put her knowledge that was mere of a speculative nature than a science onto a firm pedestal of Newtonian mechanics. It seemed obvious that on the part of humankind there is geometric progression in the rate of uncovering mysteries of Nature.

Our science once more seems to be on the verge of a new and further transformation. What could be the nature of this lurking transformation? We may get a glimpse of this new understanding of Nature by comparing the essence of our modern concepts of unified field of energy with the old and outmoded Newtonian concepts. By this comparison, we find that matter and its properties are not absolute in quantum of content and their behavior as was once thought. The impending transformation should bring a further new freshness to our understanding of Nature. In which way and on what front of our knowledge, it could happen? There is a great probability that this time it should relate to the operating universe of human mind and brain, which is its biological seat. It may commence with the labor, management, motive and enabling environment neno-scale investigation of biological brain. It may commence with establishing the co-relation of mind’s specific functions with brain’s specific chemical structure of neurons, the neurons’ synaptic connections between its various regions, the significance of transmitting of electric impulses therein etc.

If what we have been maintaining all along here is correct, then one thing is certain to be established one day by science by such investigation. It is not only the brain’s biological structure at nanoscale that determines the mind’s thoughts – and other mental functions – but, equally, it is the mind’s thoughts and other functions that determine, change and rearrange the brain’s nano-scale structure. And, this mutual interrelation is not confined to brain and mind. It goes much beyond that. It covers the whole physical body. And, this interrelation of biological and life’s functions is not limited to human beings alone. It operates universally wherever the duality of biology and life exist. It is much like wave and particle duality of quantum mechanics. You observe life only where it is bound to biology but it can exist sans biology also.

We have already indicated elsewhere, biology – and for that matter, all Matter – is pure energy, the amount of which is equivalent to mass multiplied by a number obtained by squaring the speed of light, as we all know. However, as we have said earlier the fundamental energy is not only the ultimate truth but also conscious and blissful.

The transformation of science, which is being hastened by its rapid progress today, would not confine its scope to subjective feelings of mind alone. It would transcend human mind and relate itself to the reality existing there in Nature in an objective and verifiable manner. Here, at this point the essence of all religions condensed into a neat spiritualism may meet science and form a new confluence of two diverse streams of knowledge.

One such connecting common point for study between science and spiritualism could be the interrelation between nano-scale structure of biological brain and spiritual exercise of faith and prayer. Faith in Divine and a sincere prayer to Him are the commonest phenomenon in religions and spiritualism, and their impact on human brain at the molecular level may be conveniently studied by science today. The material consequences that might be brought into existence by these spiritual exercises not only in biological brain but also in in the surrounding material hard world may also be studied today.

There are already signs that science is moving towards establishing some link between biological brain and the way we think, remember and deal with our surroundings. If we further find, with the progress of science, that religious or spiritual faith and prayer bring about a biological change in human brain at the nano-scale and a predictable “divination” takes place in the surrounding material world, what would it show? If it is repeated that yields the same consequences again and again, what would it show? Can one conclude that there is a force that is real and that is canalized by altered biological brain and reflected in one’s changed mind, the change which is always brought in one’s personality by religious or spiritual faith and prayer? And, if a predictable “divination” also takes place in the material hard world by the force of faith and prayer, what would it amount to? If the progress of science brings forth these interelations between “faith” and “Matter: in a positive direction, then one can truthfully say that the force is there, it is real, it is energy and it is conscious also. It would be a meeting place of two diverse disciplines of knowledge. It would be a confluence of two separate streams of knowledge.

Today, there is necessity to shift our focus, in taking decisions and planning things, from this our one life to the one that is spread over many such lives. The happening of rebirth cases has to be studied, in the interest of human beings, by our science, the science whose scope and reach are enriched by its transformation from the present monolithic form to an elastic multidiscipline vibrant one.

There is the realization today on the part of science that there are some facts that exist there but are not scientific in nature. Its very movement, that is, the rapid progress of science, is hastening the moment of their admission. The more science uncovers the secret mysteries of Nature, the nearer would be the moment of dawning of a new civilization.

Yoga is intimately connected to the concept of evolution. What is evolution?

Evolution is nothing but coming of something that is already there in the potential form into the state of being. This whole universe before coming into the manifestation that it is today had the potential of this happening. Evolution is a process that is made possible by the availability of many relevant conditions, including the element of duration of Time. We associate evolution with life; but this is a mistaken idea. If we go back in Time, we would realize that everything that we see today has evolved over a period of time. However, it required certain favorable conditions to make this happen. This applies to life also. But, then, we cannot confine this concept to the form of life that we know; its scope is much wider. There are things that we know and there also things that we do not know yet; evolution apply to them as well. Evolution is a mechanism of transformation of entities from one state to another. It is the beauty of Nature. It is as fundamental a concept as the dimensions of Space and Time, which are now known to exist. We may justifiably say that our universe exists in the form that we see it today only because there is this process of evolution operating there.

Sri Aurobindo says: “We are living in modern times and we have to inquire of the problem, albeit ancient one, in the terms of our times. Let us see the slot that Nature – and her device called evolution – accords to man – and his mind with all its brilliant conclusions – in the universal scheme of things.

“The progressive self-manifestation of Nature in man, termed in modern language his evolution, must necessarily depend upon three successive elements, that which is already evolved, that which is persistently in the stage of conscious evolution and that which is to be evolved and may perhaps be already displayed, if not constantly, then occasionally or with some regularity of recurrence, in primary formations or others more developed and, it may well be, even in some, however rare, that are near to the highest possible realization of our present humanity.

“That which Nature has evolved for us and has firmly founded is the bodily life. She has effected a certain combination and harmony of the two inferior but most fundamentally necessary elements of our action and progress upon earth, – Matter, which is our foundation and the first condition of all our energies and realizations, and the Life-Energy which is our means of existence in a material body. . . She has successfully achieved a certain stability of her constant material movement which is at once sufficiently steady and durable and sufficiently pliable and mutable…

“If the bodily life is what Nature has firmly evolved for us as her base and first instrument, it is our mental life that she is evolving as her immediate next aim and superior instrument. This in her ordinary exaltations is the lofty preoccupying thought in her; this… is her constant pursuit wherever she can get free from the trammels of her first vital and physical realizations. … Mind in man is first enmeshed in the life of the body, where in plant it is entirely involved and in animals always imprisoned. … The true human existence, therefore, only begins when the intellectual mentality emerges out of the material and we begin more and more to live in the mind independent of the nervous and physical obsession and in the measure of that liberty are able to accept rightly and rightly to use the life of the body….

“And when the preliminary conditions are satisfied, when the great endeavor has found its base, what will be the nature of that farther possibility which the activities of the intellectual life must serve?

“The assertion of a higher than the mental life is the whole foundation of Indian philosophy and its acquisition and organization is the veritable object served by the methods of Yoga. Mind is not the last term of evolution, not an ultimate aim, but, like body, an instrument. It is even so termed in the language of Yoga, the inner instrument (antahkarana). And Indian tradition asserts that this which is to be manifested is not a new term in human experience, but has been developed before and has even governed humanity in certain periods of its development. In any case, in order to be known it must at one time have been partly developed.

“But what then constitutes this higher or highest existence to which our evolution is tending? In order to answer the question we have to deal with a class of supreme experiences, a class of unusual conceptions which it is difficult to represent accurately in any other language than the ancient Sanskrit tongue in which alone they have been to some extent systematized. The only approximate terms in.English language have other associations and their use may lead to many and even serious inaccuracies.

“The terminology of Yoga recognizes besides the status of our physical and vital being, termed the gross body and doubly composed of the food-sheath and the vital vehicle, besides the status of our mental being, termed the subtle body and singly composed of the mind-sheath or mental vehicle (manah-kosa), a third, supreme and divine status of supramental being, termed the causal body and composed of a fourth and a fifth vehicle (vijnankosa and anandkosa) which are described as those of knowledge and bliss.

“But this knowledge is not a systematized result of mental questionings and reasoning, not a temporary arrangement of conclusions and opinions in the terms of the highest probability, but rather a pure self-existent and self-luminous Truth. And this bliss is not a supreme pleasure of the heart and sensations with the experience of pain and sorrow as its background, but a delight also self-existent and independent of objects and particular experiences, a self-delight which is the very nature, the very stuff, as it were, of a transcendent and infinite existence.

“Do such psychological conceptions correspond to anything real and possible?

“All Yoga asserts them as its ultimate experience and supreme aim. They form the governing principles of our highest possible state of consciousness, our widest possible range of experience. There is, we say, a harmony of supreme faculties, corresponding roughly to the psychological faculties of revelation, inspiration and intuition, yet acting not in the intuitive reason or the divine mind, but on a still higher plane, which see Truth directly face to face, or rather live in the truth of things both universal and transcendent and are its formulation and luminous activity.

“And these faculties are the light of a conscious existence superseding the egoistic and itself both cosmic and transcendent, the nature of which is Bliss. These are obviously divine and, as man is at present apparently constituted,, superhuman states of consciousness and activity.

“A trinity of transcendent existence (sat), self-awareness (chit) and self-delight (anand) is, indeed, the metaphysical description of the supreme Atman, the self-formulation, to our awakened knowledge, of the Unknowable whether conceived as a pure Impersonality or as a cosmic Personality manifesting the universe. But in Yoga they are regarded also in their psychological aspects as states of subjective existence to which our waking consciousness is now alien, but which dwell in us in a super conscious plane and to which, therefore, we may always ascend.

“So dazzling is even a glimpse of this supreme existence and so absorbing its attraction that, once seen, we feel readily justified in neglecting all else for its pursuit.”

Sri Aurobindo says: “This terrestrial evolutionary working of Nature from Matter to Mind and beyond (it) has a double process: there is an outward visible process of physical evolution with birth as it’s machinery, -for each evolved form body housing its own evolved power of consciousness is maintained and kept in continuity by heredity; there is, at the same time, an invisible process of soul evolution with rebirth into ascending grades of form and consciousness as its machinery.

“The first by itself would mean only a cosmic evolution; for the individual would be a quickly perishing instrument, and the race, a more abiding collective formulation, would be the real step in the progressive manifestation of the cosmic Inhabitant, the universal Spirit: rebirth is an indispensable condition for any long duration and evolution of the individual being in the earth-existence. Each grade of cosmic manifestation, each type of form that can house the indwelling Spirit, is turned by rebirth into a means for the individual soul, the psychic entity, to manifest more and more of its concealed consciousness; each life becomes a step in a victory over Matter by a greater progression of consciousness in it which shall make eventually Matter itself a means for the full manifestation of the Spirit.”

He says: “If you take terrestrial history, all the forms of life have appeared one after another in a general plan, a general programme, with the addition, always, of a new perfection and a greater consciousness. Take just animal forms – for that is easier to understand, they are the last before man – each animal that appeared had an additional perfection in its general nature – I don’t mean in all the details – a greater perfection than the preceding ones, and the crowning point of the ascending march was the human form which, for the moment, from the point of view of consciousness, is the form most capable of manifesting consciousness; that is, the human form at its height, at the height of its possibilities, is capable of more consciousness than all preceding animal forms.

The Mother of Pondicherry Sri Aurobindo Ashram (a disciple of Sri Aurobindo) said, “This is one of Nature’s ways of evolution. Sri Aurobindo told us last week that this Nature was following an ascending progression in order to manifest more and more the divine consciousness contained in all forms. So, with each new form that it produces, Nature makes a form capable of expressing more completely the spirit which this form contains. But if it were like this, a form comes, develops, reaches its highest point and is followed by another form; the others do not disappear, but the individual does not progress.

“The individual dog or monkey, for instance, belongs to a species which has its own peculiar characteristic; when the monkey or the man arrives at the height of its possibilities, that is, when a human individual becomes the best type of humanity, it will be finished; the individual will not be able to progress any farther. He belongs to the human species; he will continue to belong to it. So, from the point of view of terrestrial history there is a progress, for each species represents a progress compared with the preceding species; but from the point of view of the individual, there is no progress; he is born, he follows his development, dies and disappears. Therefore, to ensure the progress of the individual, it was necessary to find another means; this one was not adequate.

“But within the individual, contained in each form, there is an organization of consciousness which is closer to and more directly under the influence of the inner divine Presence, and the form which is under this influence – this kind of inner concentration of energy – has a life independent of the physical form – this is what we generally call the “soul” or the “psychic being” – and since it is organized around the divine centre it partakes of the divine nature which is immortal, eternal.

“The outer body falls away, and this remains throughout every experience that it has in each life, and there is a progress from life to life, and it is the progress of the same individual. And this movement complements the other, in the sense that instead of a species which progresses relative to other species, it is an individual who passes through all the stages of progress of these species and can continue to progress even when the species have reached the limit of their possibilities and… stay there or disappear – it depends on the case – but they cannot go any farther, whereas the individual, having a life independent of the purely material form, can pass from one form to another and continue his progress indefinitely. That makes a double movement which completes itself. And that is why each individual has the possibility of reaching the utmost realization, independent of the form to which he momentarily belongs.”

In one of his numerous letters to his disciples written in answer to their queries, Sri Aurobindo says: “I mean by the psychic the inmost soul-being and the soul-nature. This is not the sense in which the word is used in ordinary parlance, or rather, if it is so used, it is with great vagueness and much-misprision of the true nature of this soul and it is given a wide extension of meaning which carries it far beyond that province. All phenomena of an abnormal or supernormal psychological or an occult character are dubbed psychic… though these things have nothing whatever to do with the psychic….. There is a constant confusion between the mentalised desire-soul which is a creation of the vital urge in man, of his life-force seeking for its fulfillment and the true soul which is a spark of the Divine Fire, a portion of the Divine. Because the soul, the psychic being uses the mind and the vital as well as the body as instruments for growth and experience, it is itself looked at as if it were some amalgam or some subtle substratum of mind and life. But in Yoga if we accept all this chaotic mass as soul-stuff or soul-movement we shall enter into confusion without an issue.”

He says in another of his letters: “What is meant in the terminology of the yoga by the psychic is the soul element in the nature, the pure psyche or divine nucleus which stands behind mind, life and body (it is not the ego) but of which we are only dimly aware. It is a portion of the divine and permanent from life to life, taking the experience of life through its outer instruments (i.e. mind, vital and physical body).

“People do not understand what I mean by the psychic being, because the word psychic has been used in English to mean anything of the inner mental, inner vital or inner physical or anything abnormal or occult or even the more subtle movements of the outer being, all in a jumble; also occult phenomena are often called psychic.

“The distinction between these parts of the being is unknown. Even in India the old knowledge of the Upanishads in which they are distinguished has been lost. The Jivatman, the psychic being (Purusha Antaratman), the Manomaya Purusha, the Pranmaya Purusha are all confused together.

“The psychic part of us is something that comes direct from the Divine and is in touch with the Divine. In its origin it is the nucleus pregnant with the divine possibilities that supports this lower triple manifestation of mind, life and body.

“There is this divine element in all living beings, but it stands hidden behind the ordinary consciousness, is not at first developed and, even when developed, is not always or often in the front; it expresses itself, so far as the imperfection of the instruments allows, by their mean and under their limitations. It grows in the consciousness by Godward experience, gaining strength every time there is a higher movement in us, and, finally, by the accumulation of these deeper and higher movements, there is developed a psychic individuality, – that which we call usually the psychic being. It is always this psychic being that is the real, though often the secret cause of man’s turning to the spiritual life and his greatest help in it. It is therefore that which we have to bring from behind to the front in the Yoga…..

“The psychic being may be described in Indian language as the Purusha in the heart or the Chaitya Purusha, but the inner or secret heart must be understood, hrdaye guhayam, not the outer vital-emotional centre.”

The Mother in answer to the question: “Are the soul and the psychic being one and the same thing” says thus: “This depends on the definition you give to the words. In most religions, and perhaps in most philosophies also, it is the vital being which is called “soul”, for it is said that “the soul leaves the body”, while it is the vital being which leaves the body. One speaks of “saving the soul”… but all that applies to the vital being, for the psychic being has no need to be saved! It does not share the faults of the external person; it is free from all reaction.”

Sri Aurobindo says: “At a certain stage in the Yoga when the mind is sufficiently quieted and no longer supports itself at every step on the sufficiency of its mental certitude, when the vital has been steadied and subdued and is no longer constantly insistent on its own rash will, demand and desire, when the physical has been sufficiently altered not to bury altogether the inner flame under the mass of its outward ness, obscurity or inertia, an inmost being hidden within and felt only in its rare influences is able to come forward and illumine the rest and take up the lead of the Sadhana Its action is like a searchlight showing up all that has to be changed in the nature; it has in it a flame of will insistent on perfection, on an alchemic transmutation of all the inner and outer existence. It sees the divine essence everywhere but rejects the mere mask and the disguising figure.”

He further says: “What is meant by (the psychic’s) coming to the front is simply this. The psychic ordinarily is deep within. Very few people are aware of their souls – when they speak of their soul, they usually mean the vital + mental being or else the (false) soul of desire.

“The psychic remains behind and acts only through the mind, vital and physical wherever it can. For this reason the psychic being except where it is very much developed has only a small and partial, concealed and mixed or diluted influence on the life of most men. By coming forward is meant that it comes from behind the veil, its presence is felt already in the waking daily consciousness, its influence fills, dominates, transforms the mind and vital and their movements, even the physical. One is aware of one’s soul, feels the psychic to be one’s true being, the mind and the rest begin to be only instruments of the inmost within us.”

The Mother says: “In the ordinary life there’s not one person in a million who has a conscious contact with his psychic being, even momentarily. The psychic being may work within, but so invisibly and unconsciously for the outer being that it is as though it did not exist. And in most cases, the immense majority, almost the totality of cases, it is as though it were asleep. Not at all active, (it is) in a kind of torpor.

“It is only with the sadhana and a very persistent effort that one succeeds in having a conscious contact with his psychic being. Naturally, it is possible that there are exceptional cases – but this is truly exceptional, and they are so few that they could be counted – where the psychic being is an entirely formed, liberated being, master of itself, which has chosen to return to earth in a human body in order to do its work. …

“In almost, almost all cases, a very sustained effort is needed to become aware of one’s psychic being. Usually it is considered that if one can do it in thirty years one is very lucky – thirty years of sustained effort, I say. It may happen that it’s quicker. But this is so rare that immediately one says, “This is not an ordinary human being”. That is the case of people who have been considered more or less divine beings and who were great yogis, great initiates.”

The Mother says: “In rebirth it is not the external being, that which is formed by parents, environment and circumstances – the mental, the vital and the physical being that is born again: it is only the psychic being that passes from body to body. Logically, then, neither the mental nor the vital being can remember past lives or recognize itself in the character or mode of life of this or that person. The psychic being alone can remember; and it is by becoming conscious of our psychic being that we can have at the same time exact impressions about our past lives.”

She says: “The psychic being may be made centre for self-unification: The work of unifying the being consists of:-

Becoming aware of one’s psychic being.

Putting before the psychic being, as one becomes aware of them, all one’s movements, impulses, thoughts and acts of will, so that the psychic being may accept or reject each of these movements, impulses or acts of will. Those that are accepted will be kept and carried out; those that are rejected will be driven out of the consciousness so that they may never come back again.”

She again says: “If we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organized into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavor….

“In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perception and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another – outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience – the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realize. This discovery and realization should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the part of great price which we must acquire at any cost.

“Whatever you do, whatever your occupation and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.”

Sri Aurobindo says: “There are a thousand ways of approaching and realizing the Divine and each way has its own experiences which have their own truth and stand really on a basis one in essence but complex in aspects, common to all but not expressed in the same way by all. There is not much use in discussing these variations; the important thing is to follow one’s own way well and thoroughly.”

The Mother says thus in answer to the following question: “How is it that in newspapers one quite often reads stories of small children who remember their past lives and that the details have been verified? And it is the study of such events that leads parapsychologists to assert the existence of reincarnation. So are they not on a completely wrong track? And how can reincarnation be demonstrated scientifically in any other way?

“The memories you refer to, which are mentioned in newspapers, are memories of the vital being that, exceptionally, has gone out of one body in order to enter another. It is something that can happen, but it is not frequent.

“The memory that I refer to is that of the psychic being, and one is conscious of it only when one is in conscious relation with one’s psychic being. There is no contradiction between the two things.”

The subject of death, states of after-death and rebirth is not simple for mind to understand because it deals with many states of consciousness that are totally foreign to ordinary human consciousness. However, modern science has now begun to taste the glimpse of these states by its own fanciful tools. One such tool is the application of hypnosis in the field of Psychiatry. Dr. Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist, while he was treating his patient Catherine to rid her of the symptoms of fear-psychosis by the application of hypnosis, had a fascinating chance to peep into some of these consciousness’ states, which are alien to our own normal state of consciousness. He writes in his “Many Lives, Many Masters”:

“Hypnosis is an excellent tool to help a person remember long-forgotten incidents. There is nothing mysterious about it… I instructed Catherine to lie on the coach with her eyes slightly closed and her head resting on a small pillow… After a while I began to regress her, asking her to recall memories of progressively earlier ages. She was able to talk and to answer my questions while maintaining a deep level of hypnosis.”

Catherine recollected her past memories and described with graphic vivid details of events not only of her earlier lives that she had lived (in one case a life lived in 1863 BC) but also of what happened to her after her physical deaths in many such past lives. Most interestingly, she described as seeing many Master Spirits, in addition to many ordinary spirits, dwelling in those after-worlds and caused those Master Spirits through her deep hypnotized state to answer Dr. Brian’s questions. She said there were many people (spirits) living there in those worlds. There were also many Master Spirits (or more evolved spirits). The answers given by those Master Spirits are full of wisdom and echo the teachings of the founders of mankind’s religions. Catherine described the moments of her physical deaths in her previous many lives and what had happened thereafter. She said she came out of her physical body and floated out there after these deaths. Describing one such occasion, she says:

“I am aware of a bright light. It is wonderful’ you get energy from this light.”

“The soul… the soul finds peace here. You leave all the bodily pains behind you. Your soul is peaceful and serene. It is a wonderful feeling … wonderful like the sun is always shining on you. The light is so brilliant! Everything comes from the light. Energy comes from this light. Our soul immediately goes there. It is almost like a magnetic force that we are attracted to. It is wonderful. It is like a power source. It knows how to heal.”

It is the experience of Divine force guiding the Psychic Being. Catherine speaks of the Master Spirits (or more evolved psychic Beings) being present in those worlds. Catherine acted as instrument for these Spirits to speak words. These words are full of wisdom and reassert what has been said by great spiritual leaders of Mankind since ages. These spirits said:

“Our task is to learn, to become God-like through knowledge. We know so little. “

“We have no right to abruptly halt peoples’ lives before they have lived out their karma. And we are doing it. We have no right. They will suffer greater retribution if we let them live. When they die and go to the next dimension, they will suffer there. They will be left in a very restless state. They will have no peace. And they will be sent back, but their lives will be very hard. And they will have to make up to those people that they hurt for the injustices that they did against them. They are halting these peoples’ lives, and they have no right to do that. Only God can punish them, not us. They will be punished.”

“Yes, we choose when we will come into our physical state and when we will leave. We know when we have accomplished what we were sent down here to accomplish. We know when the time is up., and you will accept your death. For you know that you can get nothing more out of this life time. When you have time, when you have had the time to rest and re-energize your soul, you are allowed to choose your re-entry back into the physical state…. “

“Everybody’s path is basically the same. We all must learn certain attitudes while we are in physical state. Some of us are quicker to accept them than ohers. Charity, hope, faith, love … we must all know these things and know them well. It is not just one hope and one faith and one love – so many things feed into each one of these. There are so many ways to demonstrate them. And yet we have only tapped into a little bit of each one… People of the religious orders have come closer than any of us have because they have taken these vows of chastity and obedience. They have given up so much without asking for anything in return. The rest of us continue to ask foe rewards – rewards and justifications for our behavior. .. when there are no rewards, rewards that we want. The reward is in doing, but doing without expecting anything…. Doing unselfishly. “

“To be in physical state is abnormal. When you are in spiritual state, that is natural to you. When we are sent back, it is like being sent back to something we do not know. It will take us longer. In the spirit world you have to wait, and then you are renewed. There is a state of renewal.”

“Those are different levels of learning, and we must learn some of them in the flesh. We must feel the pain. When you are a spirit you feel no pain. It is a period of renewal. Your soul is being renewed. When you are in physical state in the flesh, you can feel pain; you can hurt. In spiritual form you do not feel. There is only happiness, a sense of well-being. But it is a renewal period for … us. The interaction between people in the spiritual form is different. When you are in physical state.. You can experience relationships.”

Sri Aurobindo, the great Yogi of modem India, says, “the consciousness of the ordinary human mind is subject to the control of vital and material Nature and is limited wholly by birth and death and Time and the needs and desires of the mind, life and body. … The animal has the conscious vital mind, but whatever beginnings there are in it of anything higher are only a primary glimpse, a crude hint of the intelligence which in man becomes the splendor of the mental understanding, will, emotion, aesthetes and reason.

“Man elevated in the heights and deepened by the intensities of the mind becomes aware of something great and divine in himself but which he has not yet become. And he turns the powers of his mind, his power of knowledge, his power of will, his power of emotion and aesthetes to seek out this, to seize and comprehend all that it may be, to become it and to exist wholly in its greater consciousness, delight, being and power of highest becoming. But what he gets of this higher state in his normal mind is only intimation, a primary glimpse, a crude hint of the splendor, the light, the glory and divinity of the spirit within him.

“The mind by its very nature cannot render with an entirely rightness or act in the unified completeness of the divine knowledge, will and Ananda because it is an instrument for dealing with the divisions of the finite on the basis of division, a secondary instrument therefore and a sort of delegate for the lower movement in which we live.

“ The mind can reflect the Infinite, it can dissolve itself into it, it can live in it by a large passivity, it can take its suggestions and act them out in its own way, a way always fragmentary, derivative and subject to a greater or less deformation, but it cannot be itself the direct and perfect instrument of the infinite Spirit acting in its own knowledge.

“The object of Yoga is to raise the human being from the consciousness of (his) ordinary mind… to the consciousness of the spirit. (This spirit is) free in its self and (uses) the circumstances of mind, life and body as admitted or self-chosen and self-figuring determinations of the spirit, (uses) them in free self-knowledge, a free will and power of being, a free delight of being. This is the essential difference between the ordinary mortal mind in which we live and the spiritual consciousness of our divine and immortal being which is the highest result of Yoga.”

Nature is ceaselessly at its work of evolving life further and consciousness higher. This evolutionary process is extremely slow. It takes centuries, if not thousands of years, for this process to bring even a minor change that may be perceptible. The outer signs of this change are exhibited in the mutation that continuously takes place in the molecular formations of DNA and RNA. But the mutation is only an outer sign or evidence of the internal process going on in the living bodies. It is not the mutation of DNA etc. that is the cause of life’s evolution.

On the contrary, it is the life’s evolution – or struggle against blind forces of Nature – that brings about the mutation in the molecular formation of these building blocks of life. Human beings have evolved and perfected to a certain degree the tool of reason that we call Mind. Organic structure of the seat of this process – physical brain – is merely the outer apparatus – like the hardware of a computer – enabling the internal – software – process to take place. Mind – that is, reason – is not the ultimate product of Nature. Mind is bound to be superseded by a better – higher – instrument of consciousness.

But Nature will take thousands of years in its general course to achieve this next stage of evolutionary march. Is it possible to accelerate this evolutionary process by artificial (conscious Yogic) means? Is it possible to squeeze the time scale of thousands of years into a few centuries, or still more, into a few decades? It cannot be done by solely human efforts however heroic this effort may be. It can be done, if the Supreme Being wills it. But the Supreme Being does not will it unless at least a few individuals are ready to become vehicle of this Supreme Will and the mankind’s collective consciousness is willing and ready to cooperate and collaborate. Such an effort, even a thought of it, by a human being would be bizarre. It would be a kind of unparalleled heroic work in the entire span of mankind’s history.

All this is the part of the science of Yoga.

“हरि-नाम” की हिन्दु शाश्त्रों में महत्ता

कलियुग में नाम संकीर्तन के अलावा जीव के उद्धार का अन्य कोई भी उपाय नहीं है। बृहन्नार्दीय पुराण में आता है:

हरेर्नाम हरेर्नाम हरेर्नामैव केवलं | कलौ नास्त्यैव नास्त्यैव नास्त्यैव गतिरन्यथा ||

अर्थ: कलियुग में केवल हरिनाम, हरिनाम और हरिनाम से ही उद्धार हो सकता है| हरिनाम के अलावा कलियुग में उद्धार का अन्य कोई भी उपाय नहीं है! नहीं है! नहीं है!

कृष्ण तथा कृष्ण नाम अभिन्न हैं: कलियुग में तो स्वयं कृष्ण ही हरिनाम के रूप में अवतार लेते हैं| केवल हरिनाम से ही सारे जगत का उद्धार संभव है:

कलि काले नाम रूपे कृष्ण अवतार |
नाम हइते सर्व जगत निस्तार ||
चैतन्य चरितामृत १.१७.२२

पद्मपुराण में कहा गया है:

नाम: चिंतामणि कृष्णश्चैतन्य रस विग्रह: |
पूर्ण शुद्धो नित्यमुक्तोSभिन्नत्वं नाम नामिनो: ||

अर्थ: हरिनाम उस चिंतामणि के समान है जो समस्त कामनाओं को पूर्ण सकता है| हरिनाम स्वयं रसस्वरूप कृष्ण ही हैं तथा चिन्मयत्त्व (दिव्यता) के आगार हैं| हरिनाम पूर्ण हैं, शुद्ध हैं, नित्यमुक्त हैं| नामी (हरि) तथा हरिनाम में कोई अंतर नहीं है| जो कृष्ण हैं, वही कृष्ण नाम है| जो कृष्ण नाम है, वही कृष्ण हैं|

कृष्ण के नाम का किसी भी प्रामाणिक स्त्रोत से श्रवण उत्तम है, परन्तु शास्त्रों एवं श्री चैतन्य महाप्रभु के अनुसार कलियुग में हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र ही बताया गया है । कलियुग में इस महामंत्र का संकीर्तन करने मात्र से प्राणी मुक्ति के अधिकारी बन सकते हैं।

कलियुग में भगवान की प्राप्ति का सबसे सरल किंतु प्रबल साधन उनका नाम-जप ही बताया गया है। श्रीमद्भागवत (१२.३.५१) का कथन है “यद्यपि कलियुग दोषों का भंडार है तथापि इसमें एक बहुत बडा सद्गुण यह है कि सतयुग में भगवान के ध्यान (तप) द्वारा, त्रेता युग में यज्ञ-अनुष्ठान के द्वारा, द्वापर युग में पूजा-अर्चना से जो फल मिलता था, कलियुग में वह पुण्य फल श्री हरि के नाम-संकीर्तन मात्र से ही प्राप्त हो जाता है”।

राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने ॥


भगवान शिव ने कहा, ” हे पार्वती !! मैं निरंतर राम नाम के पवित्र नामों का जप करता हूँ, और इस दिव्य ध्वनि में आनंद लेता हूँ । रामचन्द्र का यह पवित्र नाम भगवान विष्णु के एक हजार पवित्र नामों (विष्णुसहस्त्रनाम) के तुल्य है” । रामरक्षास्त्रोत्र

ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण में कहा गया है :

सहस्त्र नाम्नां पुण्यानां, त्रिरा-वृत्त्या तु यत-फलम् ।
एकावृत्त्या तु कृष्णस्य, नामैकम तत प्रयच्छति ॥

अर्थ: विष्णु के तीन हजार पवित्र नाम (विष्णुसहस्त्रनाम) जप के द्वारा प्राप्त परिणाम (पुण्य), केवल एक बार कृष्ण के पवित्र नाम जप के द्वारा प्राप्त किया जा सकता है ।

भक्तिचंद्रिका में महामंत्र का माहात्म्य इस प्रकार वर्णित है:

बत्तीस अक्षरों वाला नाम-मंत्र सब पापों का नाशक है, सभी प्रकार की दुर्वासनाओं को जलाने के अग्नि-स्वरूप है, शुद्धसत्त्व स्वरूप भगवद्वृत्ति वाली बुद्धि को देने वाला है, सभी के लिए आराधनीय एवं जप करने योग्य है, सबकी कामनाओं को पूर्ण करने वाला है। इस महामंत्र के संकीर्तन में सभी का अधिकार है। यह मंत्र प्राणि मात्र का बान्धव है, समस्त शक्तियों से सम्पन्न है, आधि-व्याधि का नाशक है। इस महामंत्र की दीक्षा में मुहूर्त्त के विचार की आवश्यकता नहीं है। इसके जप में बाह्य पूजा की अनिवार्यता नहीं है। केवल उच्चारण करने मात्र से यह सम्पूर्ण फल देता है। इस मंत्र के अनुष्ठान में देश-काल का कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं है।

अथर्ववेद की अनंत संहिता में आता है:

षोडषैतानि नामानि द्वत्रिन्षद्वर्णकानि हि |
कलौयुगे महामंत्र: सम्मतो जीव तारिणे ||

सोलह नामों तथा बत्तीस वर्णों से युक्त महामंत्र का कीर्तन ही कलियुग में जीवों के उद्धार का एकमात्र उपाय है |

कलि संतारण उपनिषद् में आता है:

द्वापर युग के अंत में जब देवर्षि नारद ने ब्रह्माजी से कलियुग में कलि के प्रभाव से मुक्त होने का उपाय पूछा, तब सृष्टिकर्ता ने कहा- आदिपुरुष भगवान नारायण के नामोच्चारण से मनुष्य कलियुग के दोषों को नष्ट कर सकता है। नारदजी के द्वारा उस नाम-मंत्र को पूछने पर हिरण्यगर्भ ब्रह्माजी ने बताया-

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे।
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे।।

इति षोडषकं नाम्नाम् कलि कल्मष नाशनं |
नात: परतरोपाय: सर्व वेदेषु दृश्यते ||

सोलह नामों वाले महामंत्र का कीर्तन ही कलियुग में कल्मष का नाश करने में सक्षम है| इस मन्त्र को छोड़ कर कलियुग में उद्धार का अन्य कोई भी उपाय चारों वेदों में कहीं भी नहीं है |

अथर्ववेद के चैतन्योपनिषद में आता है:

स: ऐव मूलमन्त्रं जपति हरेर इति कृष्ण इति राम इति |

भगवन गौरचन्द्र सदैव महामंत्र का जप करते हैं जिसमे पहले ‘हरे’ नाम, उसके बाद ‘कृष्ण’ नाम तथा उसके बाद ‘राम’ नाम आता है|

ऊपर वर्णित क्रम के अनुसार महामंत्र का सही क्रम यही है की यह मंत्र ‘हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण’ से शुरू होता है |

पद्मपुराण में वर्णन आता है:

द्वत्रिन्षदक्षरं मन्त्रं नाम षोडषकान्वितं |
प्रजपन् वैष्णवो नित्यं राधाकृष्ण स्थलं लभेत् ||

जो वैष्णव नित्य बत्तीस वर्ण वाले तथा सोलह नामों वाले महामंत्र का जप तथा कीर्तन करते हैं– उन्हें श्रीराधाकृष्ण के दिव्य धाम गोलोक की प्राप्ति होती है |

विष्णुधर्मोत्तर में लिखा है कि श्रीहरि के नाम-संकीर्तन में देश-काल का नियम लागू नहीं होता है। जूठे मुंह अथवा किसी भी प्रकार की अशुद्ध अवस्था में भी नाम-जप को करने का निषेध नहीं है।

श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण का तो यहां तक कहना है कि जप-तप एवं पूजा-पाठ की त्रुटियां अथवा कमियां श्री हरि के नाम- संकीर्तन से ठीक और परिपूर्ण हो जाती हैं। हरि-नाम का संकीर्त्तन ऊंची आवाज में करना चाहिए |

जपतो हरिनामानिस्थानेशतगुणाधिक:।

हरि-नाम को जपने वाले की अपेक्षा उच्च स्वर से हरि-नाम का कीर्तन करने वाला अधिक श्रेष्ठ है, क्योंकि जपकर्ता केवल स्वयं को ही पवित्र करता है, जबकि नाम- कीर्तनकारी स्वयं के साथ-साथ सुनने वालों का भी उद्धार करता है।

हरिवंशपुराण का कथन है:

वेदेरामायणेचैवपुराणेभारतेतथा ।
आदावन्तेचमध्येचहरि: सर्वत्र गीयते ॥


वेद, रामायण, महाभारत और पुराणों में आदि, मध्य और अंत में सर्वत्र श्रीहरिका ही गुण- गान किया गया है।

Prashant Kanojia, Journalism and Character Assassination

By: Parmanand Pandey, Advocate, Supreme Court (Secretary General IPC)

Credibility is the soul of journalism. Crisis of credibility is bound to put journalism in great peril. The journalism in India, as elsewhere, is undergoing metamorphosis, thanks mainly to the explosion of social, digital and electronic media. Recently two cases relating to freedom of speech and expression and personal liberty of individuals have come up to the Supreme Court. The first one was of Priyanka Sharma, a BJP Yuva Morcha Leader, who was arrested on May 10 by the West Bengal Police under section 500 (defamation) of the IPC and other provisions of the Information Technology Act on the complaint of a local Trinamool Congress leader, Bibhash Azra because she had re-twitted a meme about Mamta  Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal. The Supreme Court granted her the relief of bail firstly; with the direction that she would apologise for re-tweeting but subsequently on her application the order to apologise was waived.

There was, however, another case of arrest of one social media activist Prashant Kanojia by the Uttar Pradesh police, which though dissimilar from the earlier case, has drawn nation-wide attention for two reasons. Firstly; the social media journalist made a video of a woman, outside the house of the UP-Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath detailing her love affairs and secondly; the mainstream media lapped up this matter, which  was projected as a sex scandal involving the high constitutional authority of the state. More so, because Yogi is a celibate Sanyasi, so it became a hot cake for selling. In both cases the Supreme Court has given more importance to Article 21 than Article 19(1) and (2) of the Constitution of India.

Here the vital question arises that if journalists themselves do not come forward to stoutly protect the core of journalism i.e. objectivity and impartiality then who in the public will fight for their cause? There is no doubt, that the life and the liberty of any individual are the cornerstones of the fundamental rights as enshrined in the Constitution of India as while Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution provides that ‘all citizens shall have the right of the freedom of speech and expression’ but immediately thereafter, in the subsequent clause 19(2), the constitution imposes reasonable restrictions on this freedom. Needless to say, that the freedom of speech and expression (not the press or the media) is a very hard-earned one and therefore, it cannot be allowed to be frittered away by unscrupulous and irresponsible persons, who think that purveying the false, fake and unverifiable news will provide them instant stardom. They fail to realise that journalism is not a non-serious profession and the rights and responsibilities of journalists are inextricably attached to each other.

 Incidentally, both cases of Priyanka Sharma and Prashant Kanojia have been decided by the same bench of Justices Indira Banerjee and Ajay Rastogi in a span of less than one month. The bench, while passing the release order of Kanojia, observed that the arrest and remand were illegal, resulting in deprivation of personal liberty. Even though the UP Government submitted through Additional Solicitor General that arrest was necessary ‘to send a message’ that provocative tweets cannot be tolerated, the bench rejected it, choosing to bat for personal liberty.

    There are several tweets still available on the record of the social media forum Twitter by Kanojia from as early as December 2017, which prima facie were insulting gods, religious sentiments and community practices. Therefore, the ASG submitted to the court that the arrest was made for public mischief, and Section 505 IPC was added in the FIR later, but the bench was not convinced and said that though ‘we do not appreciate his tweet or post but how can he be put behind bars for that? The bench was not to be moved by these technical objections of the ASG and used Article 142 of the Constitution, which empowers the SC to do ‘complete justice’. ‘If there is glaring illegality, we cannot fold our hands and ask (the petitioner) to go to lower courts’, the bench said.

     It was pointed out by the petitioner, Jagisha Arora, the wife of the arrested Kanojia, that the arrest was made by policemen in plain civil clothes, without serving an arrest memo, and without telling her the reasons for arrest and therefore violated the mandatory procedure before arrest as laid down by the SC in D K Basu case. There was no transit remand obtained by UP Police for taking Kanojia from Delhi. He was not produced before the local Magistrate before taking him out of the State. The continued detention is therefore illegal. Apart from Kanojia, two more journalists have also been arrested by the UP Police over these comments. They are Ishika Singh and Anuj Shukla, channel head and editor respectively of a news channel Nation Live, which elaborately discussed the news in its programmes about a woman claiming to be having a relationship with the UP CM. Massive outrage poured in social media against the arrests. Even the Editors Guild of India, which normally remains a moribund organisation, issued a statement saying that the police action was high-handed and arbitrary, and amounts to an authoritarian misuse of laws.

 Although the woman in the video did not say that there was even any hint of love towards her by Yogi Adityanath. But she certainly tells that she is a divorcee and a highly depressed woman. She claimed that she had met Yogi sometimes at Gorakhpur to seek some assistance. So, the element of obscenity was deliberately brought in by him when Prashant Kanojia himself put his own tweet in Hindi tagged to the video of that woman, which reads “योगी जी, इश्क छुपाये नही छुपता (Yogi ji, if one wants to hide one’s (sexual) passion, one cannot.” What is Prashant Kanojia insinuating here? Is the woman in the video trying to hide her alleged sexual passion towards Yogi? No, she is rather displaying her passion (or इश्क) towards Yogi. Obviously, it is Yogi who is suggested by Kanojia to be trying to hide his passion (or इश्क) towards this lady. It is assassinating the character of Yogi by lowering down his image in the public gaze.  All sorts of people go to the Chief Minister’s residence, some sit on dharna, some demonstrate and some scream for the redressal of their grievances and journalists report them. Nevertheless, when it comes to the character of the Chief Minister, or for that matter anybody, journalists are expected to, and they usually verify the truth before publishing or disseminating by other sources. But in this case, the unverified the unedited version of the lady’s fulminations were telecast by an unknown T.V. channel and Mr. Kanojia also made it viral through his Facebook post. We would like to say, Mr. Prashant Kanojia, you cannot fritter away the credibility of journalism by adopting such cheap antics !

     It will be worth mentioning here that before the independence of the country, the journalism was considered to be more a ‘mission’ than a ‘profession’. Most of the journalists, working for the nationalist newspapers were expected to go to jails and work without any expectation for wages. Many of them had actually undergone jails and suffered excesses of the British Government. In those days there was no concept of objectivity. Journalists were supposed to be only fiercely nationalists. A large number of journalists were politicians as well as freedom fighters. Some of them, not in active politics, were furthering the cause of the freedom struggle by their writings. However, when India attained freedom it was realised by the top leadership of the country that the freedom of the press must be given primacy, but it should not be allowed to be errant and anarchic.

Article 19 and 21 of the Constitution is complete but are also intertwined to each other. Therefore, none of the articles can be jettisoned at the cost of the other. The Hon’ble Supreme Court though discussed the issue of only personal liberty but has completely glossed over Article 19 (2), which should have been dealt with in detail so as to strike a balance between both articles.

But more than the Supreme Court, it is the mainstream of the media that will have to come forward to ensure that in the name of freedom of speech and expression, blackmailing and perversity are not encouraged as that will be highly detrimental to the free, fair and independence of journalism. Freedom of speech and expression are two sides of the same coin. It is an oft-repeated saying that your liberty ends where my freedom begins. Here, in this case, Prashant Kanojia has not only transgressed his own limits of the freedom but has also badly damaged the image of the Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath by forwarding the video. One often wonders, what was the ‘news’ in the video, which was made on the basis of the incoherent rantings of the lady?

“Caste By Birth” – A Death-trap for Hindus in Hindustan

By: Shreepal Singh

As Christians or Muslims are communities bound by their own private common interests, so are Hindus in India a community bound by their own private common interests. Such common interests of communities may be based on many considerations. Religion is one of these considerations – and a very dominant consideration. More often than not, these private common interests are not only diverse but also play against each others interests. It is a commonsense hard fact, which needs no proof. All the laws put together, along with Constitution of India, cannot nulify this fact.

This fact of conflicting interests is founded on science – the science of psychology and the science of biology. Science tells us that humans as individuals – and as communities with common interests formed by these individuals – are driven by the basic animal instinct: the instinct to survive in the inter se struggle and dominate in the competition among them to safeguard their own interests.

Some of the common interests of these diverse communities may find in some respects in harmony with each other but it is not necessary that such common interests binding a community should always be in harmony with the rival interests of another community. Rather, more often, they clash with each other. In India it is particularly so. India is a house to multitude of rival communities with conflicting ideals and interests. It looks poetical and charming an ideal to declare in our Constitution “unity in diversity” but it is a bitter exercise to identify those diversities and point out them.

Though communities are formed of multitude of individuals but fortunately enough individuals still remain independent units. We all know that individuals are guided by their own interests,  perceptions and circumstances in taking decisions and based on those considerations they tend to migrate from one community to another community and change their sides. This creates a welcome kind of equlibrium and homogenity in an otherwise rift-torn society of any country.

In India, there are many communities bound by their religion – Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists (which are all Indic faiths), Muslims, Christians, Parsees, Bahais and Jews (which are Abrahmic in their origin). Out of all these religious communities, none except Muslims and Christians seek conversion of persons belonging to other faiths to their own faith. At this time, Hindus are in majority in India but as they do not seek conversion of others – and these two other religions seek and actively work to convert from others – Hindu are going to become less and less in the course of time. Statics show that, in fact, the percentage of the population of Hindus in India in comparison to these two religious communities has been steadily going down since 1947. It would not be wrong to label these two communities as the predetory ones.

But despite following an active program to convert others to one’s own faith, it is not necessary that such other individuals would be willing and ready to so convert themselves. This is the age of knowledge and people are intelligent and educated. People in India have freedom of conscience guaranteed by its constitution. They would prefer to choose and migrate to other faiths dictated by their intelligence.

One may say that, perhaps, Hinduism is intellectually the most appealing faith and very many people – Indians and non-Indians both – feel eager to join Hindu way of life and beliefs. But Hinduism has a problem here – this problem is not the intellectual one but of the selfish and petty vested interests of the so-called higher castes of Hindus, particularly Brahmins and Kshtriyas.

Hindus’ religious leaders – who traditionally come from Brahmin caste – love to inherit their alleged superior caste by birth as against allocated to them on the consideration of their Karmas (vocation). Any new immigrant to Hindu faith from other – and rival – faiths face the toughest problem of finding his caste in the new faith. A new entrant finds that here in Hinduism surnames, suffixes and prefixes are inherited by birth and recognised in Hindu society. This practice stinks and puts off the new immigrant. He or she finds that this Hinduism – its sacred books and its religious leaders – preach that a caste is determined by one’s Karma or avocation but practice it in the reverse direction by making a caste heritable by birth. He or she finds that even within the Hindu community itself, a supposedly lower caste member cannot get promoted to a supposedly higher caste, to which he or she may be entitled because of his or her ‘Karma’ or avocation – simply because castes in today’s Hindus are not allocated based on one’s avocation but are inherited by birth. In his or her eyes Hinduism becomes a mere hypocrisy. Because of this hypocricy, not only the willing new entrants to Hindu fold are put off in their new-found love for Hinduism, but even within the Hindu community itself an exodus of supposedly lower caste people to other faiths takes place in large number, which inflicts a mortal blow to the numerical superiority of Hindus in Hindustan.

This Hindu India has already suffered such mortal blows in North-eastern States, Kerala, South India States and in other places. For the great exodus of the so-called lower caste people from Hindu fold to Christian or Muslim faiths, these faiths cannot be blamed so much as Hindus themselves. Whatever Christians or Muslims are doing to convert Hindus to their faiths, is understandable – they are serving the best interests of their religions. Much blame is laid at the door of the Hindus themselves. Hindus have virtually closed their doors for the new entrants and opened their doors for leaving some of their members.

Caste by birth is a death-trap for Hindus in India. The world is moving very fast in 21st century and Hindus cannot afford any longer to do what they have been doing for thousands of years – inheriting castes by birth.

Hindus have almost already lost North-East India, South India, Kerala etc. and they are on the fast spree to lose their Hindu India bit by bit, because they refuse to outlaw the allocation of caste by birth. This vice – the death-trap of Hindus – is also reflected in the ‘Law of the Land’, i.e. Constitution of India. If any one defect in this Constitution is found, it is this: Caste in India is a reality and the Constitution does not recognize this reality. Abolition of Castes on paper is one thing and recognizing Castes and reforming them is another thing.

How can this situation be remedied? Is there any way out of this sorry state of affairs aflicting the Hindu community for thousands of years? Here is a proposal. It is a drastic legal measure. Is anybody listening?

The first thing required on the part of this country is to constitutionally recognise the reality of the existence of castes among Hindus in Indian society – instead of abolishing castes on paper. Let India face the reality, the truth. Suppression of truth is the worst thing to deal with it. The second thing that the Constitution should state is to recognise that all these castes in India are acquired by inheritence – by virtue of being born in a family. The third thing that is required is to make a provision to allow parliament to enact appropriate law to regulate the allocation of castes only on the basis of one’s avocation – Karma – and ban the inheritence of these castes by birth by making it a crime punishable by law. Once the existence of castes among Hindus is recognized and parliament is allowed to make law to reform it, its root (caste by birth) can be easily shaken, uprooted and destroyed.

Law should provide the aquision and change of a caste based on one’s vocation any number of times in one’s life. Then, merging of all castes and sub-castes into only four castes allowed by Hindu scriptures may be codified into a Hindu Caste Law.

These steps would shake the thousands of years’ old caste structure plauging India and pave the way to make castes insignificant in their utility, and pushing casteism to its death over a period of time. Also, this legal technique would put an end to the need of reservation in the name of bringing social equality and justice.

This measure would strike hard at two fronts: first against those who have vested interest in perpetuating the castes by birth and privilages associated with those castes. Secondly, it would strike at those who do caste politics, make castes a tool of historical retribution and want to continue (alleged lower) caste-formations for centuries to come, if not forever, and intend to break India along the caste-fault-line. This would be no mean achievement by India. After all, India has not been able to achieve this objective for thòusands of years despite heroic efforts made by Gautam Buddha, Shankaracharya, Swamy Dayanand, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Mahatma Gandhi, Bhimrao Ambedkar, Jyotiba Fule and many more like them.

It looks obvious that the ferocious opposition to such measures would come from these two segements: Firstly, from those who enjoy (the alleged high) caste-by-birth privilages; and secondly, from those who do (alleged lower) caste-by-birth politics and enjoy its sweet fruits. Let India ponder over these caste reformatory measures and save Hindus from their extinction in Hindustan.

जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक का कालाधंधा और उस पर छापेमारी

रंजीत सिंह

जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक पर छापेमारी हो रही है, उसके चेयरमैन परवेज अहमद को बर्खास्त कर दिया गया है और बैंक के दस्तावेजों की जांच जारी है। ऐसा क्यों किया गया है, आऔ हम इसके बारे मे जानकारी हासिल करें।

मोदी सरकार का कार्यकाल आरंभ होते ही, उसके गृहमंत्री अमित शाह ने देश में भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ सफाई अभियान चालू कर दिया है। सबसे पहले अमित शाह की दृष्टि पड़ी है जम्मू-कश्मीर में फैले भ्रष्टाचार, आतंकियों की फंडिंग करने वौर हवाला करोबार का केंद्र बिंदु बन चुके जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक और उसके अधिकारियों पर। उस पर अब कड़ी कार्रवाई शुरू हो चुकी है।

आज एक ओर जहां  जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक के चेयरमैन और बोर्ड डायरेक्टर परवेज़ अहमद को पद से हटाकर आर के छिब्बर को नया चेयरमैन और बोर्ड डायरेक्टर नियुक्त कर दिया गया है, वही दूसरी ओर परवेज़ को पद से हटाए जाने के ठीक बाद एंटी करप्शन ब्यूरो ने  जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक के हेडक्वार्टर पर छापेमारी शुरू की है।

परवेज अहमद को हटाने के ठीक बाद स्टेट विजिलेंस टीम ने जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक के श्रीनगर स्थित हेडक्वार्टर पर छापेमारी शुरू की, जो अभी भी जारी है। इस समय बैंक के दस्तावेजों रिकार्ड्स की गहन छानबीन की जा रही है। इसके अतिरिक्त भ्रष्टाचार और भर्तियों में धाँधली के आरोप में पूर्व चेयरमैन परवेज़ अहमद को गिरफ्तार भी किया जा सकता है।

नवनियुक्त जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक के चेयरमैन आर के छिब्बर 1947 के बाद जम्मू एंड कश्मीर बैंक के पहले गैर कश्मीरी गैर मुस्लिम चेयरमैन हैं। आज हुई इस अप्रत्याशित कार्यवाही का उद्देश्य जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक में गहरी जड़ें जमा कर बैठे अलगाववादी समर्थकों के वर्चस्व को तोड़ना भी है।

जम्मू एंड कश्मीर बैंक और उसके वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों पर हवाला ट्रांजैक्शन, जेहादी आतंकवादियों की सहायता करने, कश्मीर में आतंकवाद फैलाने में सहयोग करने, कर्मचारियों की भर्ती में धांधली करने जैसे कई गम्भीर आरोप हैं। परंतु आज तक, कभी भी, किसी भी सरकार के शासन में इन आरोपों पर कोई जांच नहीं हुई थी।

वर्ष 2018 में इस बैंक में क्लर्क भर्ती में कश्मीर घाटी के शांतिदूत अभ्यर्थियों को, जम्मू क्षेत्र के हिन्दू अभ्यर्थियों के मुकाबले कम अंक आने के बावजूद प्राथमिकता दी गई थी, जिसके उपरांत जब जम्मू के अभ्यर्थियों ने विरोध किया वौर प्रश्न खड़े किये तो मामले को दबाने हेतु परीक्षा पास न करने वाले कश्मीरी शांतिदूत अभ्यर्थियों को निकाले बिना, जम्मू के अभ्यर्थियों को भर्ती कर लिया गया।

जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक में घाटी के अलगाववादी समर्थकों का पूरी तरह आधिपत्य है। कहने को तो जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक एक सार्वजनिक बैंक है, परंतु बैंक में चल रहे गोरखधंधे वौर काले कारनामे बाहर ना जाएं इसीलिए बैंक को आरटीआई के दायरे तक से बाहर रखा गया है।सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र का बैंक होने के कारण यह निरंतर सरकार से वित्तीय सहायता तो लेता रहा है परंतु पारदर्शिता व् उत्तरदायित्व के मामले मे यह कभी भी सरकार के प्रति जवाबदेह नहीं रहा है।

जम्मू कश्मीर बैंक द्वारा KYC (नो योर कस्टमर) के नियमों को फॉलो नहीं करने के कारण RBI द्वारा इनपर ₹3 करोड़ का फाइन भी लगाया जा चुका है। इसके अतिरिक्त इस बैंक के NPA (नॉन-परफॉर्मिंग एसेट्स) भी सुरसा के मुंह समान निरंतर बढ़ते ही जा रहे हैं।

इस बैंक के इतिहास और स्थापना की बात करें तो 1938 में महाराजा हरि सिंह ने इसे स्थापित किया था। जम्मू कश्मीर का भारत में विलय होने के पश्चात यह राज्य सरकार के अधीन आ गया और उसके बाद से ही यह अलगाववादी समर्थकों, हवाला करोबार, भर्तियों में धाँधली व् पैसों के अवैध लेन-देन का अड्डा बन गया, जिसमें तबसे लेकर आजतक कश्मीर घाटी के अलगाववादी समर्थकों का ही कब्जा रहा।

आपको यह जानकर अचरज होगा कि पिछले वर्ष जब इस बैंक के 80 वर्ष पूरे होने का उत्सव मनाया गया तो उस पूरे कार्यक्रम में कहीं भी बैंक के संस्थापक महाराजा हरि सिंह की तस्वीर और उनके नाम का नामोनिशान तक नहीं था।स्थिति यह है कि बैंक की अधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर भी बैंक के संस्थापक का कहीं कोई उल्लेख नहीं है।

परंतु आज हुई इस कार्यवाही से यह अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है कि आने वाले समय में इस प्रकार के गोरखधंधों में लिप्त संस्थानों पर मोदी नीत भारत की सरकार कठोर कर्यवाही कर देश विरोधियों के हौसले, उनके एजेंडे और उनकी कमर तोड़ने का काम पूरे समर्पण व् लगन के साथ करने का मन बनाकर बैठी है। एक कहावत है “देर आयद, दुरूश्त इयद” यानि “भले ही काम देर से हुआ, पर सही हुआ”।

Making of an Indian Prime Minister: in images

Modi, infant with his mother

Modi, as a young boy

Modi, as a young man

Modi, as a thoughtful young man

Modi, in jovial mood

Modi, onset towards spiritual journey

Modi, in search of ultimate truth

Modi, in search of enlightnment

Modi, devoted to Divine

Modi, drawn towards Karm Yoga

Modi, towards action in society

Modi, searching God in poor people

Modi, a determined social activist

Modi, as a soldier of RSS (Hindu nationalist organization)

Modi, a disciplined soldier listens his leaders

Modi, becomes a part of common masses

Modi, in the company of political bigwigs

Modi, taking oath as Chief Minister of Gujrat

Modi, taking oath as Prime Minister of India


New Modi Govt and Pakistan Problem

This article was originally published under the caption ‘With War and Without War: How to deal with Pakistan’ on February 23, 2019.

Republished on March 23, 2019 under the caption “How to solve India’s “Pakistan” problem permanently?

Today on 31st May 2019 the new Modi government has taken over. The “Pakistan” problem is still there as it has been there since 1947: there is news that while Pak PM is talking of his desire for peace with India, its army is getting its terrorists launch pads ready to cross over to India. The Modi government must stick to its strategy of “no peace and offensive mode” to force Pak to strain its economy. We are republishing this article once again and adding a video, which was suppressed by the mainstream media:

  1. India as a nation has to accept the reality – the reality about terrorism and its root – before it can hope to deal with it successfully and safeguard its existence against the danger it poses. This reality is that terrorism emanating from Pakistan is not connected with or limited only to Kashmir. This terrorism has a world-wide agenda in general and against India in particular. It would be deceiving oneself if India believes or pretends to believe that terrorists’ agenda is limited to Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan. The sure path to destruction is to reject the reality; history is full of precedents testifying to this fact.
  2. The latest is Pulwama; before that  it was Pathankot and before that it was Urri. And before that there were Kargil, 1971, 1965 and 1948. This is about the past; and it is dead certain that in the future also Pulwama is not going to be the last one. One would wonder, after all, how long Pakistan will continue to do it? The answer is: forever. We do not want to go into the reason of all these past events and future estimation because the reason is well-known and much discussed in the public domain. Suffice it to say here that Pakistan as a nation has been gripped by an idea – draped as a religion but in fact an idea only – that it is the “Command of Almighty God” to either convert all those to their faith who do not bear this faith or, failing to convert them, to kill them. It is firmly believed by these Pakistani irrationals that, as per God’s words, these non-believers are ‘Kafirs’ and this world – this whole earth – has to be made free of all ‘Kafirs’ in obayance to God’s (Allah) commandment. It is a dangerous idea, which in 21st century can onset an atomic war. Unfortunately, humans are still motivated by ideas. We have very recently witnessed people moved by dangerous ideas under Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao tse Tung etc. The idea of ‘Kafir’ and ‘Command of God to convert or kill Kafirs’ is more dangerous than the mentioned ones. It is more dangerous because ‘this idea’ finds place in the minds of millions of those people who are irrational, have firm belief that if they die in an effort to kill “Kafirs”, they will be handsomely rewarded in heaven with beautiful women and possess atomic weapons. It is logical for us to realize that such people may decide to “kill themselves” with these atomic weapons, so that “Kafirs” are also killed along with them. The only thing required for such eventuality is their sense (of irrational mind) that NOW IS THE TIME to do it. Nothing more is needed; and the world will be blown out in a chain reaction of uncontrolled atomic explosions; and nobody is safe – absolutely none!
  3. Why do we call “Pakistan” a problem of India? It should be quite obvious to any observer who is neutral. India has many neighbours but it had no wars with any of them, except a solitary conflict with China in 1962. There has been no wars with Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh and China (with the said exception). But there have been almost continuous – constant – war with Pakistan. Why? The reason is that Pakistan is home to the above said dangerous idea. Therefore, it is a “Pakistan” problem of India. We are going to devote this article for the solution – solution to end this problem forever in the objective world.
  4. Today, the latest Pulwama incident has evoked strong national sentiments in India for revenge, retaliation, national unity, grief, anger, and the determination to crush this rouge country called Pakistan. Such sentiments are natural, justified, necessary, and create a much-needed national determination to teach a lesson to Pakistan. But sentiments are not enough to turn them into reality.
  5. In addition to sentiments, wisdom too is needed. One can very well guess – to an almost certainty – that Pakistan after doing Pulwama – and even at the time of the planning of Pulwama – must have calculated that there would a serious reaction and retaliation from India and it must have got itself prepared to deal with such reaction. In military science, surprise is as weighty an element – if not the most weighty – as the elements of courage, determination, weapons, strategy etc. Indian public suffering under the grief and anger would want the country to quickly punish Pakistan but the wisdom tells us such a retaliatory exercise at this moment is a foolhardy act. Notwithstanding the public sentiment to act quickly, this problem coming from Pakistan is an old one and needs a long-term action plan put into effect immediately. What is this long-term plan that needs to be put into effect quickly? We will deal with it here.
  6. Let us understand and accept the reality. There is war like situation with Pakistan – and war may be started anytime by India – and we can win the war against this state; it is not wishful thinking; India has fought and won several wars against Pakistan. It can be won once again. Let us leave apart for the time being the atomic confrontation between these two countries and neutralization of Pakistan’s missiles laden with atom bombs by preemptively launching Indian Brahmos and using Russian made S-400 anti-missile batteries; we can retaliate and the war  may start, we can deal effectively with it, and we can win that war. Is it a solution? No, it is no solution. We have fought and won many wars in the past with Pakistan and still Pulwama is there. It is no solution.
  7. Addition on March 23, 2019: India has DONE IT in Balakot. India can do it AGAIN and WILL do it again, at its own chosing of time, manner and intensity.  Pakistan must be forced to keep its army / air force / nevy 24 hours in ready mode. If Pakistan relexes its vigil against India, India must use this opportunity to strike on terror camps / terror master minds within Pakistan. This strategy will force Pakistan to remain in a constant ready mode, draining and devouring its economy. Let us move on.
  8. The world we live in, is as it is: devoted to one’s selfish interests. If you start a war, many are against you and many are in favor of you and in any case you have to fight your war yourself. If you win the war the whole world is with you. This world is like this. You need the courage to start the war and your own resources to win, before the world is with you. Still, you win the war against Pakistan and it is no solution.
  9. There are many Pakistans within Pakistan. Today, to the most of the world Pakistan is a terrorist supporting state, and to many countries it is a terrorist state itself. It is an image that official Pakistan has assiduously created for itself. But inside Pakistan, there are many segments. Army, ISI, criminal religious fundamentalists, Madarsas, a large number of terrorist outfits and Jihadi religious ideologues are on the one side of this fragmented Pakistan. Another segment of Pakistan is of those people who are sane people and who do not take to their heart seriously the Islamic religious Jihadist bigotry. Nobody knows how many they are in number – because they fear the dominant rulers. This segment of Pakistani people harbors no hate or enmity against India. But India cannot count on them. Still, their interests should be kept in mind while planning to solve the Pakistan problem. They are an asset to India’s planning and have a dominant role to play in a Pakistan of the post Indian action; they would be much-needed element for a new realignment of forces in this South West area of Asia.
  10. First of all, India must declare its official stand against Pakistan in  un-equivocal terms and make it an international issue: “India rejects that there is any command of God or Allah to kill all those who do not put their faith in His alleged words or commands. India also calls upon the humanity to reject such claim”. It should be India’s official position and India should make efforts to create an international consensus for this stand.
  11. India should adopt the “Constriction Principle” as the permanent part of its national strategy to deal with Pakistan to safeguard and guarantee its existence. What is this constriction principle? It is a technique that a python utilizes to squeeze, suffocate and devour its prey. As a python uses its big size and more strength to chock its prey slowly out of life, so does India would need to utilize its big size, more strength and its geographical proximity to Pakistan to slowly chock this eternal enemy state out of its viability, without waging an open war against it. It would require on the part of India to apply on constant basis a number of measures against Pakistan – as the core principle of its national defense policy. Pakistan would wish it was better for it if it were  located far away from India. The conventional war does not include in these measures – the conventional war is not among them.
  12. These measures are: No. 1: Withdraw unilaterally from Indus Water Treaty, 1960 to renegotiate for new and equitable terms or to abrogate it altogether. It would include all the six rivers – Eastern and Western river systems. Calculate the losses arising out of the breakdown of Brahmputra River treaty with China. There, with China it is a matter of loss of water but with Pakistan it is a matter of national survival of India. No. 2: Respect the aspirations of Baluchistan people for freedom and their urging for help for their right – they were occupied illegally by force. Allow a Baluchistan government in exile in India and recognize it; urge other friendly countries to recognize their government. Calculate the loss arising out of Iranian sentiments against any independent nation of Baluchistan. No. 3: Impose prohibitive custom duty permissible under World Trade Organization obligations for export to Pakistan and import into India of all goods. No. 4: With the 1.5 billion people willing to buy – and able to buy – India is the biggest consumer market in the world today and this  strength must be utilized by India as a lever to “bend” unwilling countries like China to pay heed to its concerns against Pakistan and behave accordingly. Failing which such countries must be made to suffer the economic consequences – to the maximum limit permissible under the World Trade Organization obligations.  It is reasonable that India should be willing to accept its comparatively slower economic progress but not the danger to its very existence as a nation. No. 5: Pass a parliamentary Act declaring Pakistan a Terrorist State, prohibiting any social and cultural exchange with it by Indians. Persuade other friendly countries also to so designate this country and do the same. No. 6: Respect the sentiments of the people of Sind against the injustice of Punjabis of Pakistan. No. 7: Identify, monitor and neutralize all those Indians who support and help Pakistan – overtly or covertly, like working in terrorist modules, supporting Pakistan cause publicly, writing in support of that cause. No. 8: Scrap Articles 35-A and 370 from the Indian constitution. It should be done as early as possible. Encourage ex-army men with licensed rifles to settle in Kashmir. No. 9: Develop indigenous technology – including defense technology – to help achieve these objectives. Rely more and more on technology – information and space technologies – than depending on human resources.
  13. Addition: Strategies which India should pursue – and which India is pursuing – to deal with the rougue state called  Pakistan: India has suddenly chosen not to take Pak attacks lying low, which Pakistan was habituated to  believe – that India will do nothing beyond condemning Pakistan for such attacks. It’s a strategy to keep Pak forces always on standby, which will bleed them financially.
  14. Standby mode of all forces costs the most to a country. Pakistan has only 6 Billion Dollar foreign currency to trade and buy various things from international markets.
  15. It will take maximum 4-6 months for the Pak economy to fall, if India continued this non military war. On the backdrop, pushing terrorists will no more be regular stuff till the war is going on.
  16. Kashmir has close to 200 active terrorists . Govt has been aggressively killing them speedily. The refilling of terrorists from border has stopped.
  17. Fund used by Jamat e Islami to mobilize the terrorists is seized completely under the UN Act for prevention of terrorism.
  18. Inflation in Pakistan has reached from 2% to 10% in just a few days of war. Continuation of the current scenario will lead Pak reach inflation of above 20% in a month.
  19. No economy puts money on war zones. The Saudi announcement of investment will naturally hault if India continues this situation for 4-6 months.
  20. China has an import market of close to 61.5 billion USD in India. As India’s growth as a country is ahead of China, they will have to get in sync on India’s approach.
  21. Baluchistan insurgency adds value to the current situation. It is bleeding Pak internally. But on international front India enjoys support of over 250 countries. International relation of Modi govt has given dividend at the right time.
  22. If the government returns, which is very much likely, India can demolish Pak without much casualty or much use of weapons in just 6 months. If India remains steadfast in sticking to this defence policy, there is not an iota of doubt that this country will not remain politically viable for long.
  23. Remember a Military War will bleed Indian economy and is good for other countries as India will have to buy military products extensively. So till Pak becomes weak enough, a non military war is advisable for us.
  24. Current situation is also pro India, as kashmir insurgency is taking it’s last breath and none of the development work of India is on hold unlike that of Pakistan’s.
  25. If Modi returns as PM, India will be in better position to take back PoK in the coming six months.
  26. By then, expect more Rajya Sabha seats and also the end of 35 A and 370. The demographic profile which changed in 1990, due to the killings of Kashmiri Pandits can be reversed, as any citizen of the country will be able to buy land and invest in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh region.
  27. Taking PoK will also enable Indian political seats. Five seats in the Lower House as well as one in the Rajya Sabha for residents of Gilgit and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) regions will emerge for which the private member bill is already being introduced.
  28. Most importantly it will block all of China’s hardwork and money spent till now in PoK region, to gain permanent control on the region . Taking Baluchistan from Pak will hurt China’s investment the most.
  29. The current scenario is very carefully crafted by the government, and return of a strong Modi as a prime minister will be boon for the country’s sustainability and growth.
  30. Added video:


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